How can we create the future by thinking about it?

in #steemstem7 years ago (edited)

What is the use of making predictions about the technology of tomorrow, or imagining the future? What use does it have? Should we even think about how our future world would be?


My answer to the last one of the above questions is a resounding "Yes"

This is quite simple: When we imagine the future, and share those thoughts with others, we are literally helping to create that future that we imagine, the future is nothing more than the eventual manifestations of our present thoughts.

Here is an example: Being in 2 places at the same time. Being in 2 places at the same time is obviously a fictional act for the moment (except at the quantum level, more on this later), a result of the imagination.

Sharing our thoughts with the world has never been easier. Today we have tons of different tools that allows all types of interaction 24/7

The interesting thing is with the mere fact of someone sharing a thought about the future, that person is encouraging that maybe some other individual will get the idea, and tell it to other friends, or maybe a young mind will read it, become fascinated by the concept and later in life end up working and researching to make that idea a reality. Therefore, any “crazy” idea about the future can more rapidly become something real if we share our visions and thoughts about it as much as we can.

Note that there are innumerable known cases of simple shared ideas that some time later ended up changing the world. A classic example in technology is the graphic interface of modern computers, that wasn’t created by Microsoft nor Apple, but by a little known company called Xerox. Let’s define first what is a “graphic interface”.

a Graphic User Interface allows the use of icons or other visual indicators to interact with electronic devices, rather than using only text via the command line. | Source

This is how interactions with computers would be (just code) if it weren't for graphical interfaces

For many, the first commercially available computer with a graphical interface was the original Apple Macintosh, however, Steve Jobs himself said that the idea was obtained by walking the halls of the Xerox Palo High Research Center (PARC) and notice in a fortuitous way how some researchers were experimenting with graphical interfaces on a screen.

However, those PARC researchers were actually influenced by one of the most important moments in the history of modern computing. Douglas Engelbart gave a demonstration that lit the light bulbs of ideas to all of those present in such a way that to this date a large part of those who we consider pioneers today and who attended that demonstration recognize that this was the source of their ideas.

Here is the presentation if you want to see this historic moment (he starts to speak at 1:40s)

And this is not only about graphical interfaces, but also about file systems, web-style hyperlinks, the mouse, video-conferencing, word processors with copy-paste, object-oriented design, etc.

In other words, Douglas Engelbart, by simply presenting his ideas to the world, literally changed it, and in a profound way. This is a real life example on why it’s important to share our ideas, even if they might sound ridiculous at the time.

Look another example in this video of Isaac Asimov explaining the future impact the internet would have in education:

Check how the disbelief of the interviewer starts to show around 2:40s

What is the lesson here?

Having seen those examples, that is why I believe it is important to share articles like this one about Buying emotions, since the idea is not only to expose what I believe will be the future, but maybe even to influence that same future so that it becomes a reality, or at least so that it arrives more quickly.

Notice now a curious thing between this concept (I mean, the concept that just thinking about the future changes it) and one of the concepts of Quantum Mechanics ... but let’s define Quantum Mechanics first:

Quantum mechanics is the branch of physics relating to the very small. Where objects instead exist in a haze of probability; they have a certain chance of being at point A, another chance of being at point B and so on. | Source

A graphic example of the Uncertainty Principle

According to quantum mechanics, the mere fact of us observing an event (or more strictly speaking, the mere fact of us measuring an event), causes us to disturb the system we are measuring and change its environment, and therefore we affect the result. This is called the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle.

Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle states that there is inherent uncertainty in the act of measuring a variable of a particle. Commonly applied to the position and momentum of a particle, the principle states that the more precisely the position is known the more uncertain the momentum is and vice versa. | Source

In other words, it seems inevitable in nature that the mere fact of us trying to understand it, causes us to change it (perhaps this is another clue between the connection between consciousness and the nature of reality).

So the next time you have a seemingly crazy idea, and someone asks you for what purpose you deduced to share it, simply respond "to change the world" because as I say before, the future is nothing more than the manifestations of our present thoughts.


