Closure of Boracay? Time to explore Bohol for as low as 40USD (Php2000)!

in #steemsummit6 years ago (edited)

Many of my friends were quite sad of the news about the closure of Boracay and the all-year planned getaway was cancelled. Indeed, Boracay has been the top tourist destination in the beautiful archipelago but worry no more. There is more to Philippines than just the commercially popular Boracay. In fact, there is just a neighboring island (of Cebu) which can offer you both the cool instagram worthy sea view and the superb adventures. Of course I am referring to none other than the beautiful home of hospitable people, BOHOL!

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That's only quite a few of the overwhelming tourist destinations that you and your family will surely enjoy.

So what are you waiting for? Come on and get 5USD (Php250) from your wallet and book a ticket to Bohol!

The Bohol Tour

Tagbilaran City

Tagbilaran City is the capital and is the only city of Bohol but it does not feel like a big city at all. In all fairness, it just feels like a provincial town with only a few open stores 24/7, few malls, and where traffic is almost non-existent. It's a relax place and by that alone you can expect how simple and bustling-free the rest of the towns in the island are.

The City of Tagbilaran has this remarkable tricycle which was featured in Marc Logan's show a couple of years ago.


These tricycles used to have unpleasant pictures of women showing too much flesh. It has been like that for long until some women association raised the issue as it somehow stains the reputation of Boholanos being religious and reserved. Later on, a city ordinance changed the brazen images to plain colored tricycle with at least one bible verse at the back (as shown in the picture above). Now, no one of them can renew or apply for a permit without the bible verse on their tricycles. And that's the short but sweet history of one of the astounding symbols of Bohol especially Tagbilaran City.

Amazing, isn't it? But wait, there's more. On our first day, we thought of visiting the significant tourist destinations of the island before experiencing the stunning waters of the pristine beaches and caves of the island. Thus, we decided to avail the tour promo for as low as 40USD (Php2000) (to be divided by your group). First, we went to...

Carmen's Chocolate Hills


Most of us have heard about this astonishing 1,268 limestone conical formation famously known as Chocolate Hills since elementary as this has been a part of our lessons back then. But a few of us may have only heard the various tales as to how these were formed. But before that, I'm going to share to you why it was called Chocolate Hills in the first place. No, it does not have any chocolates in it because it is 100% limestone content. It was only called chocolate hills because it turns to chocolaty brown when summer is in as the cogon grass (Imperata cylindrical and Saccharum spontaneum and several Compositae and ferns are actually what grows in the limestone hills) withers to the eminent heat of the sun. And when summer is over and the fair to rainy season takes over, the grass grows back turning the color of the hills back to its refreshing green color.

Now, the four tales known to most Boholanos/Boholanas revolve mainly to a giant who once lived in the island. First tale is called the Clash of Giants. It tells the story of the two feuding giants, one from Cebu and the other from Bohol. They hurled rocks, boulders and sand at each other but it seems that the giant from Cebu is much stronger than that from Bohol because only the Cebuano giant caused impact, hence the Chocolate Hills. Well, a variation of this tale is that the two giants are not really that big and are living in the mountains of Bohol. Their fight lasted for days and exhausted the two of them. In their exhaustion, they forgot about their feud and became friends, but when they left, they forgot to clean up the mess they had made during their battle then ta-daa, Chocolate Hills. Second tale is known as Tragic Romance, which tells a story of a giant named Arogo who was extremely powerful and youthful. He fell in love with a simple mortal named Aloya. He kidnapped Aloya because of his love for her. But Aloya got depressed and she did not eat for days. She got sick and died. Aloya's death caused Arogo so much pain and misery. He cried and cried and when his tears had dried up, the Chocolate Hills were formed. Third tale is The Plague which is about the town being plagued by a giant carabao. The giant carabao ate all of their crops including the spoiled food placed by the townsfolk in a spot that the carabao would not miss it. You're guessing it right, uh-huh, it did upset his stomach and defecated mound of feces. Those feces dried up forming the Chocolate Hills. Lastly, the tale of The Biggest Loser is a different and romantic variation of the later tale. This tale is about a fat and gluttonous giant named Miguel who fell inlove with a beautiful young mortal named Adrianna. To win her affection, he needed to lose weight. So he excreted everything he ate. In the end, his fecal matter covered the land and he won Adrianna's affection. The dried feces were then formed to be the Chocolate Hills.

