How To Make a Big Success On Steemit In 5 Simple Steps

in #steemschools6 years ago

Practical knowledge is the power when we train new users how to become successful at Steemit they attract new users and investors. In this way, Steam's value grows and that's what it takes for investors. We have a big influx of new users and at the same time, we lose our voting power. The main reason is lack of knowledge, new users do not know how to combine business logic with blogging. The only solution to reconcile the interests of big whales and small fish is in quality education. People need good education about Steemit and business because in this way they can earn money and attract new investors. We have a large number of different users, we have a large number of different communication styles (Controler, promoter, supporter, analyzer), we need to train new users how to fit into Steemit and how to find the fastest way to success. Steem Schools is the biggest movement on Steemit for all users as one brand, with a joint mission to eat poverty from all areas (spirit, intellect, material). We invite all users (small and large, teachers and pupils, whales and small fish) to support our joint mission - 100 million new users in Steemit. This is the most important moment in the history of Steem, because now we are awaiting the launch of Smart Media Token and thus a great growth of the Steem value.

Create your own list of bloggers that you follow on Steemit.
Go to the trending posts and choose your favorites.Choose successful bloggers whose style and posts you like. It is important that we follow strong bloggers because they have good voting power and can reward us. If we want to establish good communication, we need to choose bloggers with similar or same interests as we do. Try to find out why a blogger is writing such a type of post, it is very important that we discover the ultimate goal that he wants to achieve. Read a few shots from the same blogger, see which lifestyle he likes (adventure, yoga, sports, music, poetry, etc.) because the goal is to connect with a person rather than a text. Good preparation is 90% of the job done, think carefully whether this person is answering you personally because I'm sure you want to connect and make the right friendship.
This is the right moment to take action, there is a big success if you write between 50 and 200 comments every day.

Raise your enthusiasm, be honest as you make creative comments.
Become a creative commentator.Comments are the way to success, they are our dance floor. Comments are very important because they connect us with a blogger, so it is important that our comments establish a real relationship and cause attention. It is also very important to be persistent, the comments are the same as advertising in our Steemit world. Make sure you are among the first to write a comment, but this does not mean that you should be unfair, first read the entire post. If someone leaves a comment in the first minute after this post, I know that this person did not read my post, of course, I do not want to reward people who are not honest with me. The second part of the story is to make a comment that has a correlation with the text, which ends with some nice question or a unique conclusion. The point is that you notice your comment and give you an answer, remember that your answer should be the last - this is a professional part of the story that talks about your persistence. If bloggers do not want to upgrade after ten days of persistent comments on each post, then remove it from the list and place another person in its place. Do not be angry if you do not reward, everyone has the right to decide who to reward, we are all different. Remember that the two most important words in each type of communication are please and thank you. Comments are your best commercial on Steemit, remember that the first ten words are more important than the next 10,000 words.When you write quality comments you attract attention from the blogger who wrote the post and from other users who read that same post.

When you write great comments then other users want to see how the master writes posts.
Make a great post, the title is as important as the text.Success comes when we work with many emotions when we enter the whole heart with enthusiasm. Power comes from the strength of our mission, so it is important that we do what we love, we create our brand of ourselves. Write posts about what you love most, be creative and give your maximum, make mistakes and learn on them. Comments should attract attention with strong bloggers, at some point some of them will want to see who is the person who makes such nice comments, that is the moment where our post should shine like a star. Define your tactics, time, and people with whom you want to become friends. You are speaking to your audience, so it's important that you build a relationship with everyone who wants to communicate with you. Initially, I did not have many comments, this is normal, so it's important to keep up persistent, this is a long-distance business. Make your goals and move to realize your daily strategy.

Knowledge is power, but only if it is applied.
Information and science are changed every day, if we do not learn about new things then we are going backward. It is good that we read a good book every day, to see what is happening in the world of digital currencies and normal life.The key moment of success is discipline if we do not know to say no to others who want to steal our time, then we certainly will not go far in life. Make your daily strategy and follow your weekly goals. Define the exact time when you read the book when posting comments and posts. Learn to work every day without exception, of course, you should separate time for yourself and your family and friends. First, respect yourself, only then you have the strength to respect others.
Knowledge can enrich you in all areas of success (spiritual, material, emotional, physical), so be dedicated.


