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RE: Shello's Diary #16 - Timeline Jumping

in #story7 years ago

So few people actually have the awareness to experience the gift of timeline shifting...and to those of us that understand what this really's actually better than time travel! It's not a fictional idea at all...and real results have actually been documented and proven by various old world and modern thinkers...under many different names and interpretations.

Reading about your interactions with your friends...I couldn't help but see the connections! As soon as you 'woke up' and looked around everything and everyone around you became a part of that new shift and happened for a really good exactly the right moment. Everything happened for the sole purpose of bringing together the right mixture of energy to guide you towards the new timeline. Even if you don't quite know what it looks like right started the shift and the future ahead is a new one.

Visualizing the future reality that we want is very powerful...when combined with tangible action...and inside each of us is the limitless power for writing our own destinies. But we are also just people...and not perfect ones at that. Knowing our full potential does not immediately have to mean that we have mastered it.

I sometimes falter and forget key principles...fall back into false frames of mind and surrender to the hardships of the physical world. This isn't wrong...but the most important thing is to take the time to process...then to heal and make peace with yourself on emotional and spiritual levels...then pick yourself up and keep moving forward...learning and growing and making the right mistakes that will eventually guide you back to that place in the path that feels right. <3 <3 <3


Totally agree with this! The whole concept of timeline shifting is all new to me. However, it is something one must do to keep on, for we cannot unwind time, rather we get to choose the way forward.

Shello obviously had been through enough, it's nice to get a peek into the lives of some of your favourite people. I applaud her for putting this up..

Thank you @pangoli,

I'm going through a lot right now and trying my best to turn things around, I always feel like I'm missing lately. I'll be posting a lot more in the coming days.


Heya @creativesoul C:

Timeline shifting is very real, and I'm glad that you are able to reach out and speak with me on a difficult to grasp a concept such as this. I was hesitant at first to post my story, but I've come to know Steemit to house some of the most brilliant people I've had the pleasure of meeting.

The first time I shifted, I actually thought I was imagining it, in the sense that I was failing to believe what I've actually started seeing. If I try to look at this whole situation from "the outside", there was already enough aligning without my intervention to set up this up. It's as though my hand reached to stop a heavy door from closing. Fortunately for me, these doors hold illumination.


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