#piratesunday The Foundry Part 4 by Slacker Stacker (@dixiesilverminer entry)

in #steemsilvergold6 years ago (edited)

Avast ye mateys, welcome back to the Silver Wing for another #piratesunday to ease our worries after a long week of pillaging and rolling on the open sea. I’m Captain D and of course you know its time for another epic and thrilling chapter in the on-going adventures of Captain K!! When last we left our adventurers they were in a difficult spot; captured by the Metals Guild, Slak-tor the Dragon Master was in poor health due to the knock out agent the group was exposed to, and there was one very worried and angry Tarakona searching for his friends. Believe me you do not want to upset a dragon!! Now, I turn the deck over to The Dragon Master Slak-tor to relay to you the next step in this amazing yarn!!

The Foundry Part 1
The Foundry Part 2
The Foundry Part 3

Captain K black and white.jpg
(Captain K thanks to @dixiesilverminer)

The Dragon Fire was anchored far off shore from Foundry Island, but the crew was hard at work while their Captain and his away team were absent.
Khamen had assumed command and took advantage of the down time to maintain the ship.
The men repaired and polished the woodwork, while others checked the ropes in the rigging and the fabric of the sails.
Pulleys were oiled, brass drums polished and the hull checked for any damage or leaks.
Khamen stood at the helm overseeing all of the activity and smiled to himself. He knew his Captain would be impressed upon his return.

captain K ship.gif
(Dragon Fire)

“Sir!” A voice called from the crow’s nest. “Dragon approaching the bow, Sir!”
“What? Already?” Khamen moved to the mast looking up to the man above.
“Yes Sir, Tarakona is headed this way!” He replied.
Khamen turned and yelled to the deckhands. “Make way! Make way! Clear the deck! The Captain returns!” He ordered.
The bow dipped under the creatures weight as the ship settled lower in the water.
Khamen moved towards him, but paused in his tracks seeing the dragon’s empty back.
“Where are the Captain and the others? He asked, but fear struck his heart as he remembered the beast would not hear his words. However, to his surprise, Tarakona turned his head to meet his eyes. The dragon bore his needle sharp teeth and growled menacingly.
Sir Cornelius, who was helping with the repairs stood and saw that the dragon was livid with anger.
“Tarakona?” He called cautiously, not knowing if the massive creature would even hear him. He held out his arms in a surrendering gesture.
“Tarakona? It’s me, Cornelius. I want to help!” He said nervously. Where are Slak Tor and the others?”
The dragon’s eyes softened and he dipped his head in a bow.
“Captured…” His deep voice thundered in a hiss.
“He can speak!” Khamen blurted incredulously.
Sir Cornelius waved his hand urgently to silence everyone around him.
“Tarakona, how can I help? What do you need of us?” He asked, his voice becoming calm, almost gentle.
“You… and the dark Lady…” He growled. “Warrior and assassin…” He took a step forward, his talons digging into the wooden deck. “I cannot enter the mountain, but you and Lady Ravenhill can.” He explained in a low rumble.
At that moment, Lady Ravenhill stepped onto the deck. She was dressed in exotic black robes and armor accented in blood red. Her mouth and nose were covered in a skeletal mask, but her dark eyes expressed understanding and empathy. She silently moved to face the dragon and bowed in acceptance of the mission before them. Tarakona returned the bow with a nod.

Lady Ravenhill.png
(Lady Ravenhill thanks to @kerrislravenhill)

“Oh, hell yeah! Lets go get our people back!” Sir Cornelius exclaimed as he climbed up onto the dragon’s back and held out an arm to assist Lady Ravenhill.

“I am really starting to get worried.” Key Wee said as she checked the dragon master’s pulse.” What are we going to do?” She asked the Captain.
“There’s nothing we can do.” K answered in frustration.
“Why won’t they send help?” D asked shaking his head. “Certainly they would want him alive for our ‘trial.’”
“You don’t get it D…” K said flatly. “In Bear’s mind, we are dead already. If you recall, he said nothing about a trial, just our sentencing.” He reminded.
Suddenly there was a loud clunk and the door swung open. The large guard with the mace had returned.

