SteemStar Network is ending an Era, and going to the Moon!

in #steemstarnetwork6 years ago

Hey Again Steemitizens.

A lot has happened in my first year here.


I've built a lot of things here, projects, communities, the charitable foundation. Relationships, friendships, enemies and frenemies. Been shot at, stabbed, cut down and got back up fighting. Fighting to get the voices of the people heard. In print, in audio and video, and in the ranks of witness voting and flag wars and platform governance issues and on and on.

Two of my more technically difficult and costly projects, in terms of sweat, blood, tears, money and love/pain life force sucking dominance, were the streaming stations I built. MSP Waves first, for the MSP/PAL community, winning me a gold medal of honor from them, whatever that means (it came with a little money though!) and then later going on to build a network of my own, called The SteemStar Network - @SteemStarNetwork here on steemit.

We did pretty well, with both stations, and they run 24/7 right now! Well... until now.

Sometime this week, I am going to turn off the 24/7 live feed for the last time on and shut down what is currently known as The Stream At The Center of The Steemiverse.

But why?

Well, it is a very tough decision, to be honest. I know the project meshes VERY nicely with the other things my team does on the @NobleWitness crew with our "voices of the people" oriented projects and platform contributions... but it's costly to operate, in terms of time, people, hardware, infrastructure, networking, licenses, subscriptions... and it generates only the small amount of rewards our show posts made along the way. Not usually very much, to be honest.

It was a labor of love. A costly labor of love. And now we have options we did not have before. There are dtube and dlive and dsound to deliver your media files.

dLive is particularly what led me to decide to go with this. They make it possible for shows to monetize during live play. Something my crews never really felt comfortable fully doing. Which I admire, but it's no way to "stay in business" with the level of production and delivery we were striving for.

dLive will be a suitable location for our content made for, and by steemitizens like you.

SteemStar Network Is Not DEAD though!

It does however, have new owners.


Yes, the steemstar discord community and the brand will now become property of @CarrieAllen and her husband @ChrisRoberts who will use it to flagship the leading hit weekly serial space opera drama theatrical show "Space Carrie's Adventures in Space" and Carrie's "Mission Control Monday" shows among other upcoming surprises they will bring to the SteemStar brand.

SteemStar for your family!

All current hosts are advised to plan next weeks shows on dLive or a account and publish a show location and schedule update to your viewers.

For hosts that do not have a discord to host their show from of their own, contact @carrieallen to discuss possible use of the steemstar network discord in the interim.

I will be keeping the website up till next week or so, then I'll be taking it down.

In closing...

It has been my pleasure to be the one who brought the platform steemian-grown streaming content for well over a year, and thousands and thousands of broadcast hours of content to your eyes and ears, all over the world we share.

I have to admit, I'm incredibly sad about this, but it's the right thing to do. Roll with the changes, develop something new.

Yes, we could have rebroadcast over on dlive simultaneously with our youtube live, vlc player and other rtmp embedded viewing locations, but to be honest, it's just pointless to support all those centralized networks and pay for it, as opposed to getting paid for it.

So, to you streamers, I say, thank you all on both teams for being part of the best year in broadcasting ever made across two streaming networks and all that we all accomplished together. There is much to be proud of.

To the listeners who came to my own shows... I love you all so much. We had so much fun. Damn I'm gonna miss that. Maybe I can figure out dlive myself some time soon.

Dog gamut, I'm all welled up with tears.

Ok @CarrieAllen and @ChrisRoberts...

Shes all yours.

Everybody else?

Well, hell's bells, I'm still @SirCork, right?


For what it is worth, I thought it was a fantastic service for the community and certainly well used and enjoyed. We should all thank you personally for taking the time to set it up and admin it, I don't think many people appreciated it cost you money to run it all - Long live SteemStarNetwork - the memory and spirit of it will surely live on.

#thealliance #witness

Thank you so much my crazy vblogging welsh brotha, I know you know what we put into our broadcasts...

It's not like you're going anywhere. 😉

To other show hosts

Ya'all are welcome to still use the SteemStar Network Discord if ya wanna :)

Are you kidding me? Steemstar network step down? Anyway every step we take a actually a new step to a greater height. What i believe is for a man to stop a project for other he has whats looking at and thats is bigger that the initial.

You have a large heart and i know that i will see what this will generate soon.

Welldone sir

When I read this post I was sad because it is indeed an end of an era. You were one of the shows that I really liked because you were always no holds-barred, no nonsense, no bull and I really appreciated that.

Well you are still in You Are Hope so see you there.

And yes you are still SirCork.

I am pretty sad right now.

hugs to the rescue!

For real, though, I'm with Maverick in how much I enjoyed your shows. At the same time, I'm glad you're doing what you need to do for you, and that dLive allows hosts to monetize their shows. Just a new step on a long journey. Much love!

Thank you for huggage! <3

Great job! We will miss it!

Thank you SimGirl! <3

hey @sircork :)

I'm sorry that there is sadness with the end of this era for you. But knowing you - you have great things planned up your sleeve for your future! I wish you well and I thank you for your kindness and support and energy :)

Something will happen, that is for sure!

I'm sorry to see you and the station go.
but you said it. you will find a way for your voice to be heard live when ready. Rest in the meantime. ✿

Thank you. It's been a bitter pill to think about ending my broadcast network career here after all this time and effort, but it just makes sense right now for a lot of reasons. <3

It's the end of one era and the beginning of a new one. I'd be heartbroken if I didn't know your long term ideas for the future. Know you have my unfailing support and friendship and on that note. . . see you on Friday!

yeah,friend its very great post of SteemStar Network is ending an Era,its going to the moon matter.i have got new fully good idea to see your post.your writing skills really very talented and perfect.i think that,every steemians should be knowing this tropic matter..thanks to sharing for your great thought dear friend.. @sircork very well done for your great work.take care yourself..may god bless you

Great stuff you did Cork. I came in a couple of times ( sorry, I couldn't manage more times) on the stream and you are a helluva broadcaster, entertainer, spokesperson etc..etc..

Thanks again for all you have done with this :)

It was fun to do, most of the time :) Thank you for supporting!

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