in #story6 years ago

Image Source: Pixabay



I was done preparing for my first date with Richard. The Victoria's Secret perfume I wore, my Gucci hand bag, Gucci shoes, sexy red and a little revealing gown was a force to reckon with, should Richard set his eyes on me (I thought). Soon I heard a car horn outside the gates and I peeped out the window to see Richard adjusting his clean, well knotted tie on a sky blue shirt with a fitted black suit. He looked handsome as always and for the second time, I was tripping.

I got out to meet him and he opened the door for me to enter just like every gentleman would do with smiles all over his face... "You look drop dead gorgeous ma'm"

I returned a smile and entered the car. In the car, he wanted to start apologizing all over again before I cut him short with "please can we just change the topic?". Now, we were at the hotel after a twenty minutes drive.

The entrance of the hotel was so beautiful and without being told, the interior was perceived to be lavished with expensive fittings. My guess was as good as right when we finally entered the building. He took me to the eatery section where he bought champagne and we ordered our various choice dish. We talked more about family backgrounds, up-bringing, hobbies and likes and dislikes. We even played a word game while eating and it was so much fun. Three hours with Richard was like three minutes because everything he said or did was interesting, he was funny and good with words. A fine, intelligent man I must confess. Now, we were done with dinner and it was already past 7pm.

Richard pleaded I come and see his room as it was still in the same building(5th floor) before leaving for home. Being Sharp girl, I already knew what was going to transpire if I decided to go with him to his room, but what the hell?...i was just in the mood and a touch from Richard after gulping glasses of champagne was a step in the right direction for me. I clearly wasn't thinking straight, blame it on the alcohol!!!

We took the elevator to the fifth floor and we were in Richard's room. The room was way finer than the eatery section, with air-conditioning, purple silk rouge,finely made wardrobes, smart TV, golden curtains and chandelier light bulbs. I looked on the table and saw the hotel's service manual, I glanced through and saw "#150k per night for luxurious suites". Richard had been in the hotel for three nights now and it dawned on me that we hadn't discussed for one day,in all our lengthy chats and phone calls, what it was he did for a living. He was obviously rich with the way he spent the Nigerian currency, but he was such a young man. I was lost in thoughts till Richard came calling with a glass of chilled wine.

We talked some more without him instigating anything sexual, but just like in the movies, we soon found our faces closing in and our lips locked in such an amazing kiss. He carried me up while kissing and threw on me bed like a wolf ready to devour it's prey. He took off his clothes and mine leaving us both stack naked, then, he started living my toes, my thighs up-to my belly button and now to my breast. Richard was sure good with the female body parts as he kept hitting my g-spot with his fingers, I felt series of cold shivers run down my spine, my p**sy was so wet and all I could think of was having all of Richard inside me. Just like an iron rod, Richard came in so hard, turning me over to different, adventurous and amazing sex positions anyone could ever imagine. I screamed on several occasions, an expression of pain and pleasure. We both reached orgasm before we got all cuddled up in bed, forgetting that there was anything like TIME. I was now madly in love with him and I was pretty sure he felt the same way for me, we didn't need a third party to help us read the writing on the wall.

It was now 9:36pm and I felt my parents would be so worried, so I told him it was time for me to head back home. For a while he kept a moody face as if he wanted me to spend the night but I acted not to notice. He sluggishly got up, dressed and walked me to the car park. Richard and I were already at the car park where the cab driver was waiting when his phone rang with an emergency. He apologized for not being able to drop me off and slipped something into my hand bag with descriptions to the driver on where to drop me. He promised to make it up to me and I believed him.

I entered the cab to my place filling tipsy, I had taken too much wine for one night. I got home to find my parents weren't back yet, so I headed straight to my room where I freshened up and then to the kitchen to make dinner. After dinner, I stayed up late to watch cartoons in the parlor, I loved animated series of which "Tom and Jerry" was my favorite. I was still at it when I rememebered I hadn't checked to see what Richard had put in my handbag, so I went to my room and opened the bag I came back with. The package was neatly packed in a small polythene nylon and tied with a rubber band,it looked pretty much like a cash bundle from the outside, but a cash bundle this big should really be a lot (i thought). However, I opened to satisfy my curiosity and there it was, fifty thousand naira cash, counted and recounted. With excitement, I dialed his number to thank him for being so generous but he didn't pick up, probably due to the emergency (I thought), "well, I will call him first thing tomorrow morning then".

The next morning, I called Richard to thank him for the 50k and he broke a shocking news to me... "I am leaving the country".

"To where? When? How? Why?"

I just wanted him to answer all questions at the same time... Was he being chased?

A lot of questions crowded my reasoning as we spoke. He said I should hurry to the hotel, that he needed to kiss me goodbye and explain things as fast as possible before heading to the airport.

Now, I could feel my heart beating in my mouth as he said those words and hung up on me. It was a moment of confusion and anxiety, I needed to clear my head of those thoughts by picking up my small hand bag and heading straight to his hotel.

Getting there, there were cops all over, "what could have happened? "..."was there a robbery?"..."was anyone killed?". Again, the thought of Richard flipped through my mind like a wild wind.

I crossed the "out of bounds" wirings that was placed at the entrance of the hotel, the cops were yelling at me but I turned a dead ear. I got in, took the stairs straight to Richard's room and found Richard lying in cold blood right on the same bed we made love. The sight was unbearable and before I knew it, I was down to the floor, gasping for air.

Next I remembered was waking up on a hospital bed with my mom and dad beside me. I later made enquiries as to what went wrong, only to discover that Richard was a drug dealer who got shot by a rival dealer. I felt used, I felt cheated on, I felt horrible, how could I have fallen in love with a drug dealer? I could I be so insensitive not to even ask what he did for a living all these while? "Oh God!!"..i exclaimed in dismay.

Three weeks after the incident, just when I was still picking up the little pieces of my heart and trying to get myself back to normal, I discovered I was two weeks pregnant for Richard. Now, what will I tell our unborn baby?, that the dad was a drug dealer who I wasn't married to and got shot in cold blood? My life was in ruins, I was betrayed, I was lost and my SOUL was forever WOUNDED.

Thanks for reading


Searching to know the limits in everything!!!


So pathetic

It is, but teaches us a lot of lessons

Very sympathetic post ,
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Thanks for stopping by@victordaniels

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