Synthetic Alcohol That Doesn't Give Hangover Will Replace Present-Day Alcohol In A Few Years

in #steemstem6 years ago (edited)

For drinkers of alcohol, the term “hangover” certainly doesn't need a special definition. At one point or the other, liquor lovers have experienced a hangover so bad that they swore to stay-off alcohol for eternity. However, the next night, they are back to hugging the bottle, and the binge drinking continues.


The niggling effect of a hangover can be so distressing atimes, that nothing and no one can palliate the discomfort, as quickly as we would normal desire.

But that is when science, once again, comes to the rescue. As of today, the term “alcosynth” or “synthetic alcohol” seems to be gaining wide spread fame.

Alcosynth or Synthetic Alcohol

In a bid to eradicate hangover effects, a teacher at the Imperial College, Professor David Nutt, formerly a drug advisor to the British government, has come up with the innovative alternative to hangover-causing liquor.

According to Prof. Nutt, hangover era may soon be a thing of the past, thanks to the new form of synthetic alcohol.


The venture behind this massive alcohol alternative is Alcarelle, and the managing director David Orren in partnership with Professor David Nutt intend to start courting investors soon for the venture, with the hope of generating £7 million required to bring one of its secret compound to the UK, EU, and US market.

The Chinese government hoping to reverse the effects alcohol has had on its workforce has also warmly embraced the concept.

What is Synthetic Alcohol or Alcosynth?

Synthetic alcohol is simply alcohol that features everything we love about alcohol, and nothing we hate about alcohol. Normally, alcohol gives us a pleasant buzz, lowered inhibitions, and that very sensual desire to call or text someone at a time we shouldn’t. But it also gives us the usual vomiting, nauseas and a pounding headache when we over-do it. But the “alcosynth” or “synthetic alcohol” is set to change all of that.

According to Professor David Nutt, alcosynth promises to yield other benefits, asides from never causing us to get a hangover again.

“In another 10 or 20 years, Western societies won’t drink alcohol except on rare occasions.”

“Alcosynth will become the preferred drink, in the same way that I can see – almost within a decade now in the Western world – tobacco and cigarettes will disappear as they’re replaced by electronic cigarettes.”

The Down-side of alcohol

About 3.3 million people alone died in 2012 due to alcohol-related complications. In the U.S alone, the lowest budget spent by hospitals for alcohol-related patient care was roughly $220 billion, amounting to about $1.90 for every unit of alcohol consumed. In the UK, it rips into the economy at an expense of £22bn ($29.3m) a year.

But then, when it comes to alcosynth, it has been revealed that it won’t damage the blood vessels, liver, brain cells or heart. Alcosynth is essentially non-toxic, according to Prof Nutt.

Medical Interest in Alcosynth

A feature which researchers are referring to as the “plateau” is of interest to health professionals. Based on studies, the “plateau” feature creates a limit of drunkenness in the body, resulting in a phenomenon where continued consumption of alcohol has no effect.

This “plateau” feature translates to a situation where you can drink even more, after you are drunk and you won’t get any drunker – something which would probably suit people who like to test their alcohol quotient.

Explaining further on the study, Nutt said;

“It could well change [the] culture. If there’s less intoxication then there will be less violence on the street, less vomiting and less unpleasantness in our city centers. There are some people that want to get intoxicated so they can just fight or be ‘out of it’, but most people want to drink alcohol to enjoy the experience, though inevitably alcohol harms them.”


Despite the potential benefits of this breakthrough study, Prof Nutt insists that the “alcosynth” is not a miracle cure for alcoholism.

He further stated;

“Wouldn’t it be fantastic if we could replace alcohol with something that led to almost no deaths?”

“That would be one of the greatest public health developments in the history of the world.”

Still, Nutt emphasizes the fact that recovering alcoholics are advised to still avoid the “synthetic alcohol”, as there are no guarantees that they would not be affected by alcosynth.

However, the belief is that this new alternative greatly outweighs the present risk attached to traditional alcohol; and the scientific breakthrough could influence our form of drinking, in the not-too-distant future.


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Humm, interesting and at the same time kinda weird.
So in years to come i can actually take alcohol without getting drunk?
But here is my question...
The plateau you mentioned, what if there is a lot of consumption and accumulation of alcohol, there isnt gonna be an adverse effect?
Like wont there be an effect if the intake of the alcohol is so high.
I hope you understand my question.
Thank you

Yea, I get your question @rebeccafl. It's kinda weird, I truly agree.
For your question,

  • "Alcosynth" mimics alcohol without harming people or causing hangovers.
  • It promises of low-calorie
  • It does not damage the liver, heart, blood vessels, brain or anything else, for that matter.


  • The specific level of drunkenness at which the effects of plateau occurs varies from substance to substance.

So, suffice it to say that it really boasts of no negative effects whatsover.
And the great thing is that one would hardly ever get drunk via alcosynth. Plus even if you attain a state of drunkenness, you won't get any drunker....that's really a cool feature.
Thanks for reading @rebeccafl

Woot! I'd say good news for people who enjoy drinking rum or gin... Not only could they spend all of Friday at the pub, but now they could also wake up by 4am on Saturday for work.

Good innovation...

Yea, you are very right @pangoli. Booze all night, wake up ready for work the next morning.
What a life it would be....lolz. I just people don't get to abuse it extremely.
Thanks for visiting, buddy.

As long as it gives a drinker's high, most won't really mind :)

Exactly! If it can get one to that high point, then it seems perfect. Thanks for visiting @greenrun.

I will really try for alcosynth @rickie....plz let me kno the price!!!

The potential to change course of history :)

Sounds like to eat the cake and have it, too :-)

Reminds me for some reason on a science fiction novel I read. Can't remember the name, though. Another thing I have to look up for you, now! :-))

Good topic! Thank you!

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