Introducing SSG-Community : A New Initiative for SteemSilverGold Members

There has been a lot of talk amongst the community members of #SteemSilverGold over the last couple of weeks about what the community wants and how it is going to organise it. There has been some controversy and some very strong views put forward but this new initiative is intended to move things forward and help empower this great community to be stronger and better than ever.


Some senior members of SSG, including the remaining Group Moderators, have come together to launch a new Community Upvote Bot that will be run BY the Members and FOR the Members benefit. The technical side of things is going to be handled by @buggedout on behalf of the group but the Active and Posting Keys will be held by @raybrockman who is a very well respected and generous member of the community and @silverstackeruk will also be holding the Posting Key so that he can continue his excellent work maintaining the Community Membership lists and also post relevant updates to the Community Members.

Please note that the initial permissions and configuration is fully customisable via a transparent and democratic process for the Community Members as is outlined by the following Governance and Policy Framework which will be adopted by SSG-Community :-

SSG-Community Governance

i) Any Community Member can initiate a Petition For Change by posting a Comment under a recent Community Bot Post on the STEEM platform

ii) Once Petition For Change has 20% of Community Member Upvotes it initiates a formal Proposal for Change and a Community Membership Vote

iii) A Proposal For Change is formally drawn up by the Community Bot Operator who Posts it on the STEEM platform and it is voted on voluntarily by Community Members

iv) If over 50% of the Community Members who vote are in favour of the Proposal For Change then the Community Bot Operator makes best effort to implement the proposed changes

v) Community Bot Operator holds the Master Key for the Community Bot Account

vi) Community Bot Account has a pre-determined Power Down Threshold and once that is hit a Power Down is initiated on the Community Bot Account to prevent wealth accumulation

vii) All proceeds from Author Rewards, Curation Rewards, Membership Contributions or Powered Down STEEM are returned to the Community Members via purchase of a Delegation Lease to boost Community Bot Upvote value unless an explicit contingency expense has been approved via a formal Membership Vote

viii) Community Members may decide to change Community Bot Operator via Petition For Change and the Master Key for the Community Bot Account will be transferred to the new Community Bot Operator

ix) The Active/Posting Keys of the Community Bot Account can be Granted/Revoked for Community Members via the Petition For Change process

x) Any extra voting contingencies must be approved via a formal Membership Vote

In addition to this, the Community Bot will initially be configured with the following Policy Parameters which are intended to be flexible and adjusted if required. If you need any explanation of what these Policy Paramaters are then please read THIS POST or contact one of the Group Moderators in the SteemSilverGold Discord :-

SSG-Community Policy Parameters

Bot Operator : @buggedout

Target Voting Power : 80%

Daily Voting Budget : 100,000 / 80 = 1250%

Contribution Methods : Delegations and Liquid STEEM (per Month) with an understanding that longer term members move toward Delegations. Upvotes are totally non-compulsory and are considered Donations, not Contributions.

Contribution Weightings : Delegation to Liquid STEEM at 5% equivalency (per Month)

Non-Contributor Budget : 20% of DVB (equal to 250%) to be spread amongst ALL members

Contributor Budget : 72% of DVB (equal to 900%) to be spread amongst contributing members at a pro-rata rate. This budget amount would increase to 80% of DVB once Self-Voting is phased out (see below). NOTE – Contributor Tiers for April to be announced shortly

Vote Frequency : One Upvote per Day per Member.

Power Down Threshold : 700 STEEM POWER to trigger a 50 Liquid STEEM Power Down per week. Power Down to be cancelled once SP has dropped by an amount expected to be replaced within the next month.

Active Key Allocation : @raybrockman for safeguarding funds in case of tragic loss of Bot Operator, not active fund management

Posting Key Allocation : @raybrockman for general access and @silverstackeruk to report on general SSG membership management issues and recruitment

Posting Guidelines : No profanity or personal attacks. No favouritism toward promoting individual members. Technical updates for Bot weekly possibly scaling back to monthly once stable. Proposals and Parameter Changes posted as required.

