SteemSports: (La Liga Primera) Real Sociedad v Barcelona - Mass SP Distribution Game! / Ла Лига: Реал Сосьедад – Барселона

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Спортивная инициатива сообщества SteemSports, своим голосом вы помогаете в распределении SP и меняете ситуацию к лучшему!

SteemSports Editor: Nolan Jacobson - @theprophet0. [Witness]

SteemSports Presenter: Yuriy Kosyanchuk - @stranger27

Times and Location

Real Sociedad v Barcelona / Реал Сосьедад – Барселона

Sunday, November 27th / Sunday, 27 ноября

7:45 PM UTC

Spain, San Sebastián, "Anoeta" Stadium / Испания, Доностия-Сан-Себастьян, Стадион «Аноэта»

Match Preview

On November 27th at 7:45 PM UTC, in San Sebastian, in the football arena, 'Anoeta' will be played the 13th round of the Spanish La Liga; where Real Sociedad will welcome the giants of Europe - Barcelona. This match promises to be very interesting, as both teams of these teams are in good shape.

Анонc матча

27 ноября в 07:45 PM UTC в Сан-Себастьян на футбольной арене «Аноэта» состоится поединок 13-го тура испанской Ла Лиги, в котором Реал Сосьедад примет гранда европейского и мирового футбола – каталонскую Барселону. Матч обещает быть очень интересным, так как обе команды сейчас на хорошем ходу

Real Sociedad

The White and Blue's have played very well this season and they are in 5th place the Championship. Real Sociedad has gone 10-1 through their past four games. At home, they've had only 1 defeat in their past 6 games, their one loss came against Real Madrid in the 1st round. With the fans support, the soccer players usually score 2x more than pass. The most dangerous player on the team is the Brazilian, Willian José da Silva, he has 6 goals and 1 assist.

Бело-голубые проводят хороший сезон и сейчас занимают пятое месте в чемпионате. Сосьедад праздновал победу в 4 последних встречах с общим счетом 10-1. Дома всего 1 поражение за 6 игр (от Реала из Мадрида еще в 1 туре). Забивают футболисты при своих зрителях в два раза больше, чем пропускают. Наиболее опасным игроком команды является бразилец Да Силва Виллиан Хосе, на счету которого 6 голов и 1 результативная передача.

Real Sociedad is a very uncomfortable opponent for Barcelona. The last time Barcelona won at San Sebastian was in 2007( 9 years ago)! After that, these teams played 7 games, 5 of them ended with a victory handed to the hosts. In 2014, Eusebio Sacristán's wards managed to beat Atletico Madrid at home with a score of 2-0. This should add to the host's confidence and this match will not be easy for Barcelona!

Реал Сосьедад очень неудобный соперник для Барселоны. Последний раз победа Барселоны на Сан-Себастьяне была еще в 2007 году, то есть 9 лет назад! После этого команды провели здесь еще 7 игр, в 5 с которых хозяева праздновали победу. В позапрошлом туре подопечные Сокристана на домашнем поле одолели мадридское Атлетико со счетом 2:0, что удается очень немногим командам. Это должно прибавить уверенности в собственных силах и легко гостям точно не будет!


In the last round, the Catalans suddenly stumbled and got a draw at their stadium against Malaga. In such a way that the club is now 4 points behind the leader, Real Madrid. Recently, Barcelona has not been Barcelona; in their last 5 games, they only have 2 wins, 2 defeats, and 1 draw. It's not like the Catalans, and we can say that a small crisis occurred in their game.

Каталонцы впрошлом туре неожиданно оступились, сыграв в нулевую ничью на своем родном стадионе против Малаги. Клуб упустил лидирующий Реал Мадрид еще дальше и теперь отстает от него на 4 очка. Барселона в последнее время не очень впечатляет: с 5 последних игр всего 2 победы при 2-х поражениях и 1 ничья. Это не похоже на каталонцев и можно говорить, что в их игре наступил небольшой кризис. Команде нежелательно терять очки, отрыв от Реала может стать и вовсе критичным, поэтому сине-гранатовые будут вылаживаться в данной игре по максимуму.

