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RE: Worlds First Learn and Earn Excel Online Course

in #steempress6 years ago

@madeyearcher thank you for your comment and concerns.

At the moment, the videos are hosted on Dlive, this is part of the steemit blockchain and by adding content, you are sharing and distributing it via blockchain. Dlive is an interface for the steem blockchain.
Reading content and coursework is posted via blog on Steemit, Steemit also being an interface to the steem blockchain and by adding content this way it is distributing it via blockchain.

The only content that is not on the steem blockchain is