Those were a few good tales but the most acceptable geological theory is that the hills were the result of thousands of years of weathering of marine limestone. Many said that the hills were formed ages ago by the uplift of coral deposits or that they erupted from the sea in a massive geologic shift and the action of rain water and erosion for the past thousand years put in the finishing touches.

Chocolate Hills is actually declared as the country's third National Geological Monument by the National Committee on Geological Sciences on June 18, 1988 in recognition of its special characteristics, scientific importance, uniqueness, and high scenic value; and as such is among the country’s protected areas..

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Entrance fee: 1USD (Php50)

Batuan's Shiphaus


A house designed like a shipping vessel is owned by a successful mariner, Capt. Guadencio Dumapias. He is a native of Poblacion Norte, Batuan, Bohol who got really addicted to his work slash passion. And his magnificent house was opened to the public since 2011.

It's not just the facade guys because actually inside this shiphaus has an astounding ship-like rooms and furniture. You'll find the captain's cabin, chiefmate's cabin, kitchen, mess hall and others. The workers are all dress in a sailor's uniform and you as well (inclusive of the entrance fee you paid). The roof deck also resembles the front of the ship. Plus they offer FREE refreshments (bongga! or more likely inclusive of the entrance fee, too)

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OMG! This is it. Change career. Kidding!

Entrance fee: 0.5USD (Php25)

Man-made Forest


This famous man-made forest is a two-kilometer man-made Mahogany forest that stretched in the borders of Loboc and Bilar towns. No other vegetation is growing among the Mahogany trees. You could only see the trunks so brown stretching forth from the ground and the green canopy above it. And for me, that’s what makes them look so amazingly attractive! Oh and its roots protruding from the ground and crawl over boulders and contour of the land are also awesome. Well, it might be kinda creepy if your that imaginative and a great fan of "The Lord of the Rings" because the roots resemble tentacles from a giant octopus which seem to reach out and grasp the unwary passersby. Oooh, the chills tho! hehehe


You know what, these trees were planted by the Girl Scout of the Philippines Bohol chapter as part of their project to prevent the landslide in the area. Years passed by, the planted trees really grew tall and strong thus truly preventing landslides from happening ever again. Now, it has been one of the tourist destination of Bohol. Thanks to GSP Bohol Chapter!

Entrance Fee: FREE

Butterfly Farm at the Bohol Habitat Conservation Center

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Bohol Habitat Conservation Center is situated in Bilar, Bohol and is approximately 42 kilometers from Tagbilaran City. This is a good stop over because its refreshing plus it's only a 5-minute drive from the man-made forest. They studied keenly the distinct nature of these wonderful little creature. And they also have "gay" butterflies. Seriously! "Gay" ones were bred to create an asymmetrical wings of a butterfly. (Sorry I have accidentally deleted that picture, huhu) But just imagine it, female butterflies have beautifully long wings while male butterflies have short wings. So as a mixture of these creates a "gay" butterfly with one side of long wings while the other are the short ones. As what Boholanos say, "nag kiay kiay na" or in tagalog "kumikending kending na" and that's the gay butterfly. This is really good for the kids as the guides will surely teach them the cycle of the butterflies that even adults awed for the appreciation of the wonders of the nature and of God himself.

Also, the center has various butterflies bred to raise the population of the butterflies in the province. But only hand bred sources and not those captured from the wild are used by the center. From time to time, a large number of hand bred butterflies are also released into the wild thus increasing the local population of the butterflies.

Just a few of their framed butterflies for educational purposes.

