Look, Can You See It?steemCreated with Sketch.

Look, Can You See It?


Yeah, I thought you could. Those that dont know what it is, it is a SEXY 100 oz bar of silver.

Thats over $1600.00 usd, all in one hand.

Alright, enough show and tell. Lets get down to the real reason of this post.

look, Can You See It


What? You cant see it? Come on look harder! Still nothing?

I'll help you, thats one Bitcoin, worth over $3,200 usd

are you catching on, what, still not getting it

Let me explain it to you then, that 100oz bar of silver, yeah that sexy bar, I OWN it. It is in my hand, which make me the rightful owner.

I have never been able to hold a Bitcoin, or any other crypto.

Now before my crypto buddies get mad, let me explain a little more.

Do I think crypto's are a good investment? Yes I do.
Do I think it is a good way to preserve your wealth? NO I don't.


Your crypto wallet can disappear in a second. You could get hacked, or massive power outage, or even your government, they could turn the switch off on the world wide web. If even one of these three things where to happen, you would be at a loss. That 100oz bar will be there if any one of these three things happen.

Don't get me wrong, I am not against crypto, I own some, from bitcoin to steem but it is an investment not protection.

When The Fiat System Collaspes

When the fiat system collaspes, which one will you want to be holding.

silver, gold is forever, not going anywhere.

crypto, well I am not to for sure anyone knows.

Protect yourself and your wealth, with silver and gold.

Make your money with crypto's

It's okay to have both crypto and silver or gold, but it not okay not to have silver or gold

giphy (11).gif

Logo design by @hansenator if you are not following him, give his page a look.

follow me @raybrockman

Upvote and comments are welcomed.


Good post Ray. What you said about "if you can't lay your hand on it, you don't own it" is powerful investment advice. I too have some bitcoin and other cryptos, but i also hold pms.

Yesterday i converted some btc at ath to silver & gold and i feel good about it. I have my btc safe (i think...) but i also lost a small amount when btc-e got ransacked by big gov. I hope i get my money back, obviously, but if i don't , then i still have some loot that will never let me down ;)

BTC-e getting goxed is a wakeup call to everybody. By all means invest in the most exciting monetary project on the planet, but also, be smart! Hold some REAL money, by definition, where you can lay your hands on it if (or when) TSHTF.

Cheers Ray!

You got me @raybrockman
I still love me some BTC but point taken...
That 100oz is OUTSTANDING...

This Post reminds me of Gregory Mannarino... He makes his money Trading Stocks, but he uses his Profits to buy Silver... Good Post...

If you can't physically keep it away from the government then it ain't yours

True, but they can always outspend and outlast a single person or smaller group.

I think diversity is the key.. The more options you have the harder it is to lose everything. So gold, silver, cryptos, and cash should all be an option because they all have a part to play. As does a store of food and water but also a veg garden or a few small animals and a safe place to go in an emergency.
The more options the better

I think that crypto's are where it's all headed but as I see it should poo-pie hit the fan and I need to feed my family, I'm just not sure how my fellow farmers will fill about taking a digital value in exchange for something that will surely be in very high demand. In my view true currency is anything that someone will take in exchange for goods or services offered or needed. I raise animals for food and if there was a electrical grid issue I would not take a crypto printed on paper in exchange for my livestock. Nor do I think that my neighbors would take crypto's for veggies and eggs. Bottom line is when you need to trade to stay alive are you willing to go into that arena with an electronic currency? It may work while all systems are go, but I would rather hold God's money (silver and gold) as a hedge against the unknown.

Remember God and His Word, He will give you true knowledge, wisdom and take care of all your needs if you love and serve Him with a pure heart. Store your treasures in Heaven where moth and rust can not destroy, Just say'n..... Blessings to you and yours! Shalom, Brother Charlz

Very well said my friend, you can never go wrong with gods momey, silver and gold. Thanks for the visit and comment.

Great reply

"Argent Pur" is one of the most magical phrases in this world. I also like Argent Massif, Plata Pura, Plata Maiza, Sterling Silver, 999! Man o man I guess I am a silver-bug too as these words/phrases jolt me as much as a starbucks.

An, a breath of refreshing air. Upvote and Resteem for you. Love it. raybrockman, check out my latest silver gold article. Cheers.

Thanks my friend.

I have to agree with you on this. Crypto could be gone in a flash, silver and gold are forever and actually in your physical possession. I own some crypto and will be investing in more, but I'll invest mostly into physical silver and gold.

Thanks buddy, you gotta be able to touch it to say you
Own it

Great post buddy, that picture with the empty made me lol. You have my upvote as normal, keep them comming.

Thanks, just trying to get some attention and may e an eye opener.

Beautiful bar

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