It's the end of the world as we know it. Pt.1

in #story7 years ago

Jack stood there in complete disbelief. He stared at the television in his living room as the impressive 4K resolution conveyed all of the horrors that incited his disbelief. Bright flashes of blues ,oranges, and reds lit up the wall behind him. His silhouette shaking and crumpling as the heat tore through the city. Jack felt the radiant heat pour through his windows. He knew there was nothing he could do. Jack greates death with a scream of intense pain and a fist clenched toward heaven. His final act of defiance.
Just over sixty miles away a man and his family stood in their living room. They all stood as Jack had stood in disbelief staring at the wall where their television hung. The father who was a thick man ,with a larger then he wanted belly, walked over to the front door and stepping outside beckoned his wife and two daughters to follow behind him. The father who went by the name Bradley Matthew Fields pointed at the south horizon where several clouds had appeared rising from the terra. Kia his wife was weeping quietly . It seemed as if for those first few hours the world was silenced. Even the ground squirrel and bird could not be heard cheeping their spring songs.
Brad knew that their entire world was about to change. Everyone in the larger cities and surrounding area would not have lived through that. It was the last desperate act of a defeated enemy. This was how the war to end all earthly wars has ended. No winning or loosing just those who lived to try and survive on this planet and those who died and were not to be troubled with the harsh realities that those who breathed would be facing.
Brad turned to Kia and the girls and said in the softest sound he could muster "It's going to be ok........... We will be ok."

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