The importance of being yourself

in #story8 years ago (edited)

My story

During the last couple of years I’ve changed a lot in terms of values and belief systems. I started to look at things from different points of view, which is always helpful.

One of the most fascinating time was when I encountered an idea of being yourself. I thought it sounds weird and ridiculous.

Over time however my mindset began to mature and I looked closer at already familiar things and ideas that I found hard to understand previously.

One day I was attending a conference and suddenly I started to realize that I’m behaving differently. I wasn’t that energized positive guy, instead I was afraid. I was afraid to reveal myself to unknown people.

I thought they won’t understand me because of the reason that I couldn’t even come up with. That day was hard for me mentally because of the pressure that I put on myself.

After a while I decided to change my emotional state from being scared talking to people into something more awesome, which was excitement and curiosity.

The most interesting thing is that you can do this in a speed of a flash; and for me it worked :)

So I came to one person and stroke up a conversation. I felt released, alive and curious. When you challenge yourself with uncertainty, you never know which place it will bring you to.

Turned out the guy was a lawyer who is closely related to crypto currencies and IT technologies in general. It was an amazing talk that lead to a great friendship.

The lesson that I took that day was one of the most valuable lessons of my whole life – be yourself everywhere always.

Obviously you have to figure out who you really are in the first place, and then choose to express your personality in every occasion possible, despite of the fear and doubt that always will be carried around.

Here’s 4 reasons of why being yourself is important:

You don’t have to pretend of being somebody else

Lots of teenagers use this every day. They are trying to be a certain type of person with their friends, yet another with their parents, and completely different with teachers or just simply unknown people.

They are doing this to benefit from a specific situation, which may or may not lead to positive results. It can be convenient to act as a confident person in front of your friends. At the same time speaking in front of an audience is a huge problem, haven’t you noticed that?

The most hurtful part from all of this is that adults are getting accustomed to such behavior as well.

They are wearing a mask of a different person every day. Sometimes it seems like they are living in a play, as if it is their job to be different.

To be honest, I don’t like it. I don’t like when a person is pretending being somebody who he/she really is not. It is proving that he/she has no guts to be unique and act the way he/she wants despite of the noise of the crowd and pointed fingers.

I believe being yourself is a trait of courageous person. It is not easy to genuinely show up who you are and ignore the fact that you may not be accepted by the masses.

It is also not that easy to continue being yourself, to sustain that character no matter what feedback you receive from the outside world.

The hardest part I suppose is to define who you really are and consistently remind yourself that. It is your job, do not neglect it.

People will know what to expect

When you act authentically the majority of your time, despite of the pressure of uncertainty and unknown, people will know what to expect from you.

Maybe you have some odd habit of always telling what you think instantaneously. By speaking to you for a couple of days even, they will know for sure that you’re a direct person and nothing significant can be hidden inside your head.

This is quite interesting and can be used in one way or another.

People start trusting you

Over time when you show people what you are made of, what is your true essence, they start to trust you. I don’t know how it is done but it works this way.

When a person knows who you are, he/she can rely on you because of previous positive experiences.

On the other side, when you conceal yourself and pretend being somebody else in different locations even, people will start to notice your weird attitude towards life and eventually close the relationships with you.

Being yourself is beautiful and attractive

It really is :)

In fact, this is the most admirable thing anybody can do. The reason why it is so appealing is because it feels natural. It feels that a person don’t have to struggle to come up with the most suitable personality. He/she just do what they always do.

If they are shy, they keep being shy. If they are energized, they keep being that. But they rarely allow an external influence to ruin an expression of a soul that shines through their body.

Image credits: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

Hope you loved a story.

Your friend, Dmitriy :)


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hello @dmitriybtc, just stopping back to let you know that your post was one of my favourite reads on my Steemit Ramble yesterday. You can read what I wrote about it here

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