A look at Tolstoy's novel "Anna Karenina"

in #story6 years ago (edited)


Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy was born on August 28, 1828 in Jasna Poljanna, not far from gr.Tula. There he covered the most brutal years of his life. "Anna Karenina" is the second followed by "War and Peace" a great novel by him. On the basis of the novel "Anna Karenina", Tolstoy said: "In order for the production to go well, you must obey the main principle of it. Such in the "Anna Karenina" I love the family mission..." Having set up his family project in the basis of his work, Tolstoy made his sights on two parallel and contending thematic lines in terms of searching and finding meaning and life in life - Anna - Wronsky - Karenin and Levin - Kitty. Notwithstanding that Tolstoy searches for the beauty of his artistic production in the "family mission", "Anna Karenina" is not a family or a love novel, but a socio-psychological novel in which the great public and moral-ethical problems are revealed through family intimate- personal relationships and the survival of the characters. The problem of the novel is distinguished by its personal, social and communal significance. The philosophical problem, which we discover in the other artistic works of Tolstoy, is how the meaning of the human life is contained. As it is known, it includes not only Levin from "Anna Karenina", but also Pier Bezuhov and Andrei Bolkonsky from "War and Peace", Nehlûdov from "Resurrection" and so on, that is, Close to the heart of the author. This problem in "Anna Karenina", however, receives its nuances and is realized through other honorary problems, such as the rights of the human person, her emotional and spiritual revelation, the public and personal conduct of the person, the family, the marriage, the love, the mother long and sensual, and next with them - and the path that needs to be developed by Russia.

Tolstoy pays special attention to the so-called a "feminine question," which was particularly excited by the Russian society of that time. Approximately all the more significant writers from the second half of the 19th century are involved in the solution to this question. - Turtenev, Goncharov, Chernishevsky, Dostoevsky and Lev Tolstoy through the novel "Anna Karenina" also tells her unspoken word of writer and thinker. He comes out with his concept of the woman's place in the family and society, about her right to happiness and adultery, and so on. It is not by accident that "moral attitude towards the subject" links the central storylines in which the fate of Anna and Levin is revealed. Through these two images, the author resolves in a different way the central problem - the problem of the meaning of human life and the happiness of man in family and society. Anna Karenina is an extraordinary woman - exceptional not only in terms of external but also of inner beauty. At the beginning of the novel, the author portrays her as a woman with a reputation for a good mother and wife. But in Karenny's family, she is only seemingly happy or rather silent, obedient. Anna yearns for true family happiness - something Karenin can not offer her. That's why her encounter with Vronsky destroys her husband's faithfulness very quickly to give her a sense of loving real, "free and courageous". Too soon, however, Anna's love turns into love-suffering, a love-grief that sends her under the wheels of the train. And this is a logical consequence of her position as a woman who leaves her home, her child, and her husband. It is no accident that the author emphasizes that Anna likes to foolishly two creatures who repulse each other - Vronsky and Sieroya. "I can not join them," she says to Dolly, "and that's what I need. And yet it will end ... You do not judge me for anything ... I do not despise. I'm just unhappy. "Anna is unhappy with the author because she neglects her feelings of mother and succumbs to the endeavor of her personal happiness. And according to the laws of human nature and morality this is punished! Anna is also punished because she sacrifices her child's happiness for her egoistic happiness. Anna's tragedy is also reinforced by the fact that she does not live with reason but with her heart. Reason would find reason to justify it, but the heart - never! It tells her that her feelings about Vronsky are "something terrible," something unbearable! Hence, her sense of disaster, tragic doom, which is increasing every day. Even abroad - far from the worldly talk, Anna does not find peace of mind.


Although Tolstoy condemns Anna's adultery, she deeply sympathizes with her. He seeks an occasion to bring the woman mother in her. Not one of the most moving and heartbreaking scenes in the novel is Anna's visit to the little Sergeant. In this scene, Tolstoy painted the scene between the mother and the son in a very detailed manner and the mutual feelings that she provoked in them. In front of us is revealed the deeply tragic image of the mother, which is separated from her child. Tolstoy seems to be asking again who she loves her Anna-Son or Vronsky, without, of course, answering. After completing the Anna Karenina novel, in the late 1970s and early 1980s, Tolstoy fell into a deep mental crisis. "Life has stopped and became evil," he wrote. Everything that has ever had any significance - art, family, etc., now loses its meaning. In his diary, the writer notes that nothing loves him in life and he will soon die. The fear of death is more and more often pursued, he feels that something in him is forever disappearing - love and faith disappear in life. Although the novel "Anna Karenina" and challenged in Tolstoy's spiritual crisis, the novel is called in Tolstoy and joyful sense not only because embedded in it intimate "family thought" but also because of its artistic merit, in its publication, he did not expect a big success . Moreover, after the extraordinary glory that brought him "War and Peace," Tolstoy was afraid "not to suffer his fame." But all his concerns are in vain. "Anna Karenina" is one of the biggest sociological and psychological novels of Russian literature from the second half of the 19th century, as well as among my favorite novels.


Great writer ..
Very impressive blog
Specially i like this sentence "In order for the production to go well, you must obey the main principle of it."

The story is good...arts also. ThAnks #daydreaming for share

Thank you sir!

You welcome ❤️

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in writing Anna Karenina, tolstoi took the stage three kinds of family in Russia at that time: family stiva oblonskii and Dolly, where the husband perverted, family karenin where wife, Anna, unable to curb feelings and decided rope marriage, and finally the family ideal Konstantin Levin and Kitty enjoying happiness, after having a series trials. third of the family has kinship as the brothers, according to the line married, or previous study at the University of the same. works tolstoi this is the most widely read people and translated into a variety of foreign language is Anna Karenina, special highlights personal life nobility at his day.@melamun

It's such a great novel. My favorite aspect, and probably what upset Tolstoy a bit, is the conflict between common sense and reality in matters of the heart. Anna, an uneducated master of the social world, succumbs to her natural desire and loses everything. Levin, a socially inept master of reality, learns the value of marriage and god he's always shunned and gains everything. I love the passage where Levin defines god while sitting in a field watching peasants. By far my favorite book.

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