It is a fact giving past examples of how the simple act of sharing ideas can create a snowball effect of actions eventually arriving at spectacular results. Every idea we have can become the initial spark of something fantastic, and now more than ever we have all kind of tools to share knowledge and learn along other people, Steemit itself being an excellent example.

If you want the future to be fantastic, you can help it to become real by simply thinking about it and sharing your thoughts with other people. Of course, the best would be to be able to develop new technologies that can make our live better, but since not everyone is able to do that, they can still influence other people that can actually build new technologies and make futurist utopias something as real as you and me.

What about you? What are your thoughts about the future of our civilization? About our technology?


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I have been told I'm crazy by so many people, just because I dare share my ideas of a possible, positive future. Those that listen will agree that they think my idea is great, but that other people won't do it, ether because they're too stupid, or they don't care.
Personally, I think this an effect of media focusing on the worst, to create sensationalist tv, which they sell to us as reality tv, or news. So if everyone stopped making choices based on what they think everyone else would do, then I am sure most of us would choose to enact some form of change once the right idea comes along.
I believe crypto is a key factor is solving many of our issues. The main one being centralization of power, which has caused so much corruption. Obviously this is resolved by creating more decentralized systems, to eliminate corruptabke positions of power in government.
The second, is the way money changes how we think about value. If destroying the planet makes money, but saving a forest costs money, we have a broken value system. Not to mention all the ways it changes how people treat each other.
But now we have new forms of value with cryptocurrencies, and that means people are aware we can create forms of value, not just banks. So it's only a matter of time till someone finds a way to give value to saving the environment, and then they will get rich while saving the planet. We could even change our economy to raise or lower our standard of living, based on how sustainably, and efficiently we use our resources.
So I say don't waste energy on people who don't listen, find those who are looking for change. Once we find each other, our ideas will mature together. Then as they start becoming reality, the sheeple will simply follow the movements these will create, because they can longer say they don't know anyone trying to change, because we all will soon.


Mind Blown! Great article man.. wow, its nice to see someone on the same page about some things in life.
I learned how to create my future a while back and now I am living my dream life.. anything you want in life can be created, you just have to imagine it first and then work towards it little by little each day.. but you have to talk about it and think about it constantly! Never doubt yourself and NEVER EVER GIVE UP! if you do that, your future will be anything you want it to be ;)

Thanks pal! You are totally right, we can have whatever life we want if we focus and work daily towards our dreams. I am glad you were able to do this!

Great post. Knew about PARC but didn't know about Douglas Engelbart. Diffusion of ideas and the snowball effect are indeed getting faster and bigger. Your futuristic prediction is mind-boggling.

I really enjoy to think about our future technology, I am glad you liked the post!

I agree with you ten million percent! Since cave-paintings were probably the first graphic interface, this post harkens back to way before the dawn of time... I have so many responses, where do I begin?

I have theories on the nature of imagination and ideas... Purely speculative, yet also based on psychonaut experience and years of research... What if ideas exist outside time and space, but need us to sort of discover them and bring them into physical reality? As a chronic brainstormer, I can attest that my best concepts are when I am clear and mindfully in the here and now... Many days I have to keep a pen on me and just write them all down!

I love quantum physics, too... Observation Principle could imply so much more! Some say it is our consciousness that actually projects reality into our brains! That is so amazing an idea, I couldn't say more cuz I get speechless from contemplating... Today I watched a youturd video about the One Electron Universe Theory, which earned Feynman a Nobel Prize... Trippy shit!

Lastly, about spreading ideas, you are correct... One example is a cartoon I published in 2011 (Millennium Wage, Lulu Press) of a kid riding a tricycle-push-mower... I had people asking me if I could weld, how they could get one for their own children! LOL!!! Think of all the fracking we could spare ourselves by getting our kids to mow the lawn... Your STEEM is STRONG, my friend... I will be resteeming this post, and stalking your other posts, as any loyal aspy would, lol...

Hey there! I don’t know about ideas existing outside space and time, it sounds very abstract but who knows!