Entrance Fee: 0.9USD (Php45)

Sipatan Twin Hanging Bridge

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Sevilla is 36 kilometers from the City of Tagbilaran. And this famous twin hanging bridge is a 40-meter woven bamboo slats bridge linking Sitio Sipatan of Barangay Ewon and Sitio Ilawod of Barangay Lobgob of the panoramic inland town. The bridge was built sometime after World War II solely for the transport of the Sevillahanon's farm and livestock products across the river. But later in the year 2013, it had become a favorite stop-over for most tourists going to Chocolate Hills. So, they replaced the original rope suspension with steel cables to carry load of tourists crossing the bridge. What's more exciting is the rhythmical bouncing and swaying as each pedestrian move across the bridge.

I'm actually scared and had been computing stresses, shears and moments in my head but I had to smile for the bloggable post. Hahaha

But wait, there's more. Once you cross the river, there are stores selling our favorite "pasalubong", crafts like keychain and more and even their popular "chichaworm".

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It looks gross but when you eat it just shrug the grossly feeling off. It's really crunchy. Well, these chichaworms are deep fried out of the cultured worms abundant in the town of Sevilla. Wanna try? I bought some. Hehehe

Entrance Fee: 0.7USD (Php35)

iFly Loboc and Side-trip Stories


Are you ready to fly over the mountains and feel like a ride of the big bird of "Lakas" (Bagani cast)? Well, this is a must-try when you visit Bohol, their breath taking air-rides which varies from the superman ziplinning to cable cart (good for groups) and the bicycle zipline will definitely give you a one of a kind awe! I am not really fond of heights but this should not be missed! I will leave the rest for you to wonder. Come on! Experience it yourself. And before I forget, screaming and feeling of thrill are good for those who are trying to move on. Well, firsthand experience I must add. Hehehe

Actually a good short stop-over before lunch.

We supposed to eat our lunch at the magnificent floating restaurant in Loboc but the number of visitors/tourists is overwhelming and due to time constraint we decided to look for another place for lunch. Luckily, in the town proper of Loboc, there's this little restaurant which offers really good food. They have in their menu the best Boholano dishes. During lunch, our tour guide explained the existence of the unfinished bridge in front of the Loboc church (second oldest church in bohol).

Most churches in Bohol were unfortunately badly hit by the 7.2 Magnitude earthquake last 2013. And this is now the restoration of the Loboc Church or the Saint Peter the Apostle Parish.

Loboc church was originally built in 1602 but was reduced to ashes then a stronger one was built in 1638. Rumors have spread that a good number of gold bars were buried in the foundation of the church. And many years have passed and the people aiming to mine some gold built the bridge.


They call the bridge "the bridge to nowhere" because it is unfinished and leads to nowhere but the sight of the church. Actually, according to the folklores, this bridge was intentionally built to destroy the church and mine some gold. But the not-so-innocent people of the town protested and hence the unfinished bridge. This didn't happen in Loboc alone because most century-old churches in Bohol have always been a prize for the prying eyes of so many opportunists.

And now let's go on with the tour. Let's visit the...

Entrance Fee: FREE (you only pay for the rides you want ranging from 6USD-10USD (Php300-Php500))

Tarsier Sanctuary

Hey there 'lil buddy!

FYI, the Philippine Tarsier's scientific name (Tarsius Carlito Syrichta) is named after the Tarsier man, Manong Carlito Pizzaras for his outstanding dedication to the research and conservation of our little primates (not little monkeys).

It's a pleasure to get to meet this amazing man!

Well, he told me that this whole foundation started when he was still young when his father used to catch tarsiers from the forests of Bohol (which was back then very abundant) and would sell them to anyone. He fell inlove with these little creatures that he did feed them and set them free. His father caught him one time and beat him really hard. It went on like that until his father died. He couldn't bear to think that these little buddies would be caught by those people like his father, so he actually built a sanctuary for them.