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(Bears symbol thanks to @slacker-stacker)

He glared down at them.
“You! And, you! Come with me.” He ordered pointing at the captain and mage.
“With our wrists and ankles bound… I am afraid we may have to disobey.” Captain K said sarcastically.

(Captain K thanks to @dixiesilverminer)

“Don’t get smart!” Bear growled motioning with one hand as he stepped aside.
Two more guards entered the cell and removed the chains from K and Key Wee’s ankles. “Stand up.” They ordered.
The pair stood and the guards grabbed their arms ushering them out of the room.
Bear looked to the others. “Is he still alive?”
“Yes.” D answered coldly. “For now…”
“Good.” The warrior said and closed the door.
Captain K and Key Wee found themselves in a poorly lit hallway surrounded by four guards and the Bear himself.
“Where are you taking us?” K asked angrily
“Calm down Captain, I am taking you to where you and your lady friend here wanted to go.” He growled. “The Vulcan’s will see you now. So, if you do as you’re told, there won’t be a problem. But! If you want to do this the hard way?” He glanced to the guards around them and then down to his mace. “Well… You get the idea.”

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(The Bears weapon thanks to @slacker-stacker)

He warned. “Now, follow me.” He ordered as he turned and began to lead them down the corridor.
The only sound they could here was their own footsteps echoing in the hallway, but Key Wee noticed something else. She tilted her head and then she could feel it through the floor. “Captain? Do you hear that? Can you feel it?” She asked in a whisper.

“Hear and feel what?”
“A constant low rumble… Its like the entire place is vibrating!” She whispered in wonderment. “And, it’s getting hotter as we move forward.” She added.
K had missed the sound and ever so slightly trembling floor, but the building heat was evident. But now that the mage had pointed them out, he could now hear and feel the deep rumbling of the mountain.
The corridor turned sharply to the left and now they could see a red orange hellish glow at the end of hall. They came to the exit.
“By Aslan!” Key Wee breathed and K’s eyes widened at the scene before them.
The small group stepped into a cavernous chamber. The deep rumbling was much louder here and they began to sweat against the intense heat.
The massive chamber had a roughly rounded shape and the floor of the vast expanse held wide walkways between many large pools of molten metals of various types.
Enormous crucibles hung from chains thicker than several men and ran along huge tracks running along the top of cavernous chamber. Giant bellows the size of small buildings attached to a network of rotating gears rose and fell stoking the volcanic fires below.
The sound of a loud horn reverberated off the walls and the workers along the paths hurried to the edges of the room. There was a loud bang and the massive crucibles shook on their thick steel tethers as they began to move.
One by one, the gigantic buckets vanished into a large tunnel as another fresh one entered glowing nearly white hot. They watched as the track system positioned the crucible over one of the pools and a second horn sounded.
The clattering of the massive chains filled the room as the enormous bucket began to slowly tilt. A blast of radiant heat hit them with a breeze of super heated air that tousled their hair as a river of white hot metal began to fill the pool below. Showers of sparks bounced and danced along the now empty pathways. The huge crucible righted itself and with another loud bang, slowly vanished down another tunnel.

(The Foundry thanks to @slacker-stacker)
“Ok, come on…” Bear lowered his arms and led them deeper into the chamber. Welcome to the Foundry!” He said proudly. “This is the very center of our operation! And a perfect security system…” He explained. “Even if you escaped your cell, you would have to come through here only to be burned alive or caught by another guard.” He explained.
“Why so many pools? How can you keep this much metal molten?” K asked in awe despite of his current position.
Bear smiled for the first time since they had met him. “The island is volcanic. We use the lava and natural heat provided to do our work here. This is the most efficient forge in the world!” He boasted. “All of the pools hold different metals to create alloys and totally pure versions of the metals themselves for all kinds of applications.” He explained with pride and stopped turning back to the sweltering scene. “Yes!” He yelled loudly. “Yes!” He yelled again.

“Nobody outdoes The Metals Guild in any kind of pouring!” He laughed. “Now, you come on… The Vulcan’s are waiting.” His voice returned to the all business like tone that they knew only to well.
“This way…” He said as he led them towards a grand entrance decorated with orate patterns and symbols.

