RE: Introducing SSG-Community : A New Initiative for SteemSilverGold Members
Sorry i just saw the word governance and didn't read any more. How about everybody being free independant thinkers that enjoys everybodys posts, photos and stories about our coins, gold and silver stacks and we reward the content we personally like the best rather than controlled governance operated by the few to benefit the few. Be your own bot! be your own steem central bank, the entire point of stacking is to be free and independant, build up your own account and have personal power to choose what you like and support what you like. Sign a petition? vote blah blah,its not for me sorry, i could have predicted stax and i predict this also. Im the democratic peoples republic of russellbury and im trying to develop a nuke, so there (raspberry).
Fair feedback and cant fault your points. This is something let could be a ruthless cycle but we must try 1 more time.
Sorry i just have an irrational dislike of the word "governance" There are a lot of very cool people on steemit in the ssg community and just reading everyones comments shows there is a big desire to be a part of something special which is a good thing, there will be the odd individual that will be motivated by monetary gain more than friendships and a shared passion but our own honour is the most valuable asset we have and can make us rich with pride.