#piratesunday Captain K at the Foundry Part 12 by Slacker Stacker (@dixiesilverminer entry)

Avast ye pirate brothers and sister welcome to the deck of the Silver Wing and to the next tale being relayed by the one and only Dragon Master Slak-Tor!! Last we saw our crew during a rough night preparing mentally and physically for the dangers than await them. As with all warriors the fight may be necessary , but is never welcomed. Now to our friend the Dragon Master and the crew of the Dragon Fire.
In case you have missed any chapters:
The Foundry Part 1
The Foundry Part 2
The Foundry Part 3
The Foundry Part 4
The Foundry Part 5
The Foundry Part 6
The Foundry Part 7
The Foundry Part 8
The Foundry Part 9
The Foundry Part 10
The Foundry Part 11

A cold wind brew across the waters as the small dingy followed its course towards the shore of Devil Horns Island.
Captain K stood in the center of the boat scanning the beach with his telescope and the shore appeared clear for an easy landing.
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(Captain K thanks to @dixiesilverminer)

First Mate D and the large warrior Bear rowed while Sir Cornelius manned the rudder.
Key Wee, Lady Ravenhill and Tessaria sat near the bow eying the black sand beach as they drew near, Sir Bentley sitting on the bottom of the boat just before them.

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(Devil Horns Island)

Tarakona suddenly over flew them beating his large wings against the air and gliding towards the island to scout what lay ahead. Tessaria smiled seeing Slak Tor waving down at them as they passed.
They watched as the dragon banked in a gentle turn to the right, around the horn like mountain and crossed the island to the left.
Tessa suddenly stiffened as images flashed through her mind. It was as if she were flying and looking down at land below as it streaked past. Large crowds of humans shuffling and stumbling about in old worn armor and rag tag clothing.


These herds of people were everywhere along with stragglers that moved alone in a few isolated areas. Then she realized that she was seeing what Tarakona, or was it Slak Tor, saw.

(Slak Tor thanks to Slacker Stacker and @kerrislravenhill)

Lady Ravenhill noticed the color drain from the elf's delicate features and reached out taking her hand. "Are you well?" She asked in her rarely heard soft voice.
Tessa simply nodded but met her eyes in a haunting gaze. "This will not be easy..." Her tone was flat and nervous.
Ravenhill began to ask a question when D and Bear dropped their oars into the bottom of the boat and jumped over the sides into the waist deep water. The waves broke and churned around them as they dragged the boat onto the beach.
Captain K disembarked the dingy followed by the rest. They all drew their weapons. "Alright! We are now on dry land. Remember the battle plan." K began. "Fighters in front, all but Sir Bentley and Sir Cornelius, the will keep an eye on our rear.

(Sir Bentley)

Lady Ravenhill and Tessaria are most important and must be protected from all harm." He eyed them. "They are the key!
"Aye Captain!" The rest agreed.

(Tessaria thanks to Slacker Stacker)

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(Lady Ravenhill thanks to @kerrislravenhill)
Tarakona flew towards them from the sea landing on the sand next to them and lowered himself to allow the dragon master to climb from his saddle.


Captain K turned to his old friend. "Well? What does it look like out there and why do you go so far out of your way and approach us from the sea?"

"Captain..." Slak Tor inclined his head. "The situation is grim." He reported. "There are thousands of undead here, some in large herds, others in small groups, but there is no avoiding them." He sighed. "Tarakona and I flew out to sea on the opposite side of the island and circled back here as to not lead them to us before we were ready. They did notice us scouting above." He warned.

K nodded in thought. "What about our goal?"

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(Captain K thanks to @dixiesilverminer)

"There is a valley in the center of the island that seems to be clear of zombies and skeletons, but I could see the ghosts Lady Tessaria described. The base of the two mountains hold ancient ruins that can only could have been a necropolis. There is a small structure in the center of the of the valley. It would be my guess that the vault containing the artifact is there." He explained. "But, Captain... If the necropolis is still occupied, anyone at the vault would be surrounded and may never escape." He said gravely.
"The vault is my task..." Lady Ravenhill interrupted. "I will retrieve the artifact." She assured.

