The Allies of Old; Book Two Renewal: Chapter Fifty Five "Something Wicked This Way Comes"

in #story7 years ago

Book Cover created in acrylic by the extremely talented @therealpaul

If you have not read the first book of the series, "Reborn", it is advisable you do so before reading "Renewal" or you will be lost. This link will provide you with a series summary as well as all sixty-eight chapters of Reborn

Table of Contents for Fifty Two chapters of Renewal, created by @bashadow

Chapter Fifty-Five

Demetrius extended his hand with a feral smile playing on his lips, his black eyes exuding intense frustration as he beckoned for Tyros to follow him.

“We have been unsuccessful in capturing the female,” he stated, glaring at him. “The fools I assigned to the task are continuously one step behind, and now she is being perpetually guarded by a warrior we had thought long dead…” he clenched his teeth and whirled around to face Tyros, gripping his forearms.

“You failed to mention that this warrior bonded with her,” he hissed. “Do you have any idea how much more difficult this is in light of that fact?”

Tyros calmly pried his brothers curled fingers from his arms meeting his poisonous glare. “I wasn’t aware of it,” he lied easily. “It must’ve happened after I left.” He held his brother’s continued glare and raised an eyebrow. “When I gave you the information you sought she was still in London, and though the males were protective, they were not overly so. It should have been fairly easy for you to get to her.”

Demetrius hissed again then took a long breath. His expression lost its furious edge and he smiled, the curve of his lips twisting into a sneer. “So you’ve finally come to see my empire.”

Tyros inclined his head slightly, his own expression showing mild interest.

Demetrius captured his arm and led him through the refurbished castle emerging onto a large stone porch. He paused for a moment then directed them down a few steps and continued down a wide stone path which took them to the entrance of a large modern building. Electronic doors slid open and Tyros glanced over his shoulder, marveling at the contrast between the castle and this place, as if two worlds had collided and settled next to one another.

They stepped into what looked like the lobby of a grandiose hotel and he felt vibration on the soles of his feet indicating there was music playing somewhere below.
They entered an elevator and he could sense they were dropping deep into the earth. When the doors slid open Tyros was assaulted with sound and light. He looked around in amazement as they walked out into what appeared to be a shopping mall.

Demetrius smiled at his brother’s expression. “Not what you expected?” his smile widened as Tyros blinked at him. “You thought I would be living in the dark ages? No, that was what our father’s kingdom looked like. I told you he lacked vision.”

Ty allowed his brother to guide him down the wide corridor. They passed storefront after storefront, all of which were under construction, people hammering and drilling and shouting while they worked.

They stopped in front of another set of elevators and went down again. This time when the door slid open it was music that assaulted him, dark and pulsing, sinking into his mind and skin. They made their way through the nightclub threading through throngs of both humans and vampires, passing a large dance floor filled with gyrating bodies. Above them cages hung from the rafters, each housing nearly naked erotic dancers undulating an imitation of sex.

Demetrius led him to a set of stairs speaking briefly to vampires they passed along the way. They walked up to a reserved area that was empty at the moment and his brother indicated for him to sit in a plush red velvet cushioned chair at a round table made of marble.

His brother sat down across from him and leaned back, steepling his fingers under his chin. “The city of Asaria- my city- will soon be the largest most revered kingdom the world has ever known. Its very name means “Center of an Empire” and make no mistake little brother, I will be Emperor of half the globe.” He leaned forward placing his hands on the table top. “Let go of this futile indecision and join me. Accept your destiny and you will be second highest in the entire realm, answerable only to me.”

Tyros leaned back and raised an eyebrow. “Half the globe? And what of the other half?”

His brother’s lips twisted in his semblance of a smile. “I am afraid that until you offer me your vow of allegiance I cannot reveal everything to you. It might have been different had you brought the female to me, but…” he narrowed his eyes briefly, “you let the opportunity slide. Still I find that I want you by my side. All you have to do is say a few simple words and I will share with you everything I have.”

Tyros said nothing as his mind worked through the possibilities. He had to assume that the other half of the earth would belong to the demons and that was the arrangement his brother had made with them, though the terms of the agreement eluded him.

His brother’s smile slipped, his expression becoming hard. “Unfortunately, until I have my empress, the prophecy will remain unfulfilled.”

Tyros studied him for a moment. “Surely there are other females out there, ones who have managed to stay hidden-

His brother made a slicing gesture with his hand and hissed, “She is the one! It doesn’t matter if there are others. She is the one that I must have, the reappearance of LeJarienDe’dachielle leaves no room for doubt!”

