A response to the perpetual question on Steem to curators: what is 'Good content'

in #steemstem5 years ago

I may be off my debate game having been away from the Steem world of blogs for some time, so don't be scared to call me out. But here goes anyway.

Being a part of SteemSTEM, I get to see a lot of complaints, and if I'm being totally honest, 100% of them are unfounded or ignorant.


But seriously, we rarely get criticism on how we are built, how our voting system works, how we curate. We certainly never get suggestions on ways to improve or do things differently.

What we do get, is called out as 'elitist'. Quite often. This puzzles me because:

noun - a person who believes that a society or system should be led by an elite.

I don't know about other curation initiatives but this is demonstrably opposite of what we're doing. The very point of SteemSTEM is that anyone, white or black, big or small, animal or plant, can publish digestible STEM topics and be rewarded for it, rather than those who publish in inaccessible journals in language people can't understand.

There's more to us than that, of course, but I think what people are actually saying when they call us elitist is:

Nehhhhh you won't support me with your stake for going against your guidelines nehhhh

In a way, I get it I suppose. People don't expect that when they take an image owned by someone else and use it for a simple, innocent blog, that it would be a big deal. People don't expect a couple of copy-pasta'd sentences will harm anyone. So it can be frustrating, even confusing when you don't get support, or worse, a flag.

But, come on. Elitist? We are doing exactly what the rest of the civilised world does.

Objective requirements

What we're doing isn't special or nitpicky. Copyright protection is a global, multi-billion dollar industry for a reason. People make stuff, that stuff belongs to them unless stated otherwise.

Thus, if something isn't yours, and is in fact, someone else's, you don't have the rights to it and don't deserve to be rewarded money for it - unless stated otherwise. People go to court for this constantly. That's how the world works. Why should Steem be any different? Because your blog is small?

What happens if one day your blog isn't small? Ever seen people dig up twitter posts from 7 years ago and the next thing you know a famous CEO resigns or a comedian goes to court? What if SteemSTEM becomes big news in 2030, and the next thing we know, Bloomberg is pointing out all the copyrighted content we've directly supported since 2016?

Hyperbolic I know, but the point is still valid.

So, being the original content creator, not being BS. These are our objective requirements.

What about Subjective requirements?

This probably applies to most curation groups here. I get it, people want to be all philosophical about subjectivity and terminology. What is quality?

This outlook on the world is flavourful and we can see it across history in all art, from the serialism in visual art, the minimalism in music, the abstraction in the avant-garde. I mean, one of the most famous pieces of music among classical musicians is literal silence. (...or is it?)

But come on. We don't need individuals with advanced degrees in quality control to know what our particular group of curators will agree upon as quality. Humans have this innate ability, within reason, to know when something is 2 minutes of garbage, and something else is 4 hours of hard thought and work.

Does the duration and effort matter? Maybe, that's for the curators to decide together, as a team. If I remember right with OCD, it came down to substantial votes across dozen-ish curators. The selected posts with the most votes got the upvotes.

With SteemSTEM, we not only require at the very least a second opinion, but we have a team of 'honor members' to keep us in check, and every action is publicly visible for anyone to keep them and us in check in turn. Often, they do. On numerous occasions we've been asked 'why did you vote for this?' and sometimes we do indeed remove votes.

If people's idea of quality is different to our own, they are welcome to pander to other curation groups instead, or, they can be voted by individuals - of which there are still plenty. Or hey, they can even start their own curation team that favours their idea of quality.

This is not decentralization

Saying curation teams are stealing votes away from users by concentrating all voters' votes into one initiative is kind of like saying 'dem immigrants be steelin all ahr jahbz!.

If you were better at your job and demanded a smaller salary than the immigrants, it wouldn't be an issue. Obviously that's not ideal but again it's how the world works.

In the same vein, people who support curation groups are trusting that group to do a decent job that falls in line with what they consider to be quality content. People who support steemSTEM trust, based on years of voluntary service and consistent behaviour, that we will do a good job curating academic content.

If we were to stop functioning, would these supporters who entrusted their VP to us suddenly and frantically curate manually for academic content on the main Steemit feed, day after day? Unlikely. If they wanted to do that, they wouldn't have given us their VP support in the first place.

Thus, their stake will likely go to waste. Even if they did turn to manual curation, they are suddenly diving into a world of scams, plagiarism, copyright infringement and disinformation without the faintest idea of how to spot any of it, compared to us curators who have been figuring this stuff out on Steem for literally years.

