The Allies of Old; Book Two Renewal: Chapter Sixty Two "Sent Message Failed"

in #story7 years ago (edited)

Book Cover created in acrylic by the extremely talented @therealpaul

If you have not read the first book of the series, "Reborn", it is advisable you do so before reading "Renewal" or you will be lost. This link will provide you with a series summary as well as all sixty-eight chapters of Reborn

Table of Contents for Fifty Five chapters of Renewal, created by @bashadow

Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61

Chapter Sixty-Two

Michael jogged down the stairway feeling shaken. He had always thought the girl was beautiful but had not been prepared for the blast of lust that had struck him as he’d curled his arm around her warm back, his hand brushing the curve of her waist. He wasn’t sure if the reaction was simply due to what she’d become or something more. He’d never had difficulty ignoring human females, but Anna had inspired a similar feeling….he shook his head briefly, deciding to put the thoughts away for later examination. For now he needed to make a phone call.

He ducked into a small study and opened his phone typing Anna’s name into his contact list. Her number flashed across the screen and as he pressed send he imagined the little pixie face he’d fantasized about so often in London. An unexpected pang hit him at the recollection, it was the first time he’d thought about her since he’d gone on his quest. He shook his head violently, she belongs to LeJarien and so she should, he admonished, banishing the lingering feelings.

It rang a number of times and went to voicemail. He hung up deciding to wait awhile and try again, feeling it was important to give her the news personally. He slipped the phone into his pocket and walked through the house.

The brothers had gathered in the library once more and he could hear them discussing the things he’d told them, their tones indicating amazement. He thought about the males and decided he genuinely liked them. Though they had slipped from the path, or perhaps never been on the path to begin with, there was something about the trio that inspired trust. Certainly the way they had sheltered and protected Jess added to that, but it was also something in the way they related to one another. A bond of brotherly love like the one he shared with Mathias, Seth and Coderin.

Another unexpected pang lanced through him and he realized he missed his friends. Well, he thought, I’m sure I’ll be seeing them soon.

He stopped and reached out his senses to locate Samuel and Aidan, then turned and headed in their direction.


Anna stood for a moment looking out the window of her bedroom as her mind drifted through the past.

The day after her dad’s funeral Jared had told Mathias that he and Anna would meet up with him in Boston after she’d had some time to grieve. She’d protested feebly at first, thinking she would rather not have to dwell on it, but Jared’s resolve was firm and she quickly saw the wisdom of it.

She’d spent the first day seated in his lap, pouring over old photo albums and telling him stories about her childhood. By that night she had cried herself out. The following day he had helped her put her father’s clothes in boxes which they brought to a local goodwill and after the task was done she felt a deeper sense of closure.

Now she was truly ready to move on. Jenna was already in Europe and had called her that morning to explain the plan she was formulating based on a list of people that Dominique had kept track of, people who appeared to have Faerian abilities. Her plan would ultimately extend to include the Mistress Contessa De’Lacouer. She’d been a bit vague but promised to fill her in when she’d thought it all through.

Anna turned from the window and walked through the house, stopping in the kitchen with a smile curving her lip. Jared was fixing a hinge on the bathroom door and the simple act made him seem almost human.

“Hello handyman,” she smiled provocatively, batting her lashes. He grinned as he finished up.

“Aren’t you going to offer me a glass of iced tea?” he teased.

She laughed. “You watch too much television.” She pressed herself against him and stood on tiptoes to kiss him.

His hands gripped her bottom and he lifted her up, wrapping her legs around his waist. He thrust his hips against her gently and she could feel him hardening instantly with the contact. The male was insatiable…not that she minded.

“Is this the payment you demand for services rendered?” she asked sweetly and flicked her tongue against his lips.

He smiled against her mouth and carried her upstairs.

A half an hour later she fell back against her pillows feeling thoroughly satisfied. Jared hovered over her, a sheen of sweat quickly drying on his forehead. “My beautiful lira,” he said softly and she reached up and traced her finger over his lips.

“Thank you for insisting we stay here,” she said quietly.

He smiled faintly and brushed his lips across hers, then lay down next to her and wrapped her in his arms. “My motives weren’t purely selfless,” he told her as he stroked her hair. “I wanted you alone for a little while before our lives become consumed by duty. Someday we’ll have a real honeymoon Ka-Nai but our immediate future will not allow for a great deal of enjoying one another.”

She nodded and kissed his chest, snuggling tightly against him. How she loved him. So much it took her breath away when she thought about expressing it.

She heard her phone start ringing downstairs and felt a breath of premonition.

“They’ll call back,” Jared told her. He peered at her face and his eyes narrowed in concern. “What is it?”

“I don’t know.” She frowned and they sat up in unison.

He put a hand on her arm. “I’ll get it.” He flashed out of the room and was back a moment later.

She took the cell from his hand and stared at the unfamiliar number. They hadn’t left a message. She thought about redialing but decided to wait awhile and see if they called back.

Jared’s eyes were still narrowed in concern and she smiled up at him, her protective Santyre.

“I’m sure it’s nothing,” she assured him. “I could use a shower, care to join me?” She waggled her eyebrows and he grinned, scooping her up and taking them to the bathroom.