And now, the foundation is having a total area of 8.4 hectares. He did all the research in his lifetime to study how they reproduce, eat, mingle with other tarsiers and sleeping habits. According to Manong Carlito's research, these little primates can jump 3-5 meters. They use this ability mainly for hunting. They don't actually feed them in the sanctuary because these tarsiers look for food by themselves. And since they are territorial, they would go back roughly to the same spot after hunting for food. It is also very interesting to know that every year, there is always at least one pregnant tarsier and at least one baby tarsier. Also, everyday before they accept tourists/visitors, their tour guides would spot a few of the tarsiers open for viewing. But we should remember that they are very sensitive, thus making any noise is a no-no and so with the flashes in our cameras since they are not designed to be active in daytime. (Graveyard shift sila bes!)

Oh shy little cutie. Hehehe Ssssh!

There is so much of information I fed to my brain upon my short visit in the sanctuary. They have a lot of posters and booths to feed your curiosity. Like this:

Tarsiers can also be found not just in Bohol but also in Samar, Leyte, Mindanao and even Borneo and Sulawesi.

The Tarsier's physical features. FYI, its one eye is much larger than its brain, it can rotate its head 180 degrees in both sides, they are very sensitive to the slightest sound, they are named "tarsier" because of its "tarsal" bone that is used to classify their species, their feet are elongated and they have long toes for gripping, and lastly the tarsiers use their tails for balancing when jumping.

See that. Oooh. Amazing!

Tarsiers eat a couple of insects and Manong Carlito had enumerated that down for all of us. He knew this back when he was still feeding them. That part of his lifetime was dark because he was often called "crazy". Yes, he is indeed. He is crazy for his affection to the helpless little primates. Manong Carlito is such a superhero. Ooh that goosebumps.

And because of his dedication, he was actually visited by Prince Charles of London!


And not so long in the year 2012, Manong Carlito received a Certificate of Recognition from University of Michigan for his outstanding service and generosity.


This is more than just a tour because it is more like a lifetime change of hearts. Manong Carlito did inspire me with his kind soul. This is a must-visit and if your lucky enough you'll get to chat with the Tarsier man!

Entrance Fee: 1.2USD (Php60)

Bohol Python and Wildlife Park

Because of the abundant trees and less pollution in the province, there are several animals considering Bohol a home. One famous python was "Prony" but he eventually died and now his preserved body remained view-able by the tourists in Baclayon. But Baclayon is not really the home of Prony because he was held captive in the town of Alburquerque or "Albur" for short. Albur is reputed to have one of the longest (23 feet or 7 meters as of 2005) and the heaviest (300 kg or 660 lbs) python in captivity, and that 's Prony.

He's still scary for me. Hi besh!

That no longer scares you but their new baby prony or they call "Prony 2.0" lives across the room of Prony's preserved body.

Now that's truly scary!

You may ask, "If that's alive then why are you there with him? Aren't you scared, Miss Scaredy cat?" Well, I am still scared. Hmm, no that is an understatement. I am terribly shaking and wanted to pee because I'm awfully scared! But upon our visit, Prony 2.0 is not in the mood because he is molting. We were able to see him up-close but we're very careful not to annoy him because in just a swift of his heavy body, I'll not be here writing you this blog.

There's more to this than just pythons. They also have various species of animals from the wild. And one of them really fascinated me. No, more likely surprised me. Because he did masturbate when he saw a beautiful Korean. Hahaha! One of a kind experience, indeed! That was an Indonesian Black Ape! He's funny and horny! Oops! The rest were sleeping so we did not mind disturbing them. We just roam around. But there's a part of me that's kind of sad. These animals are caged and the cages were too small. This is absurd to share but I did actually had a connection with some of the animals. They were somehow (well it looks like that or maybe I was imagining too much) pleading for freedom and some were asking for a little more space. I can't help it so I wrote a suggestion and dropped it in their suggestion box hoping to make a difference. I am expecting more of my suggestion since tourists pay an entrance fee allocated for the improvement of the sanctuary. Hopefully, in my next visit, I'll still have that unbelievable connection with the animals telling me that they're much happier than during my last visit.

