Are your savings counterfeit? Are you sure?

in #steemsilvergold7 years ago (edited)

There are bad people out there doing bad things... I don't even know where to begin the list!
But the whole massive scam that is money by fiat, a crime that is stealthily pursued around the world, has to be one of the most nefarious. Just look at it!


And his buddy Banjo Franky doesn't look like he's paying fair either -- he even looks embarrassed lol!


I mean, even if you have a whole pile of them, who gives a fuck? They're props!!!
Just 'cause you saw it in the movies (or on the NEWS) doesn't make it true.

...all of these bills are in fact "fake" insofar as they are props for making movies. But really, what's the difference? My point is that it's all counterfeit.

It's all fucking monopoly money! It's made out of paper and it is worthless. We are friggin' monkeys, and we have been thoroughly programmed.

I'm not about to go into a massive rant about the Federal Reserve -- although my trigger finger is gettin' itchy -- but i believe this institution and others like it is such a preposterously massive crime against humanity that it is wonder it has not been torn down with shovels and rakes and the bare hands of the people it is wielded against.

Okay...sorry...i was starting to rant. Lol. It's not just the Fed. Would you trust your life savings here?


I'm sure this motherfucker will pay you back -- lol


I'm not picking on anyone especially, i'm just making the point that if you hold your MONEY in fiat dollars, or fiat fiduciary vehicles, you are prone to the whims of a very corrupt system.

Now i'm not saying flaming tires will be rolling down the street and people will be trading cans of beans anytime soon. It'll be nothing like that. Really, it'll be a whole lot more like this, what we have right here right now: fewer good jobs, soaring home prices (and everything-prices), less money for retirement, more addicts, scary refugees from even scarier places, more dole, scary refugees from even scarier places, more dole, bigger gov't, Warships on the horizon, comedic world leaders, etc.

The flaming fucking tires are already here!!!

So make sure you have some real money. Money that has been money for 6,000 years without fail. Money that will always BUY goods that you can use.

With the launch of the "petro-yuan" gold conversion deal-e-o that is supposed to go down in 2 months there is a lot of room for concern about what's going to happen. DOW at all time high, metals low, blah blah blah...

Do you have the real deal?



I have a pair of future-goggles i put on now and again, and i was just wearing them... wanna' know what i saw?

Well, i'll tell ya... right after you go out and buy some silver and post it in #steemsilvergold

Here's a clue: all of us at ssg hook up with #thealliance and go and party on the Gold Coast with #teamaustralia!!!


And then, soon, all shall be revealed

Cheers! from @thedamus



"I am sure this mother fucker will pay you back" , well ain't nobody getting paid back. Scoop all that paper up and trade it for some real value. Good rant....

I never quite fit in all that i want to say, but i'm getting there! One thing that still baffles me is that "they" actually still allow "us" to buy the actual goods!
I'm stacking baby! Stacking it up to the Moon!!!

Thanks AGAIN for being at the top of my v list Ray. You are one solid motherfucker!!! And I would invest in the Reserve Bank of Ray Brockman long before i would send any loot to Tonga!

Baller, got the Canadian, US and Tongo currency on point. Yeah I'll take the silver over that shit for sure

Ha! We can't even wipe are tuchas (ass) with the now plastic "paper" money in CAD

I never get thrills from fiat. I do sometimes get excited thinking about how i will use it, but i never get the kind of thrills i get when i look at a pile of the shiny.

Tonga will pay you back! I have some ocean front property in Arizona too, if you want some! Fiat, schmiat. Get the real stuff baby!

This is necessary every few days/weeks/months!

It can all sound like so much C theory sometimes to people who don't actually know what their retirement plans are resting on...

But a lot people hate doing math and being responsible... (Ha! Listen to me!!! I just had my 25 year old self cuff my ear and call me an old fart!)

Or that they could be bailed in at any time..

Math doesn't lie and not even taking into account inflation it's hard for people to comprehend when it is black and white!

It's deliberately complicated... the rat bastards!

Nice rant, with very solid points!

I have a 100 Trillion dollar Zimbabwe note. Got it from the coin shop for free. It is the direction of all inflatable currency. Money printing can not be stopped. So inflation in perpetuity is our future, until it all comes tumbling down.

Yo man, grab me one! I'll trade you a $100 Motion Picture Only bill (and some promises inwon't keep!!!)

Ask your coin shop, I'll bet they have a bunch of them, unless they threw them out!

Nice man, hopefully we can slowly open some eyes around here. I though after you said that guy is gonna pay you back you were gonna drop one of those 1 trillion dollar notes from Zimbabwe!

I would'a if i could'a! Maybe elvis can hook me up 🤘

hey.. it's all backed by...CONFIDENCE ;)

Nice work!!!

hey.. it's all backed by...CONFIDENCE ;)

Technically fed notes are backed by:

"the good faith and credit of the United States Government"

Haaa!!! I'm not even making this shit up...

Is there any coincidence the word con is in confidence?

Haha sounds like an awesome party as I am as well hooked up with #thealliance, #steemsilvergold, and #teamaustralia :D

Yep! I saw you in the future goggles -- buying rounds for team Oz and beckoning your yacht via remote control 😜

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