in #story6 years ago

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There is this guy named Richard I saw on Facebook as "people you may know", his profile picture tickled my fancy with his nice and charming looks. I couldn't help but spy on his page to feed my curiosity with all the information there in. Checking his Facebook page was like a fish taking the bait and before i could say "JACK", I was already crushing on him.

I quickly sent a friend request, but promised myself never to send a direct message to him as it might make me look awkwardly cheap to interact with. He accepted my request as expected and sent a direct message to me almost immediately saying "hello dear". I was glad he sent a message across but was very careful not to show it, so i calmly replied "hi". We started chatting from there, we chatted about family, friends, past relationships, unfulfilled dreams, future plans among others. We talked mostly on phone, because i enjoyed hearing is lovely ascent. Our chats flowed so well and It just seemed like he was created for me and I for him. The chats were endless as sleep, work and eating were the only barrier to how long we sustained a chat once we started.

As time went on, I found out that my thoughts were all about him, I see him in my dreams, his face reflects whenever I stare at the mirror. Was this love or infatuation?.. or was it just an illusion? I just couldn't tell. I longed to see him in person, while I threw myself at him in our chats. It became obvious without a third party that we were both into each other, but he never said a word about starting a date with me and this kept me wondering. Perhaps he wanted to say it when we finally met?

Days, weeks, months and years passed, Yet, i hadn't seen my social media crush in person. He stayed at Lagos while i stayed at Abuja, his work wouldn't let him come visiting, neither would mine. The jinx was however broken when my girlfriend threw a birthday party at her place and secretly invited him over. They sure knew i was going to be there and it was more like i was the celebrant because all eyes were on me when i saw him and screamed "Jezzzzzzz!!!".

Richard was tall, fair in complexion, awesomely handsome, muscular body-build, had pink lips, blue eyes, broad shoulders, dimples and of cause a charming smile. I felt like melting when he held my hand and said "can we dance?", i was lost in thoughts when the music stopped. Coming back to reality was when he pecked my hand and said "thanks for the dance".

The party was awesome with a great Dj and I wanted more dance with him, but it was getting late and i needed to return home, so i bid my friends goodbye, turned to say bye to my crush but he was gone. With a little bit of confused facial expression,i thought is was awkward for him to leave without saying goodbye or even attempting to say those expected sweets words to me, but then i consoled myself with "he might have had something urgent to tend to, so just relax".

Walking down the streets to wave down a taxi, i saw a figure in the shadows that looked pretty much like Richard, my eyes weren't lying when i came closer and noticed he was the one. With so much joy, i ran to him and as if he was waiting for me to pass by, he gave me a warm smile and grabbed me by the hips to a dark corner where we kissed passionately. My lips were locked up with his with his hands smooching my boobs. The episode was too romantic and i felt my panties getting soaked, i just needed to feel him inside me at that moment but then i felt embarrassed on a second thought, he hadn't even asked me out on a date, was i being too cheap and gullible?, what will he think of me after the episode?...with these thought i quickly pulled away and left the scene without a goodbye, feeling very awkward i had to stop the next available taxi and off i was to my apartment.

Six hours into the night, after the episode, he didn't call or text, i kept my phone close to me, staring at it with hopes that he would. I started feeling stupid with regrets, did i over-react?, did i act childish and naive?, is he ever going to call me again?, a lot of thoughts kept flooding in. Still battling with these thoughts, i slept off.

Find out what happened next, in PART2

Stay tuned


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