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Entrance Fee: 0.9USD (Php45)

Baclayon Church and Sandugo Shrine

Baclayon Church is the oldest church in Bohol which was built in 1596 by Jesuit Priests as their first mission in spreading Christianity in the island of Bohol. It was originally built out of timber as a housing for Virgin Mary of Immaculate Conception and became a parish in 1717. The present church made up of corals was then built in 1727. And since 1994, the church of Baclayon became a historical landmark.


That's interesting but boring information because in just one swipe from your smart phones you can easily access that information. But what you don't know is the story why the town was called "Baclayon". No, it's not because of gays or "bakla". But it was because the former residents of the town are fond of walking or "Baklay" in "Boholanos' term. They often say to their friends, "Baklayon lang nato to, duol ra man." (Let's just walk going there, that's not quite far anyway.). Hence, the town was called "Baclayon". A more detailed story was told by our tour guide which he said that it was between the years 1595 and 1600 where the Jesuit priests asked the natives what's the name of the place. Of course they still don't understand each other that time so the natives thought that the priests were asking them what they're doing. And since the natives are fond of walking they answered "Baklay". Then the town was called Baclayon. Much interesting story, isn't it? Hehehe.

Sandugo is a blood compact which was performed in Bohol between the Spanish explorer, Miguel Lopez de Legazpi and Datu Sikatuna, the chieftain of Bohol to seal their friendship as part of the tribal tradition. Sandugo is a Boholano term meaning "one blood". And during their treaty they shed a little drop of blood mixed with the traditional coconut wine (Tuba) and drink it cheering the names of each other. Since then, Boholanos reenact the blood compact which happened on March 16, 1565 and thus Saulog celebration was given birth. Also, because of the Sandugo, Tagbilaran was tagged to be the "City of Friendship".


But you know what? I've heard variations of this story. I am not chismosa but I'm curious. Hahaha. So I've heard that the true location of the Blood Compact is not in Tagbilaran City but in an another town.

Entrance Fee: FREE

Finally the Day 1 has Ended

You see? In just a couple of hours, we were able to tour BOHOL. And as I've said earlier that cost us 40USD (Php2000) (I mean the tour package alone which you can share with your friends).


The whole day tour was superb! I and my workmates (in Cebu) really enjoyed the tour. As we let the night passed, all our hopes and excitements were reserved. To more trips! Yey!

Seas the Day!

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Nagmahal. Nasaktan. Nag-two piece.


Finally, after a long day of tour yesterday we finally reached the eastern part of Bohol, the town of Anda. Anda is 110 kilometers from the City of Tagbilaran and is a 5th class municipality. And just a year ago, its tourism exponentially increased. And I'm gonna show you why.

Anda de Boracay


The sand that stretches to the perimeter of the town is awesomely fine and white. You don't have to go to Boracay because this pristine beach will cost you barely 8USD (Php400) from Cebu City! So for you who worried too much of the closure of Boracay, save some of your money and experience the stunning and dazzling beach of Anda. Since Bohol has no power plants nor large infrastructures, the whole island is absolutely clean and healthy. As a matter of fact, there are various sea creatures you'll see in which kids love to wonder about.

Mating 'lil starfishes. Maghihiwalay din kayo, chos! Hahaha.

This little "Mr. Crab" here is the favorite collection of many kids enjoying the low tide. One kid said that they love to collect them and see them walk around and eventually just free them. They are truly adorable, they tingles as they walk around your palm.

Oh that albino crabby so cutie!

Of course the traditional "patrick the starfish" which are really abundant in Anda. You'll love to see them when you dive in their beautiful clear waters.

There are a lot more but I'll leave the rest for you to explore because I was also busy enjoying the white sand and the clear water as I salted my hair, tanned my "already-tanned" skin and enjoyed the sea breeze. This is life at its finest! You can definitely forget the hassles and buzzes from work.

