The upcoming Eastern European great earthquake - Are we ready to help?

in #steemstem7 years ago

Romania is situated on one of the highest areas of seismicity in Europe, the Vrancea area. Although not as powerful as the ones in Italy or Turkey, the Vrancea area is constant in energy and the macroseismic effects if provokes, making it a cyclic threat to the settlements around.

Source: European Commission via Reddit's Mapporn Project

Geological structure

Located at the contact of three tectonic subplates, the East European Plate, the Moesian Plate and the Intra-Alpine Plane, the Vrancea area can periodically unleash crustal and medium-depth earthquakes. The magnitudes recorded for the crustal earthquakes are up to Mw 7.7 (1940) and they often have either fore or aftershocks.

The seismic activity seems to be generated by the Carpathian Arc bend, which resulted in the cracking up of the Eurasian Plate inside the upper mantle, into the aforementioned subplates. The area is still active, with lithospheric subduction still taking place.

The significant seismic periodicity is between one and six events with the magnitude Mw > 7 per century (1), events with a high level of strain rate (~3.5 * 10-7 yr-1) at medium depth. The crustal events have a lower level of strain rate and are not linked to the medium depth events.

The tension is being released nearly-vertically and nearly-horizontally in most of the events, with a mostly.

As for orientation, there are 2 possible solutions resulting from the data analyzed:

  • NE-SW for the fault plane with a dip towards NW with P-axis being perpendicular to the mountain arc
  • NW-SE for the fault plane with P-axis parallel to the mountain arc

Subcrustal and normal-depth seismicity ( ROMPLUS catalogue, Oncescu et al., 1999, updated)

History of the most devastating earthquakes in Romania

  • 26 oct 1802 | 7.9 - 8.2 Mw | Extreme
  • 26 nov 1829 |7.3 Mw | Extreme
  • 23 jan 1838 | 7.5 Mw | Violent
  • 17 aug 1893 |7.1 Mw | Severe
  • 31 aug 1894 | 7.1 Mw | Severe
  • 31 mar 1901 | 7.2 Mw | Extreme
  • 6 oct 1908 | 7.1 Mw | Severe
  • 10 nov 1940 | 7.4 Mw | Extreme
  • 4 mar 1977 | 7.2 Mw | Extreme
  • 30 aug 1986 | 7.1 Mw | Severe
  • 30 may 1990 | 6.9 - 7 Mw | Very strong

Are we prepared?

Due to the long period of calm in the last 20 years, we can just assume that the energy is building up and waiting for a moment to release. According to the graph above this will mean that a magnitude 7+ Mw earthquake will be dispatched by the Vrancea zone in the near future. While we can't say for sure exactly when, we can assume that the following events will happen:

  • The first tremor will be recorded by the The National Institute for Earth’s Physics (NIEP). It has seismographs exactly on the fault
  • In a few seconds the Early Warning SMS will be sent to the Emergency Services in Romania
  • Nuclear reactors in Romania and Bulgaria will lower control rods to protect themselves
  • On Twitter and Telegram, the Early Warning System will announce the few thousands people being registered there.
  • After 25-30 seconds from the first tremor, The P-wave (vertical thrust) will hit the country. Everything will be thrust up, including buildings, gas pipes and lakes.
  • The S-wave is the second to hit but the first to hear. The shear will damage buildings and ultimately make some of the weaker ones collapse. Concrete belts will be put to test, improvised constructions will fall
  • The L-wave will shake the cities horizontally. Gas and water pipes will be ruptured
  • The R-wave will be felt as the crust will slowly find its new position

The biggest city being affected is the Romanian capital of Bucharest. It is standing in the impact zone of the earthquakes, it is poorly maintained and it sits in the direct flood path of a huge lake acting as the city flood protection reservoir. Combine this with a country in which politicians are only investing in themselves and scandals regarding building permits and operational permits happen once a month and the recipe for disaster awaits.

Over 6000 people just in Bucharest are living in buildings classified as in seismic risk

According to the simulations made by the National Institute of Construction Development and Research (URBAN INCERC) and their website there are 6188 people living in risk included buildings that are either old or were modified without having the needed permits. Print screen of the website.

The state is the biggest owner of vulnerable buildings

The rate of consolidation is only of a 1-2 buildings per year, allocated funds are never enough for the huge consolidation work that should take place, but the government pushes itself in more debt trying to secure the voting capital for the next elections. Many of the officials are corrupt as we score last in the European polls in almost every matter.

International help will be needed

In case of such a scenario, I can only express my deepest concern regarding the state's power and mostly ability, along with its services to provide sufficient help, and know-how to provide a timely relief effort.

If this happens in winter time, the human life loss will double or triple. The temperatures often reach freezing during the winter and this will push for an expedition of the relief efforts.

