Welshies pick; coin of the week: The 1878 to 1904 MORGAN silver dollar....steemCreated with Sketch.


Coins, bank notes, gold, silver and other precious metals have played a huge role in shaping the stories of our lives. But its not just the intrinsic value of an item that makes it important or historic. New technologies, new designs, an error in the making or just sheer beauty can all compound to make an item irreplaceable and iconic.

In this series of posts, ill cover some of the coins and items that first got me stuck in the downward spiral of what is affectionately known as "stacking" and share with you fine folks the significance and role theyve played in history.

In 1792, the American Congress introduced the dollar as a monetary unit; minting began two years later. Before that, there had been heated debates in Congress about the appearance of the new coins. The choices were the effigy of then-President George Washington and the personification of Liberty. Congress decided to depict Liberty. Thus, the coinage image of the new Democratic Confederacy differed from the portraits of rulers of the Old World. An eagle appeared on the reverse, a throwback to Roman antiquity.[SOURCE](https://news.moneymuseum.com/20-coins---that-made-history/index.html)

The dollar coin is a United States coin with a face value of one United States dollar. Dollar coins have been minted in the United States in gold, silver, and base metal versions. Dollar coins were first minted in the United States in 1794.

When we think of the Wild West, images of cowboys, saloons, and rugged landscapes instantly come to mind. And in this iconic era of American history, one particular coin stands out: the Morgan Dollar. Its mere mention conjures up visions of cowboys swaggering into a hostile bar, tossing a gleaming silver dollar to the barkeep in exchange for a bottle of whiskey. If only these Morgan Dollars could speak, the stories they would tell!

Surprisingly, the mastermind behind one of the most celebrated coins in the United States' numismatic history was not an American, but rather a British engraver named George T. Morgan. Born near Birmingham in 1845, Morgan would eventually make his mark across the Atlantic, becoming a contract engraver for The Royal Mint. Little did he know that his artistic talents would soon capture the attention of the US Mint.


In a twist of fate, Morgan was contacted by the US Mint and offered the prestigious role of special engraver in Philadelphia. He seized the opportunity and embarked on a remarkable journey that would forever shape his legacy. As Morgan worked his way up the ranks, his remarkable skills and artistic vision propelled him to the position of Chief Engraver in 1917. Yet, despite his numerous accomplishments, many still consider his creation of the Silver Morgan Dollar to be his crowning achievement.

The Silver Morgan Dollar holds a special place in American history, symbolizing the spirit of the Wild West and the nation's growth during the late 19th and early 20th centuries. This iconic coin, minted from 1878 to 1904 and then again in 1921, showcases Morgan's extraordinary talent and attention to detail.

Featuring Lady Liberty on the obverse and a majestic eagle on the reverse, the Morgan Dollar reflects the artistic beauty and historical significance of its era. Morgan's distinctive design elements, such as the intricately braided hair, the Liberty cap, and the eagle with outstretched wings, capture the essence of the time period and evoke a sense of awe and admiration.

Beyond its captivating aesthetics, the Morgan Dollar also played a pivotal role in the economic landscape of its time. Minted using 90% silver, the coin held intrinsic value and served as a medium of exchange in a rapidly expanding nation. It was a tangible representation of wealth and prosperity, making its way through the hands of countless individuals and witnessing the economic and social transformations of the era.

Today, the Morgan Dollar continues to captivate collectors, history enthusiasts, and numismatists alike. Its enduring legacy serves as a reminder of the rich tapestry of American history and the contributions made by talented individuals like George T. Morgan. These silver coins, with their intricate designs and storied past, offer a glimpse into the Wild West and the spirit of adventure that defined the era.

So, the next time you hold a Morgan Dollar in your hand, take a moment to appreciate the skill and artistry of the British engraver behind its creation. These coins are not merely pieces of currency but tangible connections to a bygone era, an era that continues to inspire and fascinate me to this day.


Silver Morgan dollars are highly sought-after coins among collectors and investors, renowned for their historical significance and intrinsic value. When it comes to resale value, these coins tend to hold their worth quite well. The combination of their silver content and numismatic appeal contributes to their enduring popularity in the market. In addition to their silver content, Morgan dollars possess a strong numismatic value. Factors such as the year of minting, rarity, condition, and specific mint marks can significantly impact their worth. Coins in better condition or those with unique characteristics, such as errors or special design features, can command higher premiums in the resale market. Collectors value the historical significance and aesthetics of Morgan dollars, further driving up their resale value.

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40+yr old, trying to shift a few pounds and sharing his efforsts on the blockchain. Come find me on STRAVA or actifit, and we can keep each other motivated .


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