I'm earning 5 Steem Power per week in interest...

in #steemsilvergold2 years ago (edited)

Not bad, after writing about Silver, Gold and Common U.S. Coinage for almost 5 years...

I've been able to build my Steem Power up to over 8,000.000 and figure I'm now earning about 0.001 in Steem Power interest, every 2 Minutes...

This comes to 0.720 Steem Power per day in Steem Power interest alone...

Few people realizes that our Steem Power gets interest or that the more we up-vote, the more we get back in Curations...

I like keeping my Steem Power over the 95% level...

This causes me to wait, so that I can pass out the best up-votes I can...

Again, the more we "give" the more we "receive"...

It's not very noticeable until a persons Steem Power starts to build up...

My interest is still adding up very slow, compared to some of those with lots of Steem Power...

Some people prefer to "Delegate" their Steem Power, but I'm holding on to mine...

I like being my own Central Bank, here on Steemit...

People sitting on large amounts of SBD's confuse me...

SBD's just seem to sit there and do nothing...

I'd rather be getting interest...

Let me know what you like doing with your Steem Power...

Brought to you by@pocket-change...

January 30, 2022... 18.0 Hollywood Time...


It would be better to delegate Steam power or keep it in your wallet. I want to make a name for myself in Steam.
I have done my power up six times and you will be kind enough to give me more guidance of full percentage

Good luck, making a name for yourself here on Steemit... You're actually doing very good, for someone who just started last year... I'm sure you've heard the expression that it takes money to make money... I use my Steem to create more Steem Power, plus I also do Power-ups... The Trick is to make the Steem work for you... It took me a while, but I finally found out that it is best to set my Reward Payouts for 50% Steem Power and 50% SBD's... It appears that you already figured that part out, already... Thanks for stopping by with your Reply...
January 30, 2022... 23.7 Hollywood Time...

I have delegated a portion of my Steem Powers to help new users in the initial phase. A few days ago I withdrew the last proxy. I believe I will keep my Steem Powers for the next few months. Congratulations on the goal you have achieved.

I only wish I knew 4 years ago, what I now know about Steemit... Oh well...
January 31, 2022... 2.5 Hollywood Time...

You've described an optimal condition, i.e. starting to work with Steemit in 2018 knowing what we know now...unfortunately, I would wish that too. I realized a little late the importance of this social network and how it can change the world of social networking.

After the monetary correction, is there a possibility that the government will allow that exchange rate through the machines?

If the machine owners are allowed to charge 10% with their Coin Coin Redemption Machines, I'm sure they'll be able to do the same thing with their Fiat Dollar Machines... I'm sure a person would be better off, bringing their Fiat USD's to a Bank to exchange them for Coinage... I'm curious, why you're asking me this question...
January 30, 2022... 23.6 Hollywood Time...

Excellent performance on Steemit life

I wish you the best that Life has to offer...
January 30, 2022... 23.8 Hollywood Time...

Love it sir support him❤️🥀

Do you feel like you're better off, delegating to tipu...??? Plus, do you know of a reason why tipu doesn't bring the Steem Power up to 100%...??? For some reason it only reaches about 45%...
January 31, 2022... 2.4 Hollywood Time...

I dont know, i am newbie here :)

You mentioned that you're able to chat with the owner of tipu...
February 2, 2022... 11.9 Hollywood Time...

I'm not here all the time, just here to occasionally support my sgs friends. I'm mostly on Hive with almost 11k power, albeit much less here.

Do you think Steemit is better or worse than being over at Hive...???
February 2, 2022... 11.9 Hollywood Time...

I don't know what has evolved here on Steem since, economics aside, there is a lot more organic feel and engagement on Hive.

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.18
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BTC 58720.84
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USDT 1.00
SBD 2.41