The true edge of Anda compared to Boracay is that the serenity is priceless! Not too crowded and the residents are not building too much resorts because they want to preserve the God-given gift of nature. But here's even more surprising. Despite of the increasing tourists enjoying Anda, Anda still has a beach you can enjoy FOR FREE! Yes, FOR FREE! Even cottages are FOR FREE! Isn't that amazing? This beach is located at the heart of Anda where you can hear the bells ringing from the church nearby. So much of serenity! A perfect place to move on. Hahaha.

If you think Anda is only beaches and sun, well, think again. Because I'm going to show you two more splendid caves hiding behind the silence of the town, Cabagnow and Combento Cave Pools.

Cabagnow Cave Pool


Cabagnow cave is the deepest and the most popular cave pool among all caves in the town of Anda. According to the residents, it has always been their favorite cave pool ever since. But just recently, it reached millions of tourists due to social media. And I was among the many tourists who grew the strong interest of visiting the place. And there I was..


..standing (literally) at the edge of the cave pool but not wanting to jump. First, it's too deep. Second, I don't know how to swim. Third, my shorts will surely leave me. Hahaha. I should have worn a different shorts. There are too many tourists anyway, I would not enjoy if I did jump. But I promise to myself, I'll be back. I'll jump till all the fears in my thoughts leave my mind.

Even if I did not jump, I still enjoyed watching the tourists jump and swim the depth of the waters of Cabagnow Cave Pool.

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Actually, this cave pool idea is not much of a cave but more of a sink hole. It is about 2 kilometers away from the Poblacion of Anda and is 30 meters away from the nearest beach, the Talisay Beach. It is an approximate 20x10 feet opening on limestone ground that drops 8 feet into a pool of brackish water that goes down 25 feet deep. Hmmm. Now I'm thinking not to dive anyway. Hahaha. Such a scaredy cat!

Entrance Fee: 1USD (Php50) (but only 0.4USD (Php20) for Andahanons)

Combento Cave Pool

Daring than ever. Ika'y moving on ha. Haha dzaa!

Combento cave is more of a piece of cake compared to Cabagnow and I did not miss to try how cold it is inside. The name of the cave was derived from the amazing stalactite formation inside and the arc form it has above it. Truly like a convent or a church. And this cave in Barangay Virgen has two pools, one for adults and the other for kids. Both are amazing and clean (if one of us did not dare pee hahaha).

Nothing much to say because I'm really awed in the beauty and serenity of the place. I think I'm inlove (I wish). Hahaha.

Entrance Fee: 0.4USD (Php20)

The Side Trips

While in Anda, aside from dipping to the waters, you should not miss TAFIAS and La Manoc. So let's go and have some side trips!



I really enjoyed here. So many free taste! Hahaha! Healthy free taste! They have ice cream in various organic flavors such as turmeric, Ternatea, tuba, native chili, buko and malunggay.And for me, among all the yummy flavors, I prefer the tuba. One word to perfectly describe it is, "exciting". The taste of tuba is there with a mixture of distinct choco flavor from cacao plus the milk for sweetening is absolutely amazingly mixed to create a perfect ice cream! Now, you won't feel too bad for a cheat day. Hahaha. But if you're more of a daring than just curious, then try their native chili flavor. Then tell me how do you find it. I'd love to hear your opinion and I'll share a very funny story about my experience after. Okay?

Say hooray for free taste!

They also have the Ternatea juice which has a lot of benefits including moving on. Kidding aside. We also tried munching on the Ternatea fresh and dried flowers. It does taste good.


And of course the popular Tilapia chips! Yes, chips now are made even healthier. And guess what, their chips comes in various flavors like calamansi, choco, chili, ginger and garlic.