(Vulcan symbol at enterance thanks to @dwingsworld)

The searing heat instantly diminished as they entered a great hall.
“Wait here…” Bear instructed as he continued forward. His armored footfalls echoed as he approached a man and woman sitting on thrones upon a stage of stone.
He passed many glassed in tables and cases filled with exotic pieces of poured art made from every precious metal known to man. All were examples of the work and skills of the master craftsmen who had trained there. Some of the pieces were ancient, others new, but all masterpieces.

(Bear pour in glass case)

Bear reached the base of the stairs of the stage and respectfully bowed.
“MyLord, MyLady…” He straightened. “I bring the prisoners who suddenly appeared on the island last night. We have found no ship or even a landing dingy. One of them seems to be ill and needs help if that is your wish, but they are uninvited, not any vendor or buyer that we are aware of and may be dangerous to the Guild.” He reported.
Lord Vulcan, a stocky man had short gray hair, neatly trimmed mustache and beard was dressed in the simple leathers of a working man, not the posh clothing of a noble. He held a master crafted war hammer and nodded to his head of security.
“Yes, so I have heard. Please bring them forward so we may speak.” He ordered in a calm but stern tone.
Bear inclined his head and motioned to the guards.
Lady Vulcan, an attractive motherly woman with shoulder length brown hair looked across the hall at their guests now being ushered towards them.
“Pa, I thought there were five of them?” She said curiously. “Bear, where are the others?”
“MyLady, the others are in their cell. One of them has not recovered from the tranquilizer darts used to capture them. The others are watching him.” Bear explained.
Lady Vulcan looked appalled. “Is he alive?” She asked indignantly.
“He lives MyLady. He still sleeps, but he lives.”
She looked to her husband. “Pa…”
Vulcan held up his hand. “We will have him tended to after we talk to these two, Ma.” He promised.
She frowned, but nodded as Captain K and Key Wee the mage were brought before them.


Sir Cornelius saw that they were quickly approaching the island. He smiled to himself as he heard Tarakona’s wings beat the air and the long pause as they glided towards land. He never got tired of riding on the dragon’s back and always enjoyed his flights with Slak Tor.
He looked down the long spiked neck and used the large curved horns from the dragon’s head like the sites of gun, the mountain on the island dead centered.

(The Foundry Island)

Lady Ravenhill was silent as usual. She was known to be soft spoken and only speaking when absolutely necessary.
The odd sensation of a slow fall seized him as Tarakona began to descend, flapping his huge wings again.
Soon they were circling the mountain, the horns now focused on the foothills searching for an entrance. Then he saw it. The dark maw of a cave like portal was neatly hidden in a small depression along the base of the mountain. Sir Cornelius opened his mouth to speak, but Tarakona had already seen the target and they hurtled towards the ground.
“Easy!” He yelled in alarm. He felt and heard a low growl rumble beneath him as Tarakona used his wings as airbrakes to slow them and gently landed on the path directly in front of the entrance.
Sir Cornelius would have rather landed out of sight and make his way to the portal without a giant weapon in full view, but Tarakona had a mind of his own.


“Oh, we need to get down there and do some fast talking now!” He called back to Lady Ravenhill and both quickly dismounted.
Sir Cornelius held up his hands in a peaceful manner hoping whatever guards present would be more concerned about their reptilian friend than two small humans.
Lady Ravenhill sighed to herself, but took his lead and raised her hands splaying delicate gloved fingers.
“That’s far enough!” A rough voice called from the darkness of the cave. “Who are you and why are here?’
“I am Sir Cornelius of Doggshire and this is Lady Ravenhill. My friends came here on a peaceful mission to speak with Lord and Lady Vulcan on an urgent matter. The Lady and I are here to see that they are safe and unharmed.” He stated in an official tone.
“What about him?” The voice asked.
Sir Cornelius could only assume the sentry was asking about the beast behind them.
He won’t be a worry if my friends are safe and unharmed. I told you, this is our only concern.”
“I am aware of your friends. They were trespassing on the island and have been detained for questioning. This is all I know and I cannot allow you into The Foundry until we notify his Lordship of your presence.”
Sir Cornelius nodded. “I understand, the Lady and I will…”
But a strange sound began to fill the air and a dark shadow suddenly covered them. The sound rose in pitch as the dragon filled his great lungs.
Cornelius and Ravenhill turned to see that Tarakona had raised himself on his hind legs unfolding his wings.
“Oh, crap…” The knight breathed. He looked back to the entrance. “Run!” He yelled even as he hooked a strong arm around the Lady’s waist and broke into a full run to gain as much distance from the tunnel as his legs would carry them.
“Close the gates!” The voice of the guard yelled in horror. “Close the gates!”
Another sentry ran to the winch drum and swung his ax at the bake handle, shattering it and releasing the drum to spin freely. The loud rattle of heavy chains echoed in the corridor drawing sparks against the their stone channels as two colossal steel doors slammed to the ground and sealed the mountain.
Tarakona lunged forward opening his mouth and unleashed a jet of fire, fanning the flames with his wings so they would burn hotter.
The outer door began to glow then seemed to sweat in small beads until it melted away.

