Yoga Moves Are The New Qualification For Celebrity Status

in #story7 years ago


I took my first yoga class ever earlier this year and my instructor said “engage your abs” as she effortlessly demonstrated the plank position. Easy for her to say, my abs had long split the scene since three childbirths, never to return. Hoisting my ample body into the air with non-functioning muscles was quite a feat. *Note - in case you're wondering, the young beautiful girl in the photo above isn't me! She is courtesy of the wonderful site Pixabay!

As I put my weight on my forearms and toes on the mat for the plank, I turned into a hot shaky mess, and before I could say ‘Namaste” collapsed down.

Playing the Age Card

Over the past 6 months I have slowly built up my endurance to hold the plank for 20 seconds!! I was strutting around feeling pretty proud of that for age 55, until this happened:

Cher, 71, accepted her Icon Award at The Billboard Awards this year:

“I’m 71 yesterday, so... yes, and I can do a five-minute plank, okay? Just saying.”

I wanted to call her a word that starts with a “b” and put the word “skinny” before it.

But she doesn’t play the age card. She rocks!!! I am actually excited that I have 16 years to build up my plank endurance and catch up to her iconic abs by doing 5 minute planks too! Inspiring!


Yoga moves are the new qualification for Celebrity status

Even the Prime Minister of Canada, Justin Trudeau, who is married to a yoga instructor, is getting in on the act. The photo on the top shows his yoga moves, similar to his father Pierre's, who was the former PM of Canada.


It certainly gives a different perspective on running the country.

Enjoy your day! And remember to move!

images - Pixabay, CTV News, Banner@artedellavita

annhoyblog banner.jpg


The plank is recognized as a legit exercise position. One should always consult their doctor before starting any exercise program, especially if you are older. A lot of yoga moves are not valid in terms of exercise physiology and you can hurt yourself. I know a lot of yoga teachers (I lived in the Bay area for a loooong time) that have hurt their backs and can't do it at all anymore. The group camaraderie is definitely good for the soul :)

True, I was warned off hot floor yoga, like Oxygen which is super popular with 20 somethings in my area. A young friend hurt her back because the heat made her think she was more flexible and she overstretched. Thanks for your input.

You know I always have to chime in with my .02 ;)

I appreciate your input, it is helpful! Thanks!

I'm 46, pretty ample and I love yoga! We work with our bodies and don't have to compare ourselves with anyone. But I also celebrate my improvements!

So true! Workouts have become so competitive but it really is an individual task based on our own bodies and pace! Thanks for commenting

I don't even know what a plank is!!
I sooo wish I would fall in love with yoga...
Maybe one day ;)

Yoga is good for the soul and body and mind! You exhale the old and stale and inhale the new. I hope you can join a class. Most of the clubs offer a first class free to try it out. You won't be disappointed!

Great little post. No way you would catch me planking! Good for you! 🐓🐓

Haha! I think I'm gonna start a planking challenge! Thanks for reading!

Oh No ! Please not a planking challenge! Thanks for coming by. 🐓🐓

Solid gold comment

I've been practicing for 20 years and am by no means the perfect yoga body but that's what I love about yoga there's no such thing. And no age too early or too late to start. Keep at it. It's the best way to understand the connection between your mind body and spirit (sounds cheesy but it's so true). I'm trying to get my 69 yr old mom into it!

Yes I agree, it's at your own pace at your own age for as long as you want, and your 69 yr old mom would fit right in at my class. The smile from doing the yoga would make her seem 29! Thank You.

I love yoga! I've been doing Hatha Yoga since 16 and an Astanga student since 29. I give credit to yoga for regaining the use of my legs and hands without pain when the dr's said all I could do was take pain meds and cross my fingers.
You can find me at 4 am in my home studio practicing daily or giving classes once a week at our community center.

That's an amazing testimonial. Were your legs and hands injured? I have also never heard of Astanga yoga. I am going to check into that. Thanks!

Thank you friend, I was diagnosed with RA after having my son. Through exercise, vitamins and by changing my diet I have not had an episode ever since, however I do get a tad bit achey when humidity rises but nothing ibuprofen can't keep at bay. I still teach pole dance once a week and do yoga daily. As said in yoga, a limber spine keeps you young. And healthy apparently.
Astanga is also known as Mysore yoga. There are plenty of videos to get you started on youtube, look up K. Pattabhi Jois he has passed but yet still is my fave practitioner of Astanga guru.

That must have been painful, but it sounds like you overcame the obstacle and are super healthy now! Because you are a super lady! Yes, apparently with the cat-cow pose you are suppose to let the base of your spine lead the way! Thank You my dear.

Not only was it painful, but scary. So glad for alternative forms of getting back to a healthy state. Happy Monday to you!

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