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(Stone Vault in the Valley)

"I don't know how MyLady, but I can only trust in your word." Slak Tor said in deep concern but bowed.
"I will manage." Ravenhill's eyes smiled.
Captain K addressed the group. "Ok everyone, we are here and we are using up daylight. I sure don't want to be on this island at night!" He looked to each in turn as he spoke. "Bear?" He asked. "Are you ready?
The huge warrior hefted his mace and nodded.

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"Alright then, Bear, D and I will be up front. Key Wee, Tessaira and Lady Ravenhill in the middle.
(Key Wee)

And, Sir Cornelius and Sir Bentley will guard our rear." He ordered.
K then looked to Slak Tor. "Make us a path my friend."
Slak Tor smiled, bowed and moved towards Tarakona.
"Slak Tor! Wait!" Sir Cornelius yelled. "Take these in case Tarakona runs out of breath." He ran towards his friend.
The dragon master turned and took the pack. Opening its mouth he looked inside to find the familiar bombs only Cornelius could build. "You think of everything brother!" He smiled and held out his hand.
Cornelius took his arm in the warriors shake, his hand gripping Slak Tor's forearm as the dragon master gripped his. "I thought they may help." He shrugged his shoulders.

(Sir Cornelius of Doggshire)

"Indeed they will, brother." He smiled, then became serious and leaned closer. "Be careful, Corndog... Tarakona speaks to you as well. Be the captain's eyes and keep them safe."
Cornelius grinned and nodded. "I will brother... I will."
Slak Tor nodded and turned to climb onto Tarakona's back while Corndog moved to rejoin the group.
"Its time! Form up and move out!" Captain K ordered drawing his sword.
The warriors drew their weapons and the party moved the beach and inland. The terrain became steep and they crested a hill and looked down the valley bellow.
A sea of the undead milled about and they could hear their raspy groans and gurgles as the masses rippled with aimless movement.
For the first time since planning their mission, Captain K felt the coldness of doubt in his chest. They were a handful of people facing armies of the most vile and evil creatures he had ever seen.
(Undead Skeletons)

There we must leave you my friends, but fear not as next #piratesunday we will get back to our faithful crew on Devil Horns Island!! Odds are not in their favor and the undead are a major foe that any band of warriors would approach with care. Can the Captains tactical know how and the special skills of each of this crew add up to form a force great enough to achieve their goal? Come back next #piratesunday and see!!

Please make sure to check out the @stokjockey a pirate in the highest regard and a true supporter of #piratesunday

Please check out @dixiesilverminer and the post that brought this this pirate-verse to life right HERE

Check out their amazing website and product line right HERE

Make sure to check out the crafter of this tale on YouTube Slacker Stacker and make sure to check out his amazing Tarakona Bars by clicking right HERE

Thanks for your support and please resteem, upvote, and reply!! Proud supporter of

(Precious thanks to @silversaver888)


You just received a 100% upvote from @rewards-pool. Thank You for being apart of the @rewards-pool community

@rewards-pool thank you guys so much and I really appreciate all the support!!

Thank you for your continued support of SteemSilverGold

@ssg-community thanks for all you guys do and for all the awesome you bring!

Awesome story!! Thank you both again!!

@dixiesilverminer no thanks needed on our end. Slacker is loving crafting this tale and I am loving the tale as well!! Everyone is winning!!!

dang I don't know if I can wait another week

@corndogg42 you and me both my friend. The battle is on the horizon and may the crew of the Dragon Fire be strong and prevail!!

Absolutely the Best Stuff for #PirateSunday

@stokjockey the compliment is so highly appreciated brother!! Thanks so much!

Oh Yes!

@kerrislravenhill I agree and can't wait to see what awaits my pirate sister!!

As if she has the ability to "Ghost Whisper" see ghosts, communicate with the dead and Identify Cursed silver objects. And to be a cool person to hang with around Halloween time.

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