The most productive players on Barcelona are Luis Suárez and Lionel Messi (8 goals and 3 accurate assists between the two). A couple days ago, Barcelona played in Scotland, and the Catalans easily beat Celtic with a score of 2-0. Fortunately, the Club did not use much effort and the players are in good shape for this game. Also, Messi has recovered from the injury he was suffering, and this will give even more creativity for the Catalans attack.

Наиболее продуктивными игроками являются Луис Суарес и Лионель Месси с показателями в 8 голов и 3 точные передачи. В середине недели Барселона играла в Лиге чемпионов. Матч проходил в Шотландии, где каталонцы без особых проблем одолели Селтик со счетом 0-2. Много сил клуб не затратил и подойдет к отчетной игре с хорошей физической готовностью. Месси вылечился после травмы, что придаст еще больше креатива в атаке каталонцев.

H2H Statistics / Статистика игр

Teams Statistics in Spain Primera Division / Статистика команд в примера-дивизион (Испания)

Betting Information

Real SociedadBarcelonaDraw

Support SteemSports Ultimate Vote Betting … together we all can win!

How to Play

  • Vote on the main post to enter the bet (main post rewards will also be added to the Stake Pool).

  • Cast your Vote Bet on ONLY ONE outcome for which you bet on for the win (Multiple comment votes will be automatically disqualified by the script, unvote and revote counts as multiple votes and will be disqualified).

  • After 24 hours, the post and related game comments payout to the pool; remember 25% voters rewards are deducted from the total post payout value first as per Steem curation rules. Voters are rewarded in standard fashion in proportion to their Steem Power holdings.

The Stake Pool:

  • The remaining 75% of the total payout is paid out in 50% Steem Power and 50% in liquid currencies, the latter now varies in payout ratio after the new fork. To make the process less complicated, we have decided to use all paid out SBD to buy Steem in the internal market to create a grand total Steem Stake Pool.

  • 30% of the Stake Pool will be retained, of which 15% will go to the writer/sports presenter of the post, and the 15% balance towards editing, development and advertising.

  • 70% of the Stake Pool will be held until the event/game outcome is determined.

  • Once the winning outcome is determined, we will execute a proprietary developed script that will divide and pay out the Steem rewards equally, using the Power Up method, to Mass Distribute SP to all participants that voted on the main post as the entrance fee as well as voted on the correct comment representing the winning outcome.

  • Only participants with a Reputation of 35 or more will qualify to earn SP rewards, but non-qualifiers can still vote and comment in support of the redistribution initiative.

  • Entry cut-off time is the earlier of the post payout or the start of the event.

Disclaimer and Image/Source Credits:

  • Image Credits: Team Logos come from Wikipedia - 1 - 2

  • Images used in this post are either paid for and modified, Creative Commons (CC) or image credits supplied.

  • Note the views and predictions of the presenters are their own personal views and do not reflect the views and opinions of @steemsports. @steemsports does not offer betting advice.

  • Errors and Omissions Excepted (E&OE). SteemSports is currently beta, currently no liability will be assumed for errors.

  • @steemsports reserves the right to amend future payout percentages based on the operation needs of the account.

  • @steemsports is not a traditional betting platform and no fiat currency is used as rewards or in casting bets; as such does not fall under any gaming and gambling jurisdictions; but even so, users are urged to first consult with the laws and age restrictions of their countries.

  • @steemsports in the unlikely event that when the Stake Pool is divided up between the winners and the nomenclature resolution goes below the third decimal place (example: 0.0001), then Steem decimal restrictions won’t allow a payout and the pool will carry over to the next game.

  • Please vote responsibly :).

Copyright © Ricardo Goncalves 2016

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