About Quantum Mechanics, I remember some time ago reading about how the simulation hypothesis might be related with quantum mechanics. How so? Well, in the simulation hypothesis in order to optimize the available resources to run the simulation, the simulated minds WOULD determine what part of the simulation is loaded (and consuming resources). Just like in a videogame, the world is not loaded 100% all the time but it loads the part we see on the screen, so we the player determine what part of the game is loaded.

That concept relates a little bit with quantum mechanics, because things change JUST by us looking at it. Like in video games

shout out to you my fellow steemitblogger.

@onestrong is another blog I run that does educational stuff. I'll make sure to have them reshare and upvote your post too.


Hello bud! Thanks for your support really appreciate it!


I lost my job yesterday and this article has just moved me from inside.

For an average person like me its always easy to put all of our power into the problem and negative thoughts but that only attracts more problems or more of what we don’t want!

What I learnt is to focus on the positive choices and you will attract the solutions you want!

Every time you fall into negative thoughts try to switch quickly and think about what you want and you will get it . And believing that you can create your future by using the power of your mind is a must!

Wow pal I am glad this article helped you a little bit!

Sometimes life can put us in difficult situation a but there is always a way to overcome anything. Our mind is probably the most powerful tool we have, and with it we can acomplish anything!

I hope you can fix your job issue fast enough, with the right mentality you will be back on in no time!

Thanks for such an awesome comment btw!

I re-read The Alchemy of Finance over the weekend, and Soros had a lot to say about the lead role that uncertainty plays in markets, as in all other social interaction:

“I start from the position that every human endeavor is flawed: if we were to discard everything that is flawed there would be nothing left. We must therefore make the most of what we have; the alternative is to embrace death...

If we carry this line of argument to its logical conclusion, the meaning of life consists of the flaws in one's conceptions and what one does about them. Life can be seen as a fertile fallacy.”

He’s probably true in that, life is all about what we do with our circumstances and the actions we take to overcome any difficulty in order to reach our goals.

But perhaps someday in the future we can achieve perfection? With technology innovation and enough time anything is possible.

So THAT was Dr. Asimov...some how I'd imagined him to be taller.
dunno how many books of his I've read back in the day...a LOT.
I wonder what he would have thought about IPhones....a handheld computer that incidentaly has a communication function...(several of them actually).

the word 'incongruent' technology comes to mind.

speaking of quantum physics...I've come to the conclusion that the quantum level is the intersection of multiple realities.....the particles pop in, and out...of different alternate that level it's porous..

Yep that was Asimov himself! If you watch the video you will see how that guy had the future all figured out.

The multiple realities might be the answer to that. Although this answer would create much more questions, like for example how many realities are there? is our reality the first one or the “real” one?

Sometimes I really think the simulation hypothesis might be actually real. Perhaps I will make a post about that one of this days but imagine all the implications of actually confirming there are multiple realities or that our reality is just a simulation...

ah make the typical mistake in regard to multiple realities.
(I blame hollyweird)
who says they are similar?
what rule says that one page in a book is in any way related to any other page in the book?

I suggest that at the quantum level the realities are porous...NOT that they have anything to do with each other fact the laws of physics might be different one from the other....

the idea that 'reality splits' at various decision points is silly (in my not so humble opinion) Failure of imagination. Sorry to break it to you..there's likely NOT more than one of you.

If there is infinite space or infinite time then there is a probability of 100% of there being not only another me or you, but infinite amounts of them/us. read Stephen Hawkings?

I don’t think those books are available in my country why?

is the internet censored where you are? Almost everything is available in electronic format. Try project Gutenberg first then Amazon.

to paraphrase a comment he made one time.

"in an infinite universe anything that is NOT impossible has happened somewhere"

Well, the internet is kind of censored but for other reasons, and either way you can visit any website here.

And yeah I have read that phrase, didn’t knew it was his!

I haven’t read his books, but perhaps I might get one online.

These are some fascinating thoughts to consider, @dedicatedguy! You are a good writer. Thanks for joining my Discord Server today. Your writing skill will serve as a good example for those in the group who are working on improving their writing in the English language.

I'll be looking forward to reading more from you. I'm following you now.

Thanks for your support I am glad you liked the article!

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