@steemsilverround fundraising post

in #steemsilvergold6 years ago

Hi everyone, I'm taking the liberty to make a post in support of the funding effort for the new 2018 steem silver round. The idea has been put out to raise and for the account @steemsilverround to keep the cost as close to spot as possible.

Well, I fully support this endeavour and cannot hardly wait to see the new release. But I thought I would get a suggestion in for my idea of how the round could look. Well one side anyway, as my artistic ability is... well, non existent.

So here it is, I propose an incused round. Possibly rimless. The lettering all incused.

More than a plug for my own ideas, is the fundraising. All SBD from this post will be donated to @steemsilverround. So vote big.

I encourage all #steemsilvergold members to either create a fundraising post or directly donate to this cause, because it will pay off when we can get the new, certainly to be sweet, rounds for a lower cost!

Thanks everyone!



Great action E!

The more money we raise — the cheaper the rounds get for members — and the more rounds we buy — the more the word is spread — Silver

Fuck this is awesome!!!

It is epic! Let's get this thing moving!

...line a fat kid on smarties E!

This is a pretty sweet idea actually!! Those Indian incused rounds always come into my mind whenever someone mentions that style!

That's kinda what I thought, I love the incused Indians, and can't wait to get my hands on the new incused maples! I just can't do a drawing to save my life,But, if someone is handy with drafting, they can probably make something seriously cool!

Nice effort! I may have to do some fundraising myself!

Thanks @armshippie!, yeah It will be great if we can partially fund these rounds for the group!

This great post has been included in 📌'Notes'📓- Issue #13!

Do stop in and
show your family some love :)

What an incredible idea. I've been tossing the idea around of donating and how much, but I like this idea much better. Will be creating a post later today / sometime this week.

I'll be looking out for it!

100% from me dude,

I am doing the same with this post and all SBD is donated to the same pot. 2 brids with 1 stone and all that folks :)

Yeah, I thought it was a good idea, so I stole it, lol. If a bunch of us can do that it will make a difference I think

I will make a difference. A few SBD here and there adds up at today price of $7 each

That is a great design. Cannot wait to see what they look like in silver.

Thanks bowentroyer. I'm not very good at drawing, bit if anyone is they can run with it and make it better!

I'm working on a design of my own, but I really like the incused design idea...hmmmm

Take it and make it better! I think incused coins are awesome, and the 2018 maple will be coming with an incused design!

I didn't know the 2018 Maple was going to do that too...I'll be getting a few tubes of those...another reason I think the Canadian Mint is superior to the US Mint.

Yeah...I really like those. They are badass.

I love the design. The incuse Indian coin is one of my favorite, so I like the no-rim and all

👍 the incused Indian is a great one,

Thx for the post man! I'll have to ask at the mint if collarless and incuse rounds are an option. The idea is pretty intriguing.

It could be excellent!

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