In similar cases of Mw=6 and higher, the communication have dropped in the affected areas for as long as a few hours, due to the high intensity data transfers of mobile carriers.

The emergency services do not have enough Mobile Hospitals and can not care for a huge number of injured, as was demonstrated previously under much more reduced incidents in Bucharest. One of the main administrative buildings of the Emergency Situations Inspectorate is located in such a vulnerable building so this raises the question if there will even be a call center and a dispatch after such an earthquake.

The firefighters have undergone a mass retirement phase and there are not enough volunteers to take over.

There are not enough emergency supplies in the army's stock or in the emergency response unit's stock.

I will end this awareness article with a relevant drawing of a famous artist in Romania, Dan Perjovschi:

Written after reading a lot of articles on the subject over the years.
Huge tranks to DecatORevista for getting involved and promoting the benefits of I personally share their article ( sadly it's only in Romanian) every 6 months on my own Facebook in order to make more and more people aware.


It's a bit scary, considering there is no specific time for when it will be. Hopefully, the events leading to the actual earthquake will span enough time for evacuation. We are with Romania

It's already due and actually a bit behind. Some of the energy was dissipated with the smaller earthquakes in the last 10 years, but it's still due.
And no, there will be no event leading to the earthquake. It will be sudden (2-6 minutes) and in the end there will be a lot of deaths (One of the last extreme earthquakes was in 1977 - The earthquake killed about 1,578 people in Romania, and wounded more than 11,300. Communist ruler Nicolae Ceaușescu suspended his official visit to Nigeria and declared state of emergency.)

No real consolidation was made since then, the communist ruler wanted to cover the damages fast to save international face and show power and the repairs were only cosmetic.

Ooops! that sounds awful. What are the international communities doing about this? Do we have to wait until lives are lost so that we can observe a minute silence? Politics ruined humanity

I don't think we can do anything now. We spent months on the streets protesting. Our government is so corrupt they might even take us out of the EU so they could continue to steal without any supervision.

So you have an idea about the protests that didn't do much:

Great detailed post!

Just hope for the best, always.

The reason I am saying this is because no matter how prepared you might be it is never enough. For example, you would never know where you are going to be at the time the earthquake strikes.

Basic survival tactics in the event of an earthquake are a must to know, but the rest is based on hope and the good luck.

wish it will never happen

I wish it too, but I am also ready for it:

  • I built my own house supervising the build and materials used
  • I know the strong points of the structure in order to take shelter
  • I have a P6 fire extinguisher near the kitchen and the electric panel (gas and electrical hazards)
  • Three P3 and P2 smaller fire extinguishers in the car
  • I have some canned and processed food stored to last for 2-3 weeks
  • I have my own water source and potability filters (mechanical and chemical ones)
  • A stash of medicine and bandages
  • In the process of getting energy independent ( solar panels)
  • I have a portable radio transmitter with medium range (10km)
  • I have a powerful beam forming LED XML-T6 flashlight for signaling.
  • I want to follow some CPR and first aid lessons ( I am ashamed I don't know yet)

The first step is to be prepared as you have no idea what and when will happen.
I still need to stock on a few 3M microparticle masks if I am thinking of helping others or even buy an industrial gas mask. I avoid getting too prepared because of acknowledging the risk.
I just don't expect the emergency services to do anything for me, it will be very hard for them to respond to calls. It's how emergency situations develop.

I really feel consigned for you, but can't you just travel out for a while and then come back later?

When the big earthquake happens, everyone will try to travel out and there will be panic and a complete standstill. So no, I think the better way to approach it is to wait ( maybe try to help) and then resume daily lives.

That's true

One of the scariest things about earthquakes is their fundamental unpredictability compared to other natural phenomena. We can give ranges in which they're most likely to happen, but said ranges seldom give us workable data, except to give preparation projects more urgency. Plus, earthquakes seem to delight in ignoring the ranges.

I've been earthquake prepping as well- I live in the American Pacific Northwest, and we're expecting a huge (9+ on the Richter scale) quake fairly soon.

Oh, I know a lot about the area. It's one of the world's most popular in terms of scientific research. Hopefully our area is only capable of 8.2 once every a few hundreds of years and no bigger.
Very good that you are prepared. It will be overwhelming for any state to handle such a disaster.

Great article.

And wonderful job spreading awareness :)

This is really scary in Nigeria we have never been faced with this kind of issues, but the only thing we have experience is a tremor which caused a lot of panic.
From my own end I will say your government is trying when compared to our government. Our government is so corrupt to the extent that, they publicly announced that the 36 million naira that was missing was swallowed by a snake. That's the height of corruption.

We are not that far, you would be amazed.

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Excellent, thanks for sharing your research

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