Entrance Fee: FREE (Just pay for the food you'll buy not unless it's free)

2. Mangroove Boardwalk


It's such a good feeling to exercise but it's even nicer to walk on an aisle with the wind blowing your hair and the sun kissing your cheeks. Oooh! Nature! (As a result, haggard looking fess bess! Hahaha) It was my first time to actually know that there are male and female mangrooves. And I'm just wondering, do they mate? Hahaha. Kidding! This boardwalk leads to a restaurant slash pier. Yes a pier for those who wants to tour the mystical cave of La Manoc where bones and fossils of ancient people are believe to have nestled in the cave. But unfortunately, this was only a side trip so I listed La Manoc Cave in my bucket list. See you sooner!


Entrance Fee: 0.2USD (Php10)


What made our two-day stay in Anda worth remembering are the people who welcomed us. Not just the typical welcoming but they really allowed us to stay for two nights at their crib FOR FREE! Thanks to Josol Family!


They provided us with HOME so cozy that we felt like not at all miles away from our families. They have proven how hospitable Boholanos are! They cooked meals for us, laughed with us and told us tales.


And if I'm gonna recommend Bohol specifically Anda to my friends, it's mainly because of the people of Anda. The Andahanons truly touched my heart and that is what will make me always come back to this place like home!


Farewell Anda! Farewell Bohol! 'Till we meet again!

The Bohol Trip Itinerary!

Day 1
9:30 AM ----- Meet-up with the Tour Guide at JJ's Sea Food Restaurant (Pick up location varies depending on your choice)
10:45 AM --- Carmen's Chocolate Hills
11:15 AM ---- Batuan's ShipHaus
11:40 AM ---- Bohol Habitat Conservation Center (Butterfly Sanctuary)
12:40 PM ---- Sipatan Twin Hanging Bridge
1:00 PM ------ Loboc Adventure Park (iFly Loboc)
1:30 PM ------ LUNCH BREAK (supposed to be at Loboc Floating Restaurant but was cancelled due to the overwhelming tourists)
2:50 PM ------ Tariser Sanctuary
3:30 PM ------ Bohol Python and Wildlife Park
4:00 PM ------ Baclayon Church
4:50 PM ------ Blood Compact (Sandugo) Shrine
5:20 PM ------ TIME FOR REST

Day 2
9:00 AM ------ At the Dao Bus Terminal (near Island City Mall)
11:35 AM ---- Guindolman Poblacion Proper
12:00 NN ---- Anda Poblacion Proper
12:30 PM ---- Lunch at Josol's crib
1:00 PM ------ BEACH TIME!

Day 3
9:00 AM ------ TAFIAS
10:30 AM ---- Mangroove Boardwalk
11:45 AM ---- Lunch time
1:00 PM ------ Cabagnow Cave Pool
2:00 PM ------ Combento Cave Pool
3:50 PM ------ Rest at Josol's crib
6:00 PM ------ DINNER (Boodle fight!)

Some Useful Tips

  1. Bring light. You'll get exhausted with the so many stop overs! Make sure to bring what's necessary.
  2. Bring extra money or just bring your ATM in case the need arises.
  3. Bring and use sunblock if you're not used to the kissing of the sun against your skin.
  4. For lesser expenses, encourage more of your mates.
  5. Be sure to charge your phones and bring your power banks.
  6. Always ask for affordable pension houses. Boholanos will be more than willing to help you.
  7. On your ferry ride, choose the lowest price. It won't matter anyway, you'll be in the same destination even if you didn't avail for that business trip.
  8. ENJOY!

This has been @nikkabomb saying "Move on na besh.!" 'Till next travel blog steemians! Mwaah! Lovelots! XOXO!

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Great vlog nikkabomb! Keep it up! 2nd vote here! :)

thanks dear <3 :* i love your posts dear. especially the latest. ugh i love sushis! <3

Very informative blog! Thanks for sharing.

I hope you don't take this the wrong way but I hope next time you can avoid picking up seastars and other marine creatures out of the water. I know you don't have negative intentions but people who read you blog will think it's okay. Thank you!

woaaa! thanks a lot. Yeah, I somehow didn't think about that. Sorry.

i love bohol my home land!

omg! really? where in bohol?

