Pioneers of the First Computerized Social Media ( BBS ) Bulletin board system - I was a Owner/Operator

in #story7 years ago
  • Before the Internet, Computers communicated on BBS- Bulletin board systems, I owned and operated 1 ( Divers World ).
    If you used these: You are a Internet pioneer-->modems wow.jpgvicmodem.jpg
  • I had a good friend that paid $2500.00 for a Radio shack ( Tandy ) computer XT model with 20 Megabytetandy 2000.jpg hard drive.( top of the line )at the time.
    20 megabytes was a lot of memory back then. But this was a year or two later and close to redundant, But It was Christmas and he ( supporting a big Family ) was short on funds so I paid way too much just to help him out ( my Christmas gift to him ) I now had a BBS capable computer ! Lets do it :-)
  • We communicated on Modems plugged into telephone jacks. Just geting these modems to talk ( handshake ) was a specialty field in itself. and the first one's where Slow 1200 & 2400 baud (bits per second ),
    But so were the computers that ran on the DOS operating System ( original computer launguage )
    PC World - slide show history of modems
    you could actually see the commands on screen executing ! and depending on the quality of ( say a picture ) would take over a hour to transmit it !

  • So we dealt with many busy signals, as most only had 1 phone line, Some of the pay sites had Multiple lines and charged for the Login rights to pay for it.

  • My trick to get through on Popular sites was to try when Star Trek was on ( geeks are all treky's ). Because the owner would use the line when he was at computer ( beep beep beep ) when calling.
    I eventually got a second dedicated line ( just for callers ) and used my main line to call out ( or actually use the phone to talk on ).

  • I was a member of SuperNet ( a protocol program ) that was world wide. I lived on Vancouver Island and at 2:00 am in the morning, my computer would call the Vancouver hub ( automatically ) if busy keep trying till connected. pick up my mail ( and my clients ) and send our mail there. Vancouver at there set time sent all mail to Florida ( world hub ). And all regional ( around the world ) BBS hubs used them as gateway. The first E-mail system ! And if all timing hit just right... Maybe get a reply the next day ! probably more like 2-3 days.

  • I eventually upgraded to 14,000 baud modem ( the fast available ) and a 1.2 Gig hard drive ! It was the talk of the town ( hard drive envy was rampant ), as they where $5,000.00 at the time, But I got a good deal, and in store credit ( to pay it off in time ).

  • I hope you had a enjoyable read, learning or reminiscing about these very cool days gone by.
    I had fun writing it. And would love some feedback. maybe you ran a BBS yourself ?

  • Right now I have 7 new puppies starting to cause trouble, and I'm a few hours away from finishing their dog run, Plus lots of history on these topics is already written, this was just my take on things :-)

Hope to hear from you soon, read your blog etc..

Thanks for your time :-)

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Yes, those days were fun. There is actually a resurgence of BBS activity again. I run a BBS at telnet: port 34123 which is connected to the now very popular fsxnet. My BBS is actually run on a raspberry pi. Thanks for the article again - I enjoyed reading it.

Wow very cool, thanks for bringing me up to speed !
Guess I'm a little ADD cuz I originally started writing about bringing the modem communication back, in case of internet shutdown ( keeping the blockchain alive :-) LOL
I'm hopeless
Please send me any links that might set me in the right dirrection
Now following you ( of course ) :-)
Life is Good - but gotta fly....or weld rather LOL

I have wondered about the idea of access in case of either Internet shutdown or loosing access through either government intervention or disaster of some sort.

The bbs software I run on the raspberrypi is Mystic which can be acccessed at

There are also a number of youtube videos that describe bbs setup and configuration using that software from the Mystic Guy (

There is of course a number of people that use Ham Radio to network BBS together as well.

All super great ideas, ham radio, beefed up WiFi antennas and people running repeaters. Very cool stuff, I knew there must be people on this, I just never got around to looking. Even Satellite links ( but that would mean a center attack point . My head is starting to spin...Gotta go do my chores LOL

Thanks for sharing your remarkable story. Let's stay in touch and share our experiences.

Sure will I've heard there was a Bitcoin satellite launched. And I know Wifi can be beefed up to go long distance. I envision a trunking system for communication some day, to get off DARPA internet.

Fantastic - I'll check them all, one after one!

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