The Allies of Old; Book Two Renewal: Chapter Fifty One "As Fake As Her Amnesia"

in #story7 years ago (edited)

Book Cover created in acrylic by the extremely talented @therealpaul

If you have not read the first book of the series, "Reborn", it is advisable you do so before reading "Renewal" or you will be lost. This link will provide you with a series summary as well as all sixty-eight chapters of Reborn

Chapter Fifty-One

Jess boarded the plane that would take them to the States with mixed feelings. On one hand she longed to be back in her own country, surrounded by familiar culture and language, but on the other she feared leaving the city where Jenna and Anna were most likely looking for her.

She settled into a seat by the window and Chris slid in beside her, smiling gently. She smiled back, but it was as fake as her amnesia.

“I know we haven’t had much time to talk these past few days,” he began, “I’m sorry about that, there were things we needed to attend to.”

She nodded slightly, the gesture being her most frequent means of communication with the males that she still knew virtually nothing about.

“Aerik explained that when we get to Vegas you have to be careful not to reveal our true natures, right?”

She nodded again. He had. He’d told her their estate was generally filled with people and none of them knew they were vampires.

“I think you’ll like it there, I hope so anyway. We want you to feel at home, so please let us know anything we can do to make you comfortable.” He smiled again and she caught a glimpse of the skull ring poking out of his tongue and barely suppressed a grimace.

He stood and moved to the front of the jet and sat with his brothers. She listened to their conversation hoping to learn something, anything that would help her understand them better. They were talking about the casino they owned which they referred to as “The Palace”, discussing a few of their employees who apparently deserved a raise.

She closed her eyes and sank back against the seat. Maybe once they were there she wouldn’t be constantly guarded and she could find a way to get to New York. Or at least a phone.

Aerik glanced over his shoulder at the girl. She appeared to be taking a nap. The moment they’d stepped on the plane he’d felt a great sense of relief. They were on their way back to their well protected homestead, far away from any real danger.

She’d been extremely quiet the last few days and he wondered if it was her nature or if her addled brain was the cause. At least she appeared to be coping and he hoped that once they were home where they could shower her with attention and gifts she might come out of herself a bit.

He and his brothers had discussed at length how they would handle her and decided that for a while they would continue to watch over her, one of them staying close at all times. For their safety as well as hers, since her abilities were new to her and they couldn’t risk exposure.

They’d also agreed to avoid any romantic attachments with her. For one thing she was very young and for another, none of them were big on the idea of an exclusive commitment, which was what she deserved. What she would eventually have if they had anything to say about it. She was a rare and precious commodity, possibly the only unturned female on the earth, and if she were able to breed…she just might be the most important creature on the planet.

At any rate she was their responsibility and they took it very seriously. They would treat her as their sister and protect her with their lives.

When the plane landed they were greeted at the runway by their chauffeur/personal assistant John Ryan who handed Jay a manila envelope. It contained several items of identification for one Elizabeth Jayne.

Jay gave it to Liz with a smile and she pulled out the birth certificate, social security card, and driver’s license with an expression of amazement. “They look real,” she said.

“For all intents and purposes, they are real,” Aerik assured her, taking her elbow and guiding her to their Mercedes Limousine. The look of amazement stayed fastened on her face as she climbed into the luxurious car but she refrained from comment.

“We’re making a stop before we take you home,” Chris pressed the intercom and instructed John to take them downtown.

“You’re going to need some things,” Jay told her, “clothes especially. Someday soon we’ll take you shopping wherever you’d like to go, but for now we’ll just go to the outlet mall and grab a few things, is that okay with you?”

She smiled and nodded. “Thank you.”

“Don’t mention it,” Chris smiled back. “Like I said before, anything you need to feel comfortable, don’t hesitate to ask.”

They went to a few different stores and she picked out several outfits and other personal items. She felt awkward spending their money but there was no help for it. Currently all she had was a few jogging suits they’d brought home to her in England, which at the time suited her fine since she hadn’t left the house. But now even if she didn’t go anywhere, the way they’d described their home made her picture Grand Central Station. Her life may have changed but she still had a certain amount of vanity.

She announced quietly that she had what she needed and they relieved her of her items, Jay escorting her back outside while the other two went through the checkout.
Then they were on the road again and twenty minutes later they were pulling up a long driveway where they stopped in front of a towering gate. A moment later it opened electronically revealing an immense estate. Jess found herself gaping at the property as they drove through. It was completely surrounded by a wrought iron fence, most of which was covered in a thick blanket of something that resembled ivy, effectively closing them off from the outside world. There were statues of all shapes and sizes and beautiful fountains surrounded by elaborate gardens and she stared at these before moving her gaze to the most enormous house she had ever seen. She had thought Michael’s home was a mansion but now realized she was wrong, this was a mansion.

“Do you like it?” Chris asked with a smile.

She turned toward him, her eyes wide. “It’s enormous.”
He grinned and this time when she spotted the skull tongue ring it didn’t bother her as much.

“We’ll give you the grand tour and you can pick out a suite of rooms that suits you.”

She nodded shyly trying to think of something to say but all she could come up with was “Thank You” to which he replied “Mi Casa es Su Casa,” squeezing her shoulder affectionately.

As they climbed out of the car and started up the green marble steps that led to the entrance, she felt a flash of anxiety. Despite their continued kindness she still hadn’t quite gotten past their gothic styles and on top of everything they were obscenely wealthy. Please, she prayed silently, let them not be connected to the vampiresses in London, let them be as kind as they seem.

Generously created for me by @son-of-satire

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I'm still sorting through the massive amount of photos and videos taken this weekend at the Supernatural Convention in Pittsburgh- There will be posts to come



I read what you write, it is a very interesting story, where can I get the book?

I will be publishing this coming year, but for now it's only available here I'm afraid. Have you read the first book? The link underneath the cover contains all of the chapters for that :)

thank you for sharing. I will read it, and I can not wait to wait for the next book

Really!!It's interesting story..I enjoyed it.👌😃

@dreemit Really intriguing and insightful submit. Want you the most effective with all of your potential endeavors.

You raise an interesting question here, my friend. Now that Jess is like Anna, does that take away from Anna's being special or is the prophecy too big a gap? It certainly takes away her uniqueness, which I'm sure both girls won't have any problems with. While I've been enjoying Jess' side quite a bit, I can't help but feel that the length of time spent could've been better interspersed with the other storylines. This goes back to my thinking that this should've happened way earlier in the story so as not to be hampered by the other storyline.

Looks like you two had a wonderful time at the convention! :D

I am looking forward to reading your stories. I will be building myself a TOC for book 1 Reborn, then one for Book 2 Renewal. I will be posting these on my blog post so please let me know if you would prefer I do not. As I mentioned to @papa-pepper please feel free to take, modify and post on yours or use as you see fit.

I have a TOC up so starting with Reborn, thank you in advance for the story to read.

As far as I’m concerned, Jess is still completely separate in storyline from Anna with her character and purpose. Nobody can knock Anna off her pedestal because she is married to Jared the legendary warrior and Jess has yet to unlock her Faerien healing powers to make her a formidable threat to demons

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