This isn't unique to Steem. Twitter deletes about one million accounts per day, up to 70 million across a 2 month period.

So yes, things become more centralized through curation groups, but only via decentralized means. Nobody has a monopoly on academic content, nobody has a monopoly on art. People must sign up to Facebook in order to access the services facebook has to offer. Nobody has to do anything to access the same content SteemSTEM rewards.

People are welcome to go around SteemSTEM and do their own decentralized lifestyle. It's just... humans have a tendency to centralize. Reflect back on all of humanity, from individual families to tribes and all the way to governments, blocs of nations and the internet. There isn't some evil force of elites making us centralise. It's just what we tend to do.

But Steem is beautiful in that you don't have to join. You can be a nomad, a vagabond, and your position will be just as valid as anyone else's. Some people want to just sit back and watch their stake be used wisely, others want complete control over everything their stake goes to.

I personally see nothing wrong with either direction.

I do see a potential issue with smaller users getting unnoticed because if votes are all concentrated into one block, it's much harder to see the whole savannah. But I dunno, this seems far more a problem with the inherent flawed design of steemit etc than curation groups.

Why can't these users just find their niche, and join that community. In reddit, if you like, say, jokes, you type 'jokes' and then you join '/r/jokes'. At this point, you tell a joke, and other people who like jokes upvote your joke.

On Steemit, you simply can't do that. It's not a thing. They proposed it over a year ago alongside STD's - er, I mean, SMT's - but I haven't heard anything about it since. So we all have to suffer the same fate. A platform/platforms that are simply badly designed to discover content we like.

Curation teams actually help in this major deficit. People learn to recognize the names, and follow, curation groups that support things they want to see. Rather than just going

steemit.com/trending - Arggg!!

They actually have somewhere to go, something to look at and, in the case of SteemSTEM and many others, a community to join and engage in, be it on discord, telegram or elsewhere.

What's wrong with that? Seriously, I'm rusty to the culture here and don't mind being corrected and informed.


You offer an unagitated and clear view of things. I find myself in many things and cannot and will not contradict you. A view that I would like to offer: It is obviously difficult for people to distinguish between what is actually the case and what is offered at SteemSTEM and what happens in the chats, where the team faces the questions of the users and where much is discussed. From my point of view, the impression of an elitist group has arisen because it happens that the moderation speaks from a certain height with chat visitors which strike condescending to very rude.

If everyone were quite insensitive and calm, the conversations on discord would be perceived differently. But every interest group that wants to achieve something needs moderators who have experience in managing an editorial office. If even the slightest impression of dishonesty, favouritism and discrimination emerges, you are dealing with a reputation-damaging debate.

Personally, I removed myself from the discord chat because I noticed that I started to react emotionally when I found that one of the moderators leaned a little too far out of the window. Basically, I am informed enough to know what criteria a Steemstem article needs to follow.

From my point of view this is still in the experimental phase with mistakes between both sides: the Steemstem headquarters and the interested parties coming into contact. A reputation grows over a long period of time. Steemit as a platform for the communities that have formed themselves as a central place are still too young for that. We all could take that as a learning experience though.

Sometimes I get the impression that one produces content for the sake of content, but somehow has forgotten what one actually wanted. The miserable research possibilities on Steemit are a real nuisance. And the seven-day windows let old content rot in the basement. Nobody cares what you posted a year ago. I don't know if one wants to meet this circumstance at all. You might think you could start by referring to Steemit content, for example because you're writing a science article and referring to other steem-stemlers. Personally, I would lose myself in the tedious research and therefore prefer to resort to the large Internet, where I can offer PDF papers in full length and quality as a source.

Other than that, you make some really good points and I am in favor of the way you express them.

You are likely referring to Alexs1320 or whatever, who was consistently 12 times ruder than anyone else and is no longer a part of the team. He was hyper-aggressive constantly, in and out of steemstem. Oh JTM had some issues too, that he was open about dealing with, but he has also since left. That being said I can't think of anyone else who was rude to anyone, unless it was me, which I find pretty unlikely? Either way, I haven't seen any rude or aggressive behaviors in weeks or months

The 7 day thing has always been a point of contention and I for one have, for the longest time, had deep issues with the very fundamental concept of how steem works. However, this has led my brain to come up with my scholarship scheme which I think works in a very complementary way, just not the way we're used to.

People are and will always find a solution, and steempress, for example, demonstrates another angle. We just gotta wait it out.

