in #steemsilvergold6 years ago (edited)

Wouldn't that be something, to have the Future, whispering in your ear...???

Think of the head start you'd have on everyone else...

This One Cent U.S. Coin is worth a Million Dollars...

I realize the "Melt Value" isn't there...

Many people mention melt value to "debunk" my P.C. Theory...

I keep telling people that Federal Reserve Notes have no Gold or Silver Threads, woven into the paper used to print them with, but I never hear about the Papers Burn Value...

I heard our POTUS mention Pennies today...

People are shocked by the Tax Cuts from our POTUS, but that's only a start...

I'm thinking, we need all our Ducks in a Row before any Reset is revealed...

At least, that's how I see it...

The Present bears Witness of the Past, and the Future "shall" make all things Clear...

As per my P.C. Theory, One Physical U.S. Cent will get you One U.S. Crypto-Cent "same as physical"...

It will take One Hundred U.S. Crypto-Cents to make One U.S. Crypto-Dollar...

U.S. Crypto-Coinage will be the Crypto of Choice, to Measure the Value of all other Crypto's...

Turning Dreams into Reality... Thumbs up to our POTUS... Prosperity is heading our way...



Seems like Trump is gently guiding us toward something different, I'm just not sure the people that are currently in those positions are generally banksters, not true Austrian Economists. It still comes down to what they decide, in a smoked filled room. Will they have our interests in mind,,,,,,or the too big to jail banks

Since the Central Bank Owners hate President Trump, I think we're sitting pretty... I think he'll pick the perfect moment to sign the Executive Order for the reset of our U.S. Coinage... If my Theory is correct, I think it has already been written... Trump has our best interests in mind... It's just a matter of Timing right now...

Hello there!

I was listening to a recent video with Willie: He said "there was rumors that POTUS is recovering trillions of dollars that have been stolen by the cabal and central bankers over the last 50 years. Enough to pay off the deficit." I hope it is true!

If your P.C. theory becomes reality- "I see lift off for the US in prosperity.!

Thanks for your confidence... It helps me a lot... I think my P.C. Theory is the Key to Trumps Plan... I'm still guessing like everyone else, but I see no other way to make America Great Again, like he says he wants to do... The more I hear Trump speak, the more I like him... We're so lucky to have President Trump on our side...

Lucky and blessed to have him as POTUS.

Thank you for your continued support of SteemSilverGold

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