Comment Guidelines : Bot Comment to be added under Upvoted member posts to promote Bot and community support

Self Voting Guildelines : Self-Voting at 100% for the first Month and scaling back to 0% as community awareness is raised and Post promotion not necessary. There may also be ad-hoc Self-Vote if Voting Power is too high above Target Voting Power and/or for an important Post such as Membership Voting on Proposals For Change. This is initially Budgeted at 8% of DVB (equal to 100%) dropping to 0%

Extra Voting Contingencies : None. Any vote trading deals would need to be initiated by members via Petition For Change process.

Extra Expense Contingencies : None. Any other expenses would need to be initiated by members via Petition For Change process. Zero Power Ups.

Bot Name : To Be Decided by Community Members

Obviously there are still some things to figure out including the branding. The Bot itself is currently running in a Test Mode but has been configured to vote for current SSG Community Members so if you are a member you should start to see some small votes and comments appearing on your Posts once per day but if there are any kinks in the smooth running of the Bot then we hope to iron them out during this remaining March period.

At this stage we are targeting a Hard Launch for April beginning on the 2nd of the month. Please stay tuned for more information over the coming week.

Long Live SteemSilverGold!



Very well done buggs! Bravo :)

It's done. :)

First of all, thank you @buggedout, awesome job and very quick I might add. This looks rock solid in my eyes, everyone needs to understand that this bot is for the community! As far as I know this is the 1st of its kind, never seen a true community bot before. So embrace history cause once again SSG is leading the way.

Hey Ray... what does it require to be a member? I'm spread a bit thin timewise these days, but have been stacking for a while now and do post on PM's from time to time. I'd like to join if it's not a lot!

Not a lot at all I will nominate you, then some has to second it. And that's pretty much it.

That sounds easy enough that even I could handle it! Thanks buddy!

I hope that I will be accepted in the group. Some still remember that I was the 7th or 8th to join #SteemSilverGold and at that time I promoted it strongly to bring people to the group. My passion for silver and gold goes back to the 70s. My situation has not allowed me to do a lot for some time but I remain hopeful that my situation will change at some point and I will be able to contribute more. This group means a lot to me and I don't want to be on the outside.

Hey @anothervoice, I see you are in the group in this post:

Check out your post "Today is Caturday: Steemit Cat" and you will see the upvote by ssg-community. So, I believe you are in.

Thanks @goldkey, greatly appreciated as always. It's really great that with all you do here on Steemit that you also take the time to look at some post. I see the chat in my email and will get on to respond in the morning. Again thanks!

Sorry i just saw the word governance and didn't read any more. How about everybody being free independant thinkers that enjoys everybodys posts, photos and stories about our coins, gold and silver stacks and we reward the content we personally like the best rather than controlled governance operated by the few to benefit the few. Be your own bot! be your own steem central bank, the entire point of stacking is to be free and independant, build up your own account and have personal power to choose what you like and support what you like. Sign a petition? vote blah blah,its not for me sorry, i could have predicted stax and i predict this also. Im the democratic peoples republic of russellbury and im trying to develop a nuke, so there (raspberry).

Fair feedback and cant fault your points. This is something let could be a ruthless cycle but we must try 1 more time.

Sorry i just have an irrational dislike of the word "governance" There are a lot of very cool people on steemit in the ssg community and just reading everyones comments shows there is a big desire to be a part of something special which is a good thing, there will be the odd individual that will be motivated by monetary gain more than friendships and a shared passion but our own honour is the most valuable asset we have and can make us rich with pride.

First off, bravo @buggedout, @raybrockman, @silverstackuk, and anyone else involved in this initiative! Though not mandatory, I've added a 100% auto vote to this account. I'd encourage everyone to do as well, to help our COMMUNITY bot grow. Once the bot grows up a bit, I love having the option to bring the voting level down.

Second, why is wealth accumulation such a bad thing? I'd rather the bot not be so reliant on leased Steem.

Is there a SHTF plan? Like a Steem is ending, all accounts must power down scenario. Where would the funds go? To the community, to those that run the bot, or a 3rd party charity?

I look forward to reading more on our newest virtual friend!

