Silver and Gold /// Why YOU should invest now, before Prices SKYROCKET -

in #silver7 years ago (edited)

Looks like Silver and Gold continue to hold their ground. The good news (even though the metals are holding their ground) is that this summer is like no other. Even with the massive manipulation the Precious Metals are holding their own. Silver of course can't drop much because its already so low and heavily manipulated.

I find it interesting that more and more people are moving away from precious metals and are eyeing crypto currencies. Its the "place to be" in a lot of peoples eyes right now. I give the crypto heads my hats off right now. They have made some good profits. The problem is there are so many News Sayers out there that will tell you crypto's will only go up in value. I cry fowl on that. We all know that's not true. However, the bankers (Comex and the Like) have gone out of their way since 2011 to smash the prices and keep them down in the precious metals sector, only to buy and hoard it for themselves. I still find it interesting that so many people do not see a future in precious metals. What they don't realize is that they are being "played". Don't fall for eye turning gains of digital currency so fast. Never sell your gold or silver. This is exactly what the current manipulation is all about, getting you to sell your precious metals.

The "World Powers" have never changed. They seek one thing and one thing only... Power over your money. If you sell your metals, then you will be selling your power of real money. This is the desire of wickedness. They want you broke with nothing in your possession except for debt. The intended consequence of selling your precious metals will mean that you will no longer have tangible goods, which is real money. You will simply be out of luck when all %$&@ breaks loose.
You want to be on the winning side in the long run? Then buy silver and gold (specifically silver because its so cheap right now). If people like Cliff High is right we will soon see a sudden and fierce move up in the silver market beginning in July of this year.

Cliff says his web bot is looking at a potential $600 per troy ounce. Cliff has been wrong on many counts dealing with the metals, but i believe he is onto something. I agree with his assessment that silver should be trading in the hundreds of dollars right now. It will happen. When the "banksters" have drained the population of their metals then look out below. They will own the vast majority and buy up properties for pennies on the dollar. Just be patient if you are stacker. Our time is coming...
My suggestion... Don't sell any metals to buy crypto currencies. Put your metals away and forget about them until the time comes when you know its time to sell. Don't listen to main stream, and for sure don't throw your life savings into a crypto currency. Remember, crypto currency is a digital digit on some computer. Its not real money. Buy some crypto? Yes. Crypto currencies do have a future, but what will they look like when the Great Giant awakens? That Great Giant I'm talking about ? Gold and Silver of course. Remember, Silver and Gold is REAL Money and Real Tangible Wealth. Don't be tempted to sell. Hang on and you will be happy very soon. IMHO.

Keep Steeming People. I LOVE STEEMIT !!!

Accumulate metals when you can, and keep stacking. Good luck to us all. Our day is coming so hang in there people. Keep Stacking! Cheers.
(All images off of google imaging)


Great advice. I have been trying to accumulate silver for some time now. Been waiting for that big jump. It's hard to hold. Never really been the "patient" type. But I have been managing. I mostly collect Silver eagles. what do you like to collect?

I mainly am into smaller bars. Easy to sell and not a large mark up. I do love eagles however.

Now following your blog.

Thanks for the detailed post . Silver and Gold will always be strong options.

Thanks for viewing. have a good one digitalking.

Good post, I hope you're right😀Now following, pls follow back if you'd like.

Following you back. Thanks.

Excellant article my friend.

Thanks @raybrockman . Thank you for taking the time to check it out. I've been enjoying finding the silver gold bugs out there in Steemitland. Been fun. Cheers.

Super article. The pics you found were spectacular! You're a man aftery own heart. I believe there's money to be made in the cryptos but any profits I'd earn I'd tranfer them into PM's. They're not a fad and can't disappear in an instant. Remember ppl used to exchange seashells shells as a form of currency and Fiat's a broken promises back by nothing but broken dreams

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