A final point about the elitism bit, whoever you're referring to, they are presumably human as we all are, and humans tend to succumb to psychological deficits, shame of being wrong, fear of change, confirmation bias and so forth. But the human personality is not part of what steem stem, or curie, or OCD, are.

No, I don't even know the people you mentioned. I tried to give an explanation why one might have got the impression of "elitist", nothing more. Whether you seem rude or arrogant to someone is not in your hands. The perception of people is very different. My perception when observing interactions in the chat came to the edge where I found communication difficult and so I kept it wise to take the focus away from there and silently decide for myself whether to support the STEM community. I have delegated a share. Which I equate with the fact that, by and large, I trust the concept, but I wasn't always completely satisfied with the way it was led or communicated. These are two different pairs of shoes.

We could now argue whether my impression was not justified and you want to dismiss any form of misconduct other than those you mentioned. I had emphasized that people become extremely critical when they see even a hint of improper leadership. Personally, I have not clashed with anyone, you or anyone else.

But the human personality is not part of what steem stem, or curie, or OCD, are.

No? I'd say it is always a part.

Yes, the fundamental concept also always gave me headaches. Do you have some more information about your scholarship scheme? Sounds interesting.

Steempress I never have dealt with.

Waiting it out is always a good idea. :)

You don't know jtm? justtryme90?

I'm not the 'extremely critical' or 'dismissive' type don't worry. If you have something to say about the way we're run that you think can improve of course i'd like to hear it. As I said in this post, we rarely get that, at least anymore.

I vote that you join again, a lot of things are changing, and its not exactly very active these days like the rest of Steem so, low stress environment and we all value your presence & content.

But I get your larger point and though i certainly recall a time when things could have been seen as elitist, on the basis that i refer to in this article, I don't see it. The way people behave? maybe yeah. Things to do to enjoy votes? Nahhhh.

Ok regarding scholarship thing I can send a text wall in a DM if you like, i dont want the idea blockchained and public just yet cause its too good to be stolen by less trustworthy folk!

HaHa, LOL, of course, I know JTM but was not sure about the short cut of his name :)

Yes, I think work improvement is always a possibility. I decided to let it run and watch from a distance to get a clear mind. Also, from a systemic point of view I observe a system and try to decide whether the leading figures do maintain, for example, an autoritative or democratic style and whether they bring enough experience with them in having led a team. I decided that not all were experienced but can learn in trying to and becoming more advanced during time.

After I put my own nose into becoming a team member, I felt that they style was not for me and I dropped out again. I felt having no mandate in explaining you guys what I was after and already communicated within my steemstem posts.

Putting some distance between myself and my STEM articles was needed. I knew I was giving a lot into the sphere and I ran out of topics. I said it - so far - all in that particular field. "Systemics", "Systems Theory" and all related themes are a special interest of mine. Also very much work related.

Maybe now it's time for another article as I notice that "systemic consensus" could become a hot topic. It's an idea which is ahead of it's time and as always, not recognized as such :)

I guess I gave you a longer background than you have asked for :)

Yes, I will go to discord and DM you. I understand why you don't want to spoil it.

Hopefully you've gotten some inspiration, see you there!

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I agree with most parts of what you wrote... The only think I cannot fully agree is that there are some parameters that can be collectively stablished (plagiarism protection rules are out of the question, but writing styles and other stuff shall be open to debate). Also these criteria shall evolve with the platform, otherwise the project will suffer stagnation.

That being said I really like STEEMSTEM, when I successfully manage to have some time to write I would love to share chemistry related content.

Best regards.

I think everyone is evolving daily, which is why so many people have problems with it, because humans aree typically averse to change, its a constant struggle!

You are of course welcome to write content with us! Join the discord, learn how things are done etc. We're one of the few groups that can guarantee an upvote every time a user posts accordinig to our guidelines =D

I am familiar with stem guidelines for posting content, but are there some guidelines to vote as well?

Oh you can post what you want, there's no guidelines for that. They only apply to whether you want a vote or not. We're not going to flag you if you post stuff that doesn't meet our standards of course

Is there any benefit posting used the STEM front end of Steem?

Yep. If you publish through Steemstem.io, you automatically get 5% stronger vote. If you add Steemstem as a beneficiary (any amount), you get another 5% on top of that. So 10% benefit.

You also (once we fully establish this system) get to feature on the front page, be whitelisted, and other things in the works

How cool, and you guys have Ann steem-engine token?

No, no plans for that. For me there's no evidence tokens will yet be worth anything, or even come to exist with any value at all. Wait and see


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