Steem Wars - A Parody Too Far

in #steemwars6 years ago

Steem Wars3.jpg

A great disturbance has been felt in the Steem. Unseen forces make secret plans for battle. Rebels, Starship Captains, bounty hunters, TimeLords, rogues, Predators, red shirts and Imperials alike all feel the call of the Steem.

Whachootalking'boutMuxxy? Let me explain.

Eons ago - nine months to be slightly more precise - much fun, merriment, and social interaction were had with @sirknight's Steemlords event. Steemians joined teams, created their own characters and wrote about their crazy fantasy adventures. Many were parodies of existing fantasy characters and stories. It generated much social interaction on the Blockchain and is remembered fondly by those involved.


I am proposing an event called Steem Wars, set in a mash-up of sci-fi worlds and timelines. Participants will form crews and be given mission assignments. This will be in the form of a destination for their crew to reach with a particular task to perform. How they get there is up to them. Parodies of existing characters in franchises are encouraged rather than fan fiction. Steemians can create their own totally original characters.


The event will be based at @thewritersblock Discord server with its own dedicated Steem Wars category. Here we will plan and execute the event and crews can converse, be assigned their missions and plan their stories. This will not be limited to writing - art posts will also be encouraged. To join, simply visit The Writers' Block Discord server HERE and ask for the SteemWars role to be assigned to you.


Although hosted at The Writers' Block, we will not be looking for literary perfection: humor, community and blockchain interactions will be the main focus of the event. There is a Steem Wars category already set up in our Discord server, currently with five channels:


The War Room

As organiser of the event I shall be Timelord Dr. Muxx. I will be joined by Captains to help organise the event, create scenarios and missions for crews (teams). Several TWB members have already signed up as Captains. Only myself and Captains have access to this channel.

The Temple

This is a repository for rules and guidelines regarding Steem Wars.


This channel is for participants to form or join crews (teams).

Mess Hall

Think of this as a general channel for Steem Wars discussions.

The Chronicles

This is a link drop channel for the sole use of Steem Wars posts that all participants can use to share their adventures.


Although still in the early planning phase, I wanted to put out this post to gauge interest in the event. I foresee this being a 4 week event starting in a few weeks time. At the moment we are not looking at this as the basis for a contest: we hope that those taking part will support each other, comment and upvote other crews posts and generate more of a following.

Original Source

So what say you? Are you ready to set phasers to stun and engage your hyperdrives to boldly go where no Timelord has gone before?

Original Source

Spam comments left on my posts WILL be flagged. You have been warned.

Are you a writer or keen to learn? Do you wish to join a community of like-minded individuals who can help hone your writing skills in the fields of fiction, non-fiction, technical, poetry, or songwriting? Join us at The Writers' Block by clicking the logo below.


Geez mate, you didn’t waste anytime.
Steemlords and it’s bastard child Masters of the Universe were awesome but took a lot of work behind the scenes.
Do you have someone doing artwork or are participants creating/using their own?
You know me dude I’m happy doing my own thing and solo missions will be the order of the day as I’m piss poor at following rules/instructions/guidelines etc.
Let me know a start date dude, I’m already thinking of insane storylines......
I’ve been a medieval fanny rat and a psychotic Kung fu dog!
What next? 😂

EDIT: I’m thinking of humiliating sidekicks too, what you up to Muxxy?? ;-D

Darnit I was looking forward to being in a crew with you. Pouts

Never say never tiny.
Starts imagining Barbarella type side kick.

nice idea. it's going to be fun

Love the idea and the potential for humor here. I want to be Jar Jar.

Wait no. What am I saying? Maybe I'll be NegaVader.


Maybe you're NarNar? Or just NegNeg Winks.

Meesa like-a-dis

Neg Neg Winks! OMG, that made me laugh! I love it!

You are already NegaVader for me :)

This sounds awesome!

I will throw my services out there for any Captain who needs a lose cannon of a writer whose Primary weapon is fear and surprise, Surprise and fear... my two main weapons are surprise and fear and ruthless efficiency! My THREE chief weapons are surprise, fear, ruthless efficiency and an almost fanatical devotion to the Steem. My four... no.. among my weapons are a fanatical need to make people laugh.

Sign me up Scotty!

This sounds like a good ole time! I am in!

Just as long as I don't spend the entire thing inside a crate again. Or get molested by elves.

welp .. as long as the elves aren't in the crate.. you'll be safe

Beam me up, Muxxy! I can't wait for this. And much merriment will be had by all... except the Red Shirts who probably won't survive the first episode.

hiya, i think this is a brilliant idea hope you get a lot of interest, would join in but don't have any time left when each day finishes, i will resteem though, much respect to you

haha ... Amazing post again GMUXX.... Love it... Read it more then once... haha i have to resteem it... hope there more than me catch it and enjoy it :)

Hmmm... This idea is interesting, hopefully I'll follow the development from shadows, and be that person who the narrator doesn't even know exists.

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