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RE: "I AM DONNA - and I'm the hammer"

in #steemstem5 years ago (edited)


I disagree with you. I believe that God owns everything. Now, if God does not exist, then people own things. People should try to own things. It is like a relationship that might end.

Losing Parents & Property

There is meaning in having a mother and a father. Like property, you can lose your parents. But that does not undervalue your parents any more than that undervalues land, property, ownership.

You Believe It

You can say you don't believe in ownership and yet you do believe in it. You either know that or you are unaware that you truly believe in ownership deep inside. You might be unaware of it.

Regret vs Fear of Failure

I would rather fail than regret not trying. So, in life, we suffer. In life, we lose things. Like you said, in life, we cannot find things. We make mistakes. We do bad things. People do bad stuff to us. Many different things happen to humans both good and bad. I would rather try my best than regret ever trying in the first place. The meaning to life involves pain. That is good. No pain then no gain. You probably believe in avoiding pain. I strongly disagree with that. I believe in fighting for what is right. I'm against pacifism, apathy, nihilism, ignorance, etc.


You say you do not own your life because you do not want to be held responsible by God for your actions. Many people choose to see the world that way or choose to believe that they are a good person, that they do more good than bad to earn their way to Heaven, to nirvana, to the afterlife, to whatever that might be next. But salvation can only be obtained in telling Jesus Christ that you are a sinner, that you are not perfect, that you are human, that you make mistakes, that you do bad sometimes. Tell Christ to give you a new heart, a new life, a transformation of the spirit, to save you. In doing so, Christ comes into your heart and begins helping you.


You can influence your body in some ways. Many things are determined to an extent by DNA, by biology. That does not mean you have no say at all. To an extent, you do have some say over your body at times and that can increase in some ways.


People blame other people. They can sometimes blame people for certain things. It is fundamental to blame yourself too when need be like I said already. Take responsibility. Ask for help.


That is good that you try to be healthy. I agree with that.

Dealing With Things

You can only do what you can do. So, you try your best to avoid regret. Focus on finding out what the eternal principles are. The United Nations are trying hire foreign soldiers in order to confiscate guns from Americans. That is a problem. The best I can do right now is tell people about that. I tell people what I know, what I see, how I feel, and what I believe, both right and wrong. I can be wrong about things that I say, feel, believe. I have passion in what I do. I love what I do. I try my best to do what I do. I'm a light in a dark world. All I can do is shine my light. That is all I can do.


I do not believe in long-term or perpetual ownership, I am actually trying to get rid of this belief. I'm still in the process. Such faith prevents me from being able to handle events better in given situations. Not to clamor or feed my rising anger when something is lost or stolen, not to develop or maintain hatred towards others because of it when I feel it.

To feel anger or hatred is inevitable. This cannot be avoided, but can only be artfully and spontaneously changed by contemplating and approaching one's own anger or hatred without involving others, always at the moment of its emergence. Also to live with the fact that something is broken, lost or stolen. Since this happens anyway, I don't have to suffer when something gets lost, for example, in a fire. I can then come to terms more calmly with the given event and begin to do and organize what is necessary instead of indulging in undue lamentation.

Getting upset about mistakes or accidents when they have already happened is wasted energy. Whoever gets upset or is over-anxious in a given situation also upsets other people and is often a nuisance to them. Do what needs to be done and put up with the consequences is better than arguing and blaming.

You say you do not own your life because you do not want to be held responsible by God for your actions.

Nowhere did I say that. Do I sound as if I do not want having responsibility? Don't mistake a non-aggressive attitude with weakness or lack of response for my actions or omissions or those of my fellow men. Aggressiveness often arises because of a lack of responding to a given situation. Like for example: people in social gatherings do not notice when it's time for a time out for them. They stay in a situation even though it's really obvious that they have not had a quiet hour during that gathering or day. So they easily get into a fight over minor things. Same with boredom.

If you look at the term "responsibility" it is the ability to respond in an appropriate manner (mind set) to a given situation or happening. Lack of ideas of how to respond leads to problematic or no response at all. Happens all the time.

Please don't understand my expressions as extremes. I am well aware that between "leading a life" and "owning this life" is a fine distinction but still it is a distinction. That does not mean that I wouldn't go see a doctor if I am getting ill and that I wouldn't re/act if I see inappropriate actions in public. But can you admit that even though we can do a lot about health and body care we still cannot make our heart beats stop? There are parts we cannot influence and there is uncertainty which I cannot eliminate to it's fullest. It needs calmness and confidence to act properly in dangerous and uncertain events, no? So I am wondering what you mean by "fight". Do you mean that literally? Or in a metaphorical sense?

I also do not believe in avoiding pain. I know what you mean. I think what you might mean is a disciplined routine, the effort to learn something. This has less to do with pain than with the fact that you have to use a certain mental and physical energy to bring in something to master art. Pain can occasionally occur, but pain alone is of no use. Pain happens. That is correct. But you can't grow with pain if you focus on it, it keeps you from doing what you want to do well. Pain is helpful when you have overcome it and have learned to be patient with it. Pain is a symptom of something that you ignore in the body-mind system. The more one part of you ignores it, the more it appears in another part of you.

However, I don't think that people can't overcome their suffering. I think one can. But it involves a lot of new habits and effort; see above :)

Pain is, for example, when you cut deeply into your finger and have a gaping wound. That is not yet suffering. It becomes suffering when I start to be terribly annoyed or complain about my carelessness, the knife that is too sharp, the person distracting me, and all sorts of things in the aftermath. For example, that I had to wait too long in the emergency room, that the traffic is an imposition, when I have a bleeding finger, that the doctors are idiots and my health insurance is too expensive, etc. Ignoring the fact that I not only maintain my own suffering, but also increase that of others. By being inattentive to everyone who helps me that day, the person who drives the car or bus, the handling of formalities, wound treatment, medication etc. etc.

What you might mean with "sins" I do mean with pacifying myself in thinking, doing and speaking in public or in front of family, friends or strangers. I am always a role model, whether I am aware of it or not. So it's better that I am not that reckless, mindless, egocentric person appearing in public or gatherings as the VIP, but learning to be more quiet and considering. That does not mean that I do not respond. I don't know why people mix pacifism with in-action or weakness. ...

We don't have to agree on everything. It's fine to disagree and still be friendly and feel friendly about one another.


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