Be with people who have the knowledge and who want to help you achieve success.Be part of the Steemit School that helps you 24 hours a day to achieve maximum success in the shortest time. Every beginning is difficult if you do not have the right knowledge and the heroic heart. Our mission is to bring new users to Steemit and to train people how to earn their first bread and food. This job requires maximum focus, an organization of time and everyday training. Many times I look at comments that are very unsuitable for my posts, we call such people spammers, but basically, those are people who want to make money. Many new users do not speak English (I didn't no know how to speak English), they do not have a mentor who can tell them how to make a good post and an excellent comment. If we do not help new users to become successful then we have a huge problem that we see in our voting power that falls every day. There are two goals that we want to achieve with Steemit School 1. To bring as many new users as possible 2. To help new users become successful and to earn from $ 300 to $ 500 in the first month. In order for users to become successful, they need to change their way of thinking, they should learn universal rules and apply them in practice. You can not learn everything in 24 hours, but if you are active every day in Steem Schools, your life will change completely.


The school should contain the main pillars of life success in its program :

What is life success ?
How to achieve financial success ?
What is blockchain technology and its applications in the future ?
Proper work on Steemit, creative vision and strategies for making successful posts, etc.
Investment principles and business logic ?
Types of business and the development of new trends in the world ?
Psychology of success ?
Creating new habits of success ?
The way of thinking and the power of the mind ?
Development of multidimensional intelligence ?

This is your real chance to learn everything about Steemit and Business, just one click and divides you to win poverty and become successful

Be part of the biggest movement on Steemit, we are here with our expert team and great experience 24 hours for you.

We Win Together - Steemit School


See you on the top @dobartim
We win together - Steem Schools


Greetings, great Dobartim

Thank you very much for these tips taught to us. Some of them I already did, like looking for some people with more vote power than me and with subjects of which I am interested and trying to establish a connection with them. It is a difficult road, so much so that I always commented, answered, studied the author's text and prepared good comments, and did not reach a 10% interaction with the orcas and whales authors, because unfortunately, most do not respond. But to my happiness, some respond and find the content I write cool for them. It motivated me to keep writing to them.

We think a lot about knowledge. I thought it was cool when you said he can enrich us in all areas, because I think the same way. The only way we can criticize something and build our own way of life is by studying and acquiring knowledge about different areas of life.

Thank you and good night!!!!

These are extraordinary tips! I'm extremely new here, and might want to develop a following while additionally curating and upvoting content. I need to be a PART of the group. Simply experiencing the different posts, I am overwhelmed at some of what is made here. It's totally amazing!Just trolling through presents about how on function my way around steemit, anything kind of instructional exercise data is so useful! say thanks to you!Great tips to progress. Much obliged to you. Your experiences are coherent and pertinent.

@dobartim, I want to thank you sir for the sacrifice you put in to teach us at #steemschools. The knowledge and lessons we get there can make very successful bloggers out of us on steemit and success in business and life.

I will keep telling people about steemschools and invite them to join us. I have read the posts of new users and the truth is they lack good content.

Thank you so much for inspiring us the way you do.

We are one family.
One mission.
We win together.

Thank you for great support, see you in Steem Schools

Ohh its really cool step for success

I’m a living witness of Steemschools success lessons. You see what we basically do in steemschools is impacting life changing knowledge and that’s just the summary of it . Dr. Great Success has said it all so what are you waiting for , Steemschools is the place to be . Come and learn how to monetize your potentials , your talents, your ideas cause creativity is what we have and promotion is all you get.

See you on the top

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Brought to you by @tts. If you find it useful please consider upvote this reply.

Thank you

People need a good education about Steemit and companies because they can earn money and attract new investors. We have a lot of different users, we have a lot of different communication styles (Controler, promoter, supporter, analyzer), we have to train new users on how to fit into Steemit and how to find the fastest way to achieve success.

I agree with you, the basis of everything is in the education and the passion that you place in what you like, if you have a firm foundation and you like Steemit, you will surely be a good recruit, from small fish to investors, in Venezuela the boom in steemit has very little time, We have had to deal with the ignorance to learn the basics of steemit, I like the way it has helped and continues to help, regardless of race, nationality or color, your project and advice have undoubtedly created success in many steemians who grow up with your project, I wish you much more success, happy afternoon.

See you in our classes

@dobartim steemschools is doing a great job. I have learnt few things and I use it. This has helped me a lot.
We learn so many things everyday. Steemschools is the best place to learn. This post is really important for me I have learnt so many things.

And I start making comments from your posts. This is a great idea of making money and success.
This knowledge you give through your posts is commendable.
@dobartim your efforts and motive is very different and honest I support the steemschools and you.
Thanks a lot for supporting everyone and helping us with your knowledge.

See you on the top, keep going

I am very grateful for the new knowledge from you, the steps you give me will try and apply, sorry my english language is not good, I am from Indonesia.

Buen post amigo, saludos!

A successful life on who wants to keep learning and be consistent with what can be done, I have a view for us to be great, reading is important to get a good concept of new things for you to succeed faster in the world of steemit.

see you on the top.

Steemschools academic a power of life,Thank's @dobartim

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