
Stinky the Cat has 180,000 hairs/in² in the all-round. Just look at my black biking pants.

Female felines are \superfecund

When Stinky the Cat first moved in, she was very skinny. Then she got much fatter. But not because she was pregnant. She just loves to eat late at night.

A cat's whiskers are thought to be a kind of radar, which helps a cat gauge the space it intends to walk through.

Stinky the Cat seldom walks anywhere. She usually is at a dead run. Even through the house. That's why we call her 'Busy'. She corners rather comically at high speed. It reminds me of the fat ballerina elephant in Fantasia.

I cannot speak as to her whiskers. She moves so fast, they are usually at a blur.

The strongest climber among the big cats, a leopard can carry prey twice its weight up a tree.

I'm pretty sure Stinky the Cat is stronger than a leopard. She pulls herself up like a chinnup champion all the time. When she pulled the screen from the window, she first had to jump up, grab the special grate we put up to keep her out of the window, did a full-on fat-cat pullup, then climbed over, and pulled out the screen. I'd like to see a leopard do THAT.

Female cats tend to be right pawed, while male cats are more often left pawed. Interestingly, while 90% of humans are right handed, the remaining 10% of lefties also tend to be male.

Tigers are excellent swimmers and do not avoid water.

We've never taken Stinky the Cat to the pool. But I did take her to the veterinarian. They didn't say anything about NOT swimming.

I think next summer I will take her to the lake (no chlorine), and see if she is like a Tiger. I'm guessing since she is an Egyptian Fell Dog, she will do the doggy paddle. As a parent, these things can cause us stress in social situations. Peer pressure and all.

However...Stinky the Cat has too much self confidence and self esteem to worry about such things. So now I am not worried any longer.

A happy cat holds her tail high and steady.

According to a Gallup poll, most American pet owners obtain their cats by adopting strays.

The Gallops don't really know much about diddly.
People do not adopt cats. Cats adopt people.
The idea that there is choice on this side of the matter is laughable.

Case in point. When Stinky the Cat first hit our area of the county, she ran full speed into the neighbors house one day when the sliding back door was open. She was a really skinny, odd looking cat with tufts of fur sticking out everywhere but where they should be, that couldn't meow and bothered their child to no end. They invited her to leave.

She then ran into the neighbor to the right's office door as fast as possible. As if to say, "I'll think live here". She was not any better looking by then. Their chihuahua's were not amused by her antics. For some reason they did not like a kamikaze cat that ran at them like a banshee at the water bowl. They invited her to leave as well. (The neighbors...the dogs were under the bed).

Next she ran into our house like her tail was afire. We had no thought about her, really. But like writing on Steemit, persistence sometimes pays off. She would not take no for an answer. Eight years later, she is sitting here, looking at me as I write this. "Wondering what I am writing"? "Why, a grand tome all about your wonderful greatness, Stinky", I respond. But she is gone before I get to "your". Some commotion is going on in the kitchen. Not much has changed, except she is a whole lot fatter and better looking now.

A domestic cat can run at speeds of 30 mph.

I'm pretty sure Stinky the Cat can run about 63mph. At least it seems like it when I am sitting on the couch and she runs by in a blur over and over again.

Cat families usually play best in even numbers. Cats and kittens should be aquired in pairs whenever possible.

Cats have individual preferences for scratching surfaces and angles. Some are horizontal scratchers while others exercise their claws vertically.

If you had to really tie her down and discover Stinky the Cat's preference, it would be " the right-side arm of the couch", and "every now and then, or more often." I'm pretty sure angle of scratch is pretty much kitty free-form though. "Just as long as the stuffin's come out with efficiency, I'm happy". -Stinky the Cat

Cats can be right-pawed or left-pawed.

A commemorative tower was built in Scotland for a cat named Towser, who caught nearly 30,000 mice in her lifetime.

In the 1930s, two Russian biologists discovered that color change in Siamese kittens depend on their body temperature. Siamese cats carry albino genes that work only when the body temperature is above 98° F. If these kittens are left in a very warm room, their points won’t darken and they will stay a creamy white.

An adult lion's roar can be heard up to five miles (eight kilometers) away.

I'm pretty sure Stinky the Cat's litter box could be smelled farther away than that. But she has to do what she can, as she can't meow, let alone roar...

Isaac Newton invented the cat flap. Newton was experimenting in a pitch-black room. Spithead, one of his cats, kept opening the door and wrecking his experiment. The cat flap kept both Newton and Spithead happy.

Purring does not always indicate that a cat is happy. Cats will also purr loudly when they are distressed or in pain.

What about a cat that purrs and snorts and grunts at the same time like a rutting brush pig? Is THAT a sign of anything important??

According to a Gallup poll, most American pet owners obtain their cats by adopting strays.

Cats spend nearly 1/3 of their waking hours cleaning themselves.

I'm not sure Stinky the Cat HAS 1/3 waking hours. And if so, she is so busy running about, cleaning seems to take a back seat to all other shenanigans.

There are approximately 100 breeds of cat.

Two members of the cat family are distinct from all others: the clouded leopard and the cheetah. The clouded leopard does not roar like other big cats, nor does it groom or rest like small cats. The cheetah is unique because it is a running cat; all others are leaping cats. They are leaping cats because they slowly stalk their prey and then leap on it.

Stinky the Cat is more of a "shinny-climb the porch post-pole to the roof, then run away really fast when you poke holes in Dad's tarp building roof by the garage when you jump off the house-roof to the expensive tarpola part", cat.