(Tarakona thanks to @slacker-stacker)

Inside the tunnel, the heat rose quickly as the inner door began to glow a dull orange and slowly brightened.
“By the gods! It’s burning through!” One of the sentries exclaimed.
All they could do was watch to see if the thick inner door would hold. The dull red became a brighter orange and was slowly turning to a yellowish white.
However, before the metal could melt, the dragon had spent its breath and the bright color of super heated steel began to fade.
There was a relieved cheer as the gate’s glow waned.
Suddenly there was a deafening bang and small tendrils of dust fell from the ceiling.
“What was that?”
“It’s trying to batter its way in…” The commander of the garrison said flatly.
Another bang shook the tunnel and another and another.
“The gate may have been weakened by the heat.” He warned. “It’s only a matter of time before the mountain is breached. Randall, go tell his Lordship of the situation and hurry!”
“Yes sir!” Randall said and ran down the tunnel to carry out his orders.

Well my wonderful buccaneer friends that’s where we must close the tale for this week!! Don’t you fret or worry because next #piratesunday is already on its way and almost to shore. When it arrives there are two things that are assured; amazing silver shown by the members of @ssg-community and another exciting Chapter in the adventures of Captain K! I thank you for taking the time to sail with us and relax to this astonishing tale!!
Please make sure to check out the @stokjockey as his support of #piratesunday is amazing!!
Please check out @dixiesilverminer and the post that has inspired this pirate-verse right HERE
Also make sure to check out their amazing website right HERE
Make sure to check out the crafter of this tale on YouTube Slacker Stacker right HERE
Please upvote, resteem, and reply my friends!! Thank to you from Captain D and Slak-tor the Dragon Master!!

(Precious thanks to @silversaver888)


I wish I could vote more than 100%, Rats, what's the recharge time for a male Abyssithian Dragon? Apparently too long. Tarakona speaks more with his actions, could he sense Slak-Tor's vulnerability and need? I bet he does sense it and like a faithful hound he would be extremely protective of him and will stop at nothing. This is what many pirates would term, "A Loose Cannon" or more accurately "A loose heavy Flame thrower weapons platform."

@kerrislravenhill thank you so much for the compliment! Slacker Stackers imagination and skills have enriched the pirate-verse so much and I am so honored to just be a part of the chain that brings it to the people. I agree that Tarakona senses his "fathers" blight plus his worry and you truly have a "loose cannon" as you said. The bounds between the Dragon Master and Tarakona are strong and I have a feeling the Guild is about to physically see how strong they are. Thanks for the amazing comment!!

Thank you for your continued support of SteemSilverGold

Thank you guys!!

Awesome!!!! Cant wait for the next chapter!!!

@dixiesilverminer so happy that you guys are excited for the next action packed part! Thanks so much for all your support and time!

WOW... yous and Slackers' imagination are unbelievable!!!! I have to go back and read some portion of the past Foundry chapters. Great work, @dwingsworld.

@silversaver888 , Slacker is really knocking this out of the park!! I hope you take a look and I know you will enjoy it! Thanks so much for your support my friend!!

"oh hell yeah" it what I would say in that situation most epic

@corndogg42 it really does catch the essence of you my friend! Thanks for your support!!

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