You Are More Creative If You Smoke Marijuana, According To Studies

in #psychology7 years ago (edited)

For admirers of cannabis or marijuana - either as a medicinal drug or as a psychoactive stimulant - recent studies might be of interest; as the very question of whether smoking marijuana makes one creative might just be getting some fresh analysis.


For years there has always been the debate on whether marijuana is safe for either clinical use or recreational consumption.

And the big question itself, as to whether smoking marijuana is capable of inducing creativity in an individual, has continuously begged for an answer.

Well, according to publications on a recent study, there seems to be an underlying link between smoking 'pot' and creativity.


The ‘Pot’ Study

The somewhat interesting study comprised of 412 marijuana users and 309 non-users of the famous cannabis psychoactive stimulant, with the goal of ascertaining the possible creative tendencies emanating from smoking the plant.

Washington State University graduate student, Emily LaFrance, the co-author of the study said she became interested in the topic after noticing that most of her favourite artistes admit that they smoke cannabis.

“This cannabis use was commonly thought to have been a cause of the creative success of many artists. I began to wonder about this commonly held idea – are cannabis users really more creative than non-users?”

The study was published in the Consciousness and Cognition journal, and is titled “Inspired by Mary Jane? Mechanisms underlying enhanced creativity in cannabis users”.

PS: All volunteer subjects for the tests were sober, meaning that none of the test subjects was marijuana-intoxicated prior to or during the test.

Research Outcome

The study detailed a hands-on research on various areas ranging from creative works and achievements to psychological tests. Major highlights from the research showed that:

  • Cannabis users were more likely to become extroverts and more open to new experiences.

  • Cannabis users displayed higher levels of artistic creativity, but not a higher amount of creative achievements or completed works.

  • Cannabis users performed better on tests which showed creative problem solving, known as 'convergent thinking test'.

  • Overall, the researchers did find that the people who use marijuana are more creative than their counterparts who do not use it.

The Creativity Twist

When the researchers went deeper into analysis during the course of the study, they discovered an interesting detail. The team of researchers discovered that when they considered personality traits in their analysis, the results showed that personality traits could go on to reveal whether a person is more inclined to the use of marijuana, and also create the tendency to become more creative.


Emily LaFrance stated further on the study, that;

“Cannabis users may be more creative than non-users, but this is not because using cannabis has increased their creativity.”

LaFrance went on to explain that it is actually the fact that marijuana users “are more open to experience new things than non-users” which influences their creative tendencies.

She further stated that this openness to new experiences is associated with the use of cannabis, resulting in heightened creativity.


I reckon the analysis is pretty much straight-forward. Interpretations may vary, based on perception and inference. But the underlying fact highlighted is that, if you probably smoke marijuana, then you are ‘perhaps’ a bit more creative that people who do not.

However, it is not the psychoactive stimulant that triggered your creativity or increased your creative tendencies. It was actually you, all along.

Study: Paper


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According to Albert Einstein, "creativity is intelligence having fun", but creativity depends largely on how we develop our sixth sense or faculty. Is our sixth sense now contingent on marijuana intake?

Lolz.....@kevaton, funny question of yours...

Is our sixth sense now contingent on marijuana intake?

It'd take some studies to come up with a suitable response to that....lolz. Thanks for visiting.
But then, on a serious note.....It certainly hinges on what works for an individual. It is largely psychological too, because what works for you might not work for someone else. So, if 'pot' smoking induces a level of sixth sense for a person, then maybe that's their own creative trigger.

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