A cat named Dusty, aged 1 7, living in Bonham, Texas, USA, gave birth to her 420th kitten on June 23, 1952.

Stinky the Cat just looked at me as if to say..."Dusty must have had a bit of a wobble, after all that ". Not sure what that means....

According to Hebrew legend, Noah prayed to God for help protecting all the food he stored on the ark from being eaten by rats. In reply, God made the lion sneeze, and out popped a cat.

Cats dislike citrus scent.

For some reason, when I first read that, it came out as "cat's dislike circus tents." Besides needing some heavy analysis on why THAT popped into my head first, the other part WOULD be related to cats.

For example: How many cats in history have run off to join the circus in the past? How many big-tent cattivities (cat activities...think major acts in the big ring) have been put forth in the old days of Barnum and Baily and the like? Cat on a tiny bike? Cat shot out of the giant cannon into the net? Cat Clown sidekick? Maybe putting your pet mouse's head into the small cats mouth? Guess the weight of the chubby cat? I think some historical research is in order here.

Stinky the Cat just reminded me here that no cat worth it's 17 cents worth of Kibble would even consider lowering itself to these sort of "falderaugh-ish actions of the self deprecation-al absurd" (her words, not mine). So, maybe you should forgo any further, time-wasting exercises of looking into this world for catfact research. A large 'nevermind' is in order here.

Cats are now Britain's favourite pet: there are 7.7 million cats as opposed to 6.6 million dogs.

A cat can jump up to five times its own height in a single bound.

A cat's brain is more similar to a man's brain than that of a dog.

According to Hebrew legend, Noah prayed to God for help protecting all the food he stored on the ark from being eaten by rats. In reply, God made the lion sneeze, and out popped a cat.

Julius Ceasar, Henri II, Charles XI, and Napoleon were all afraid of cats.

No one is very afraid of Stinky the Cat. However, EVERYONE is afraid of the black cat Pantera. Particularly the neighbor Jim. Pantera peed on his leg one day. Jim never came back.

All cats have claws, and all except the cheetah sheath them when at rest.

I will read this to Stinky the Cat. Maybe she will get a hint and use them for something useful. One day she pulled the bedroom screen out of the window, just to get into the house. She is very smart. And sometimes very bad. This is not a good combination for a cat. With or without retractable claws.

A cat rubs against people not only to be affectionate but also to mark out its territory with scent glands around its face. The tail area and paws also carry the cat’s scent.

Stinky the Cat's breath smells like sweaty Rotweiller on a hot summer day. That is one reason her name is Stinky. We love her anyway.

The Pilgrims were the first to introduce cats to North America.

The female cat reaches sexual maturity within 6 to 10 months; most veterinarians suggest spaying the female at 5 months, before her first heat period. The male cat usually reaches sexual maturity between 9 and 12 months.

I'm pretty sure the cats from across the fence are born with sexual maturity. I think all they have to do is look at each other and out pops kittens. The little things seem to be everywhere. As Stinky the Cat often asks me in the back yard as they run on by to the woodpile..."what's up with that"?

We haven't had that discussion yet.

A female cat is called a queen or a molly.

Cats, especially older cats, do get cancer. Many times this disease can be treated successfully.

Cats lose almost as much fluid in the saliva while grooming themselves as they do through urination.

So if nature happens to call while Stinky the Cat is grooming herself, we should be aware of possible dehydration?

Of all the species of cats, the domestic cat is the only species able to hold its tail vertically while walking. All species of wild cats hold their tail horizontally or tucked between their legs while walking.

Robert the Cat always tried to wag his tail, like a dog. It never worked. I'm pretty sure cat's are born without a proper 'waggo-motor' in their south end.

Even though he gave it his all, it only came out as a little shimmy-wiggle at the very base. It was quite cute, but not good as a way to get other dogs to understand his intentions. Which is OK, I suppose, because he was a cat. And dogs did not really understand him anyway.

Miacis, the primitive ancestor of cats, was a small, tree-living creature of the late Eocene period, some 45 to 50 million years ago.

Paint Bucket was a more modern cat, hailing from the BC Stink period. (Before Cat Stink). He just showed up on the stoop one day...and never left.

He was a peculiar, very tall cat, coal-black coat with bright white legs half way up, like he had been standing in a can of white paint. A real mellow, deep thinker he was.

He trained Hairston III to be a normal allowing him to walk in circles and UNDER Paint Bucket, and lift him off the ground. (Normal is definitely relative.)

Like I said, we always thought Paint Bucket was a wise old sage of a cat. But ends up he did not have enough red blood cells. Guess you need those if you are going to have a quick wit of a brain.
Paint Bucket has since left the world we know for the great kitty beyond. But Hairston III is still around, and still a complete dork.

The normal body temperature of a cat is between 100.5 ° and 102.5 °F. A cat is sick if its temperature goes below 100 ° or above 103 °F.

Stinky the Cat got very sick last winter. She had a temperature, but I do not know if she was hotter than 103°. She gave me that look of "I'd really rather not have a glass stick stuck up my bum right now." So we will just say it was high.

A cat's hearing is much more sensitive than humans and dogs.

This is very true. I know it is.
Whenever I open the refrigerator to get something to eat, Stinky the Cat comes running around the corner to peer inside. Even when she is outside, she still runs into the kitchen. Or through the kitchen window, if the front door is closed.

The dogs of the neighborhood don't do this. Neither do the neighbors.
There can be no other explanation.

Cat families usually play best in even numbers. Cats and kittens should be aquired in pairs whenever possible.

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