Mike great question, we want the bot be strong on delegation, not from lease, now we will have to lease at first but the goal is to be delegated to. No as far as the power down. There is no reason to not do It. Remember this is not a owned bot. So once the power reaches a certain leval than it will power down and use the power down for an additional lease... this way there is never any true value to the account,,, buggedout I hope I got that right.

I like that idea Ray. Keep the bot broke and running off leases only 👍

Yes, that's pretty much it in a nutshell. Wealth accumulation within the account is a point of failure for the community when the goal is to redistribute any accumulated wealth.

that sounds really good. i'm in and i will delegate some steempower next week. greetings

So, does this mean im doing the membership posts for free now? :'(

And what's a posting key? haha.

Here, nice post buddy. Im gonna get my first upvote later this evening and we'll talk later on discord.

I vote that our group admins be rewarded for their efforts.

As a community girl I know how hard it is to run a group and to keep growing it. It takes a tremendous time and effort to keep it all going.

Any ideas anyone? I'll be happy to add ray and silverstack to my auto if that would help out.

I know you guys do it for the community but let's face it, it's a full on job and it would be nice to get rewarded for ones efforts.

I dont speak for Ray, but i was having a rant, lol

My rewards will come later when the group is bigger and i have a bunch of stackers. I have the reust of the community and that's enogh for now. Im happy to serve and do what's best.

Thank you very much @bearone for bring this up :) I know your a community person also and no the grind of keeping everything smooth.

However....... I'll not turn stuff down either, lmao

I'll add you on today mate.
Thank you for your service ❤ Have a great Sunday!

🤣🤣🤣🤣 didnt think about this. I am sure we can work it out

It's fine, it's a joke and i jibeand i know what a posting key is, lol

And talk to you later sir :)

Looking good!

I have a question about the % needed to get a petition going. Is the 20% and 50% active members or all members on the list? I don't know that we have 50% of that list even active in a given week and some weeks maybe not even 20%.
That's my only concern at this point. Otherwise I think it looks good and far more planned out than sgb ever was!

The 20% was intended to be the entire membership though it does assume we have an active membership so it's a good question. The 50% is intended to be just the people who care enough to vote yes or no. So voting is not compulsory and people can abstain.

Hi great work ! I myself will go with the flow so join the new bot probably but I have some questions that might live with members:

  1. Some 70 members are still daily upvoting silvergold botty and I assume we will see a new proposal from Phil/Stax soon;
    Do members have to choose for either one or even use both for some time without hard feelings popping up ?
  2. Once ready can you give a small practicle example for someone with 15 steempower (partly delegated) and for instance someone with 150 steempower and 100 steem or 100 SBD in the wallet.

Thx again.

Hey Ron, you are free to use both bots, or no bots that's up to you. We hope Ssg-community bot will be a revolution in steemit,. You need not upvote it or even acknowledging it but if you are a member of steemsilvergold it will make sure you get a small upvote for posting and look after you. It is run/managed by a group of 5 but is controlled by every single member of steemsilvergold. Its for the many and not the few, we want ssg to grow and we do that by looking after all members.

  1. I can't speak for Phil/Stax so I don't really know. As far as I'm concerned people can use one, both or neither and it doesn't matter.

  2. I'm not sure what you're asking but pro-rata on the contributions should mean the ROI from a % perspective should be same whether your big or small.

Who are the 70 memebrs? any heavy hitters?

Stax can work away own her own. I see the updates have gotten worse and very lazy.

You can check as well but flipstar janusface cryptoface coolbowser are on the top of the upvote list a few days ago and today as well. So these are the heavy hitters.

I have not really been checking the posts, stax could remain.

Well done and thought out @buggedout and team

Thank you for checking out the post

I've read the intro posts and it all sounds good. Is participation just a matter of being a member and tagging your post steemsilvergold or is there something else that we need to do to participate?

Keep doing what you're doing. Writing about Silver and Gold and using the tag properly. That's all you need to do to be a member.

If you want to support the initiative by upvoting @ssg-community then it all helps, or if you want to contribute more directly with a delegation or sending STEEM at the end of the month you will get an even stronger vote. Any of these forms of support will be appreciated, but they are not compulsory.

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