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OMG! thanks a lot @trufflepig. You're awesome.

OMG! thanks a lot @trufflepig. You're awesome.

I like this articel

OMG. Thanks for noticing this.

Woah amazing! feel nako naa sad ko sa bohol pagbasa ani. Very informative kaayo niks! Never knew the different folktales about Chocolate Hills until I read this one. Grabe pwede nagyud ka mag tourist guide nik hahahah

hahahaha taas2x pd ni sya nga blog. maygani nagka time ka manager sa pagbasa ani. i feel so honored na notice nimo ni. omg! hahaha daaa, kuyaw sa? pwede na ma tour guide? dali laag namo diri bohol. sagot ko accommodation haha

Wow! Now that was a thorough post! I feel like I actually went there. No need to go! Just joking! I am supposed to be touring the Visayas later this year. Can’t wait to see all of the beautiful sites and beautiful people.
God bless and thank you!
Daddy William

I hope it didn't bore you. Thanks for reading it 'til the end. :) Well, please do include BOHOL in your travel list. And if you'll actually go there, I'll be glad to help you with contacts and pension houses you will surely need.

I will have to see all of these things for myself! Not boring!

You really have to. Hehehe. If you find it nice in my blog then it's much nicer to experience it yourself especially the zipline. OMG! I can't wait to hear your story in your visit in Bohol. Ayeeee.

That would be cool! Bohol, by Daddy William. We have a zip line over here. I have tried times.

That's cool. Well, the zipline in bohol will left you in awe as you will experience a one of a kind thrill while appreciating the river and the mountain view from the top. I'm so excited for you to try it. But I would highly recommend the bicycle air-ride. Watcha think?

I am invited to come first to Lapu Lapu later this year, then we travel the Visayas. Will have to visit Bohol! The zip line here is said to the longest in all of Asia. Will have to compare to the one there!

Lapu lapu is also a great place to visit especially the islands. OMG. Im excited to read your travel blog about lapu lapu. Hehehe. Wow that's exciting!

Information overload in one post but enjoyable. I wonder who popularized the stories about the "fecal" hills. It sounds funny but not in a good way for me. I like Anda already. Everything seems to be white there. We need more Carlito's to be passionate about giving back to nature. I don't know how to swim so I would scared to jump into that sinkhole pool too. Interesting side trips you have there. I hope the churches will be restored soon. Those are what makes places here in the Philippines more interesting.

wow! such a good reader there @leeart! Thank you so much for noticing my blog. Hehehe, one of my teachers in highschool told us about those stories haha and also our tour guide. Anda is such a wonderful place but yeah that sink hole is too scary haha. hmmm you're right. Hopefully to have more Carlito's. Side trips are always fun. As much as possible I always stick to my travel plans when I travel but when there are opportunities for side trip then why not? hehehe. PH is truly a gem! Thanks again @leeart for dropping by. I'm now a fan of you, lodi! Keep steeming!

Haha! Mas lodi ka. You get to travel and see a lot of our country. Yun ang goal ko for now. To travel the whole Philippines. I think this got me interested because of my desire to travel as well. I want to get as much as information as I can from those who've been.

yeah. It's more fun if we don't just say "awe, that's beautiful" but we actually know a lil bit of the history and tales :)

Right? It gives more depth to certain things if we know more about it. It may not be to our liking but it is story that would make it interesting just like reference to poo hills haha!

yes. exactly. :) the poo hills tho. hahaha

woah! This is very informative post. I felt like I've toured Bohol myself. I love the hugot lines. You look sexy in two piece:) I am a girl by the way ahaha though my username sounds like a guy. I love Bohol. Will always look after your post. Its worth of my time, though lengthy but its super fun!

hi @orhem. This is somehow looks like a travel magazine than a travel blog hahaha. thanks for reading it till the end. hahaha yeah kasi nagmahal, nasaktan, nag two piece. LOL hahaha

"Read" you around @orhem.

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