“Insatiable,” she whispered in his ear.

He gripped her chin, a smile crinkling the corners of his ice and diamond eyes. “With you Ka-lira. I will never get enough of you.” He dipped down and kissed her mouth reaching behind her and turning on the shower without breaking contact. A few moments later he stepped into the tub, one arm cradling her bottom, his tongue still invading her mouth as the warm water flowed over them.

She pulled back slightly. “I love you,” she breathed against his lips. She wriggled out of his grip and slid down his body with the intention of showing him just how much.


Jess heard the sound of Anna’s voicemail and waited to see if Michael would leave a message. He didn’t. She figured he’d probably try again later, and then remembered the phone call she needed to make…Austin. She hopped off the bed and fished her phone from her purse, then hesitated. If anyone were listening in….too risky, she’d have to text him. She stared down at the number pad, frowning. What to say? She sighed and began typing.

Hi Austin, Please don’t tell anyone that you saw me yesterday, Michael showed up here and I hadn’t had a chance to explain things to the Brothers Three so…please? Anna and Jenna will know I’m safe and sound by the end of the day, and at some point I’ll tell them the truth but I can’t right now. I appreciate your

What’s a good word she tugged on a lock of hair while she thought...discretion.

She pressed send and a second later the phone gave a loud beep and she looked down at the screen—sent message failed. Damn! She tried a few more times but it wouldn't go through.

So what now she thought in exasperation. Well, she still had another day before he would carry out his threat, she’d just have to find somewhere private to call him later.

She decided to go back out to the patio and find Caroline and Sue, maybe have a few drinks to settle her frazzled nerves.

She was just taking a sip of her Alabama Slammer when she heard a familiar light feminine voice saying

“Hello?” from somewhere in the house and nearly dropped the glass on the counter. She focused on the voice and realized she’d absently kept herself tuned in to Michael and what she was hearing was a phone call.

“Hello Anna, it’s Michael.”

“Oh! Hi Michael, how are you?”

“I’m well, and yourself?”

“Oh very well, thank you.”

There was a slight hesitation before Michael continued. “I’m calling to tell you that I’ve found Jess.”

The silence that greeted him was so complete Jess briefly wondered if he’d lost the call.

"Jess?” Anna finally said in a voice that was barely above a whisper.

“Yes. She’s safe and sound and currently residing in Las Vegas.”

Oh my God,” she breathed, “Oh my God.”

The guilt Jess had so fastidiously held at bay descended like ash from a volcano, suffocating her in its intensity. The tone of Anna’s voice…how could she have thought her loved ones had forgotten her?

She listened with a mixture of sorrow and elation as Michael explained her circumstances and memory loss. She heard another male voice which sounded extremely far away and realized it must be Anna’s mate. He was telling Anna he would call the airline and book a flight out for the following morning. There were a few more words exchanged but Jess lost track of it as she wrestled with her overwhelming guilt.

She stared down at her drink then tipped it back and drained it before pushing it across the wooden surface and asking the guy currently playing bartender for another.

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this is now getting more interesting !

That was intense, poor Jess, all those thoughts and emotions running through her, and Anna, now knowing positively that jess is safe, Oh man the meetup is going to be intense, I can feel it. Thank you absolutely wonderful.

AHAHA! I was about to ask how Jared knew about that handyman trope haha! I'm happy for him that he's spending his time watching porn haha! Really though, I'm just glad that he mellowed out a bit. Now, you know I'm not a huge Anna shipper, but there was a time early on when I was all about backing Anna.

On to Jess, I've said it before, but I think it bears repeating. I really wish that Harri never told them about her survival. Harri's still my favorite so far and I fully trust your process, but I think a conflict that centers around Jess thinking everyone has moved on would be great to elevate Jess up as a character. I really wish she would stop belittling herself, especially now that she's on par with Anna.

With regard to Michael, ugh! I hate that guy even more haha!! It's one thing to get in the way of other people because he feels entitled to something, it's a whole other thing to spoil someone else's news. Austin had it right when he gave Jess the chance to reveal what happened. Michael's heroic (ugh) sacrifice or evil turn (yes!) couldn't come any sooner.

Oh, I'm pretty sure you are going to find new levels of hate for Michael as the series progresses LOL!
I totally understand how you feel about them knowing Jess was alive, and it's in the back of my mind. But the reason was simply that it would have made it super hard for the pace of the story to have that kind of grief to deal with. Basically, since jess is based on a friend I have, I know that I couldn't just cry it out and move on. It would color everything I did and felt for a long time to come, so not just the pace of the story but also the atmosphere would have to be much grimmer. That's the reason, even though I know that it would be a lot more exciting and poignant for them to think she was dead and then find out she wasn't. Trust me I do know that.

Haha yeah! Oh please don't get me wrong, I've said it before, but I truly trust your process :) I'm just providing some counter banters to balance the scales. A sort of check and balance, if you will.

The sustained suspense and air of romance makes it even more captivating.

Great part thanks for sharing

Another well woven chapter my dear friend. I have a feeling if Jared comes face to face with Jess he will spot out her untruthfulness before she gets a chance to explai, this is getting really messy for jess :)

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