They heard footsteps approaching and Tyros swiveled in his seat.

A large male crested the stairs and bowed. “My liege.”

Demetrius indicated for him to sit. “Marcus. Tell me you have good news.”

Marcus smiled and Demetrius felt his spirits lift. Tyros regarded them both without expression.

“The male called Michael has started a crusade, one that could be very useful to us. It seems he is rounding up vampires who have yet to drink life’s blood in an attempt to build a small army for the war he knows is coming. It should be a fairly simple matter to insert some of our own into his camp, as his requirements for recruits are minimal. They must only discontinue the practice of drinking human blood, he is not asking for vows.”

Demetrius folded his arms across his broad chest. “Is he a fool? Surely he knows what a precarious position he places himself in. It might be a trap.”

Marcus shook his head. “He seems to have no idea of our existence. I suppose it lends credence to your brother’s claim that he is not a double agent,” his eyes flicked towards Tyros whose own eyes narrowed.

“Leave Tyreguent out of this.” Demetrius sat back thinking rapidly. “Surely he must know there’s a possibility that there are those of our kind who are organized.”

Once again Marcus shook his head. “He only knows of those who run the gaming dungeons and he does not see them as a threat, which of course they are not. There are rumors that he will reinstate the practice of slaughtering any vampire who does not go out in the day, though he has yet to take action. I assume he desires to build his numbers before he attempts it. As long as a male has not drained a human of their life’s blood they are considered redeemable and not even questioned as to their past. He asks only that they turn away from “deviant practices” and follow him. He has given those who refuse him thirty days to change their minds, but even then he will not force them to join him, he will only punish those who continue taking the blood of humans.”

“Considering all those who serve you have taken a vow to keep your existence as well as the existence of our city secret, his threat is laughable. If he comes in contact with any of ours they’ll only need to stay within our walls until he’s dealt with.” Marcus smiled confidently.

“Do you have anyone in mind for this infiltration? I must have the female. I must have my empress in place before the year’s end.”

“I have several in mind and if you trust my judgment I will dispatch them to locations where we believe Michael is headed.”

Demetrius tapped his fingers on the table and shook his head slightly. “The female is not with Michael any longer, how do you know he’ll even lead them to her?”

Marcus smiled chillingly. “He won’t stay away from his comrades forever, and I’m sure she will eventually remake contact with them. In the meantime our spies can place themselves in the positions closest to him.”

Demetrius returned the smile. “Well done Marcus. You will be greatly rewarded if you accomplish this for me. Don’t let me down.”

Marcus stood and bowed low then strode away.

Tyros watched him go feeling Demetrius’s eyes on him. He turned noting his brother’s smile had turned into a scowl.

“They are gathering their own army, this I did not want to hear.” He stood up abruptly, knocking his chair backwards, and glared at Tyros. “You and I are finished for now unless you are prepared to make your vows.”

Ty stood slowly. “I will think on it.”

“Think fast brother for there will come a time when my offer will be withdrawn. My patience wears thin.”

Tyros nodded once and went back the way they’d come.

Generously created for me by @son-of-satire

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And now the building begins, Armies against armies, demons against demons. Brother against brother. In the meantime back in a little city commonly referred to as Sin City, our newly made Vampress enjoys some R&R. This is a very very good story dreemit, I am glad I found it to read, because I have been enjoying it.

Definitely happy to hear that, thank you!!

Amazing part thanks for sharing

Thanks for reading :)

this is a true story ??

Demetrius is such a compelling adversary. I think I know what you're planning to do, but I won't comment it out of fear of spoiling the surprise.

Michael better watch out, rather he better not watch out. Everything's fine, everything's totally cool, just keep doing what you're doing, Michael. That's great ;)

This really makes me wish Demetrius was introduced much earlier. How did he go about amassing his wealth? Seems like every vampire doesn't need to work for a living haha! If this was set in the year 2020, I bet they just invested early on Bitcoin and now they're able to build their own cities haha!

I think you are 100% correct bro. He makes a great adversary and I think that is a great idea for @dreemit to incorporate. Having Anna and vampires attain their wealth through cryptocurrency to make her novel stand out even further beyond the protagonist-vampiric storyline

Another solid chapter, I knew something was brewing in the midst. It seems Jess is out of the picture and Tyros would never offer Jess to Demetrius I feel

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