Allies of Old; Book Two Renewal: Chapter Thirty Five "Gathering"

in #story7 years ago

Book Cover created in acrylic by the extremely talented @therealpaul

If you have not read the first book of the series, "Reborn", it is advisable you do so before reading "Renewal" or you will be lost. This link will provide you with a series summary as well as all sixty-eight chapters of Reborn

Chapter Thirty-Five

It was the day before the funeral when people began to arrive, and as she formed a group hug out on the patio with Macey, Marina, and Holly, Anna found herself wishing the morbid ceremony was already over. She was profoundly grateful to Jenna who had filled everyone in as she'd called them, sparing her the emotional exhaustion of repetitive explanations, but the past few days had taken a toll on her regardless. Too many hours of inactivity had led her mind down trails she would have preferred to avoid for years. Such as her dad being the first of many people she would lose in her life. She could hardly believe she still had fluid left in her tear ducts, but as she held onto the girls her treacherous mind whispered that one day she would be going to their funerals as well, and the tears streamed down her face. Not for a long fucking time! She yelled at herself, and when they broke apart she stepped back and wiped her eyes, managing a weak smile.

Marina looked shell-shocked. “I can’t believe he’s gone,” she shook her head, "First your mom and now...I just can't believe it."

Holly was gazing at her sadly while Macey stared at the ground, tears sliding down her face.

Crying was an extremely rare thing for Macey and somehow it gave Anna the strength she needed to push her morbid thoughts away. She took a fortifying breath and her voice was steady when she spoke.

“It’s okay guys, I’ll be okay. His death could not have been more peaceful and natural," she smiled ruefully. "In fact I think he caused the tumor. I know that sounds ridiculous but he always believed that the mind is a powerful thing, it’s as if he willed it into being. And the truth is I already lost him when my mom died, and now he's where he wants to be.”

Marina and Macey nodded but Holly appeared unconvinced and Anna decided it was time to shift gears. She gestured toward the house and this time when she smiled it was genuine. “Come inside and meet my soul mate.”

Jared was in the living room watching television and he stood when they came in. Holly actually gasped causing Jenna to giggle which in turn made Anna grin as she introduced them.

“This is Marina, Macey, and Holly,” Anna told him, pointing to each one.

“Nice to meet you,” he stated, which was an improvement from his usual nod or grunt.

“Wow, you’re enormous,” Marina observed and Macey burst out laughing. Anna joined in and Jared smiled.

“Knock your socks off gorgeous too,” Marina added, turning his smile into a grin.

Holly giggled poking Marina in the ribs with her elbow.

“What? It’s the truth,” Marina made a face and then their attention was shifted to a car speeding up the driveway.

“Will and Josh are here!” Anna clapped her hands and ran for the door, everyone following behind her.

As soon as they climbed from the car she threw herself into Josh’s arms, heedless of Jared’s disapproval. She’d already told him about his suspected orientation so he had no reason to be jealous.

Apparently that didn’t matter. “Your, uh, male is glowering,” Josh whispered in her ear.

“Whispering doesn’t help, remember?” She glanced at Jared who was standing by the door with narrowed eyes. She gave him a pleading look and he relaxed slightly.

“Go and talk to him,” she told Josh, “please?”

“For you.”

She watched as he approached him and snickered at Jared’s uninviting expression.

Will kept the hug brief. “Not really interested in tangling with Mr. Muscles,” he told her with a grin.

She laughed. “He won’t do anything except maybe skewer you with his eyes.” She listened to Josh making headway and smiled.

“What’s up?” Will asked, nodding towards them.

“They’re talking. Congenially.”

“Nice. Josh has a way of putting people-and other things-at ease.” He grinned again. “So how’s married life?”

Anna smiled brightly. “Great! We said our vows at a park next to a waterfall. It was beautiful, I actually felt our union being blessed by creation.”

Will's brows went in the air. “Huh, and I thought I was only teasing,” he smiled in bemusement before his expression sobered. “So…I’m sorry about your dad. You seem to be doing well.”

She nodded. “I am. I’ll miss him, but I’ve made peace with it.” As soon as she said it she had an image of him the last time she’d seen him before she’d known he was sick and bit her lip, “I’m at peace with it but that doesn’t stop me from feeling sad.” Her eyes glistened and Will squeezed her shoulder.

She shook herself. “I told you about him, how he was more dead than alive without my mom.” Will nodded and she continued, “I’ve always thought the line “they’re in a better place,” was somewhat cheesy but now I see that it’s fitting.” She smiled and gave him a peck on the cheek. “Now, go over there and talk demon fighting, it’s important to me that you make friends with him. He’s already been on the phone with Mathias which is really great. It seems our days of isolation are over.” She crossed her eyes and he laughed.

“Yeah Mathias filled me in. He refers to your man as the King of the vampires and believes his involvement indicates things are about to get serious.” Will cocked his head, his eyes sparkling, “So that would make you Queen, wouldn’t it?” He bowed low taking her hand and kissing it, “Your majesty,” he said and she giggled.

He turned towards Jared and she walked over to the girls who had convened at the patio table. Macey, Marina, and Holly were talking about college life and as they shared funny stories about dorm living and frat parties Anna couldn’t help feeling a little out of place. It seemed like they’d been residing on two separate planets. Jenna met her eyes across the table, silently conveying her own feelings were similar.

Jenna had told the girls the same story she’d fed her parents about Jess meeting a guy in Europe, something they’d accepted without question and when Holly asked how Jess was doing Jenna responded, “Fine, I think,” then quickly changed the subject veering it back to their college anecdotes.

After a while Anna excused herself and went inside. Will was at the kitchen table stuffing his face with the food Bonnie had brought over and she sat down with him.

“So Jared and I met a family of Lyncane in Scotland,” she said as she plucked an olive from the veggie tray.

His eyes widened and he swallowed down his mouthful. “No shit? Friends or foes?”

“Friends.” She started relaying the story and had just gotten to the part where Jared had conceded to let her help the young wolf when she heard Marina’s voice ring out from the patio.

“Aussie! Long time no see!”

She froze in mid-sentence and Will raised a brow. “This is gonna be awkward,” he stated, then reached over and patted her hand sympathetically as he stood up.

She cringed as she heard Marina ask him what happened to his hand. Every time she’d thought about the way they’d parted she was filled with guilt. She had assumed he must hate her, and didn’t blame him. Yet he was here.

He had been here with her when it was her mother’s gathering, had held her and comforted her, had spent days upon days with her while she’d cried. He’d been the best friend a person could ever ask for and she’d repaid him with heartbreak.

She stretched out her senses to locate Jared and heard him outside on the front porch with Josh and…apparently Mathias had arrived. She broke the contact and noticed Will had wandered away.

She stood slowly and made her way to the screened door in the back of the house. Austin sensed her presence and turned, meeting her eyes. She felt tears pricking the back of her lids as she pushed open the door and walked up to him.

His voice was thick with emotion when he spoke. “I’m so sorry about your dad.”

She nodded weakly, looking at his broken hand. “I’m…I’m…”

“Don’t,” he whispered, “just tell me you’re okay.”

The tears came then, and she gently took his hand and concentrated. She could tell the bones had begun to mend but there was still some pain as she completed the healing process.

An inhuman roar ripped through the air startling them and he pulled away from her, raising his hands in the air as Jared came tearing around the house. His eyes were shooting laser beams and Anna had a moment to be glad that Bonnie had gone home, particularly when he bared his fangs.
Mathias rushed over situating himself between Jared and Austin. “Calm down brother,” he coaxed.

Jared stood there for a moment with his fists clenched at his sides growling low in his throat. Doing a quick sweep of the patio he forced himself to gain control and his fangs disappeared into his mouth, though his eyes still held a vicious threat.

He pulled Anna’s hands into his and she realized it must have been her pain that had brought him running.

She found her voice and looked pleadingly up at him. “It was my fault, his hand is broken because of me, the least I could do is fix it.”

He glared down at her. “NO. You are not to touch him,” he growled and turned to Austin, his expression dark and dangerous.

“I’m sorry,” Austin finally spoke up. “I didn’t come here to cause trouble. We’ve been friends for a long time…”

“I know all about your friendship,” Jared snarled. “Due to the circumstances of this gathering I will allow you to be here, but do not touch her again.” He looked down at Anna fiercely. “If he does I promise you will not like the outcome.” He drew in a breath and let it out slowly then turned and strode back toward the front of the house.

“Whew!” Macey stated after he’d disappeared around the corner.

Anna turned to see the girls staring at her with round eyes.

“Aussie, I don’t think you should antagonize giant vampires,” Marina said with a laugh and Austin frowned darkly. She started to say something else but Will cut her off.

“Hey man, why don’t we go inside?” he jerked his head towards the door and Austin nodded.

“I’m sorry,” Anna said quietly as he passed her.

A storm of emotions slid across his face. “Yeah, me too.” He offered a brief, weak smile before heading indoors.

Generously created for me by @son-of-satire


Hello @dreemit

Though I have not been really following your series due to distraction here and there, I am deeply motivated by your consistency.

I started writing a book months ago but I abandoned it, you have given me a sense of ressponsibilty and I think I have to start sharing it with you guys here on Steemit.

Thanks for sharing this.


Oh, that's awesome! When you start posting it let me fact link your first chapter in one of my comment sections :)

Interesting story waiting for ch#6 voted and followed wish you the same work on poetry ..😊

Thank you :) I don't write poetry very often, I'm definitely more of a long story writer.

I work on poetry have alook hope you like :) Wish you best of luck on your stories..;)

Thankyou, thankyou very much :)

Really though, I think Austin shouldn't have come. He could've just called to say his condolences or something. We all know how Jared feels about him, and since he can't help but draw attention to himself, their encounter is just going to steal from the solemn affair. What should be a gathering about the passing of Anna's father turned into anything but. Sure, Jared's jealousy is a little over the top, but so is everything about him. In those cases, I think people who could adjust should adjust.

Austin really doesn't have a place in this anymore, I think. There was a point in the series where I felt sorry for him being caught in the middle of a predestined love affair, but now I feel like he's overstayed his welcome. Maybe it's my hate of exes trying to butt in, but yeah. Just like Michael, I think Austin needs to ride off into the sunset...or get his head chopped off in a gruesome action sequence, but that's more for Michael. Ugh, I really don't like that guy.

It's been a long time since we last saw the girls, and the divide between what's been happening with them and the series was perfectly executed. Anna's off into other worlds and can't be bothered by mundane human affairs. She has a prophecy to fulfill after all!

Austin has his role to play in the upcoming events though. So you and Jared might both have to get used to it. ;)

OH! You've already read past this chapter? haha! Wait, wait, don't tell me? Heroic death? Wait, no. :O He'll turn evil! Please tell he'll turn evil!

No, I haven't read past here. But remember he got the amulet / medallion thing? @dreemit doesn't write anything without a reason, so there are adventures for him coming up for sure.

Yeah haha I want the amulet to be snatched away by Michael, in his quest to defect to the evil side, with the consequence of killing Austin in the process. Then, Michael turns out to be the big bad of Renewal haha!

Oh that was a close one, I thought for a second Austin was going to make a slick move and Anna would have been embracing him in a naturally consoling hug, but yeah Jared was able to quell his anger only because he loves Anna deeply. Austin will have to earn Jared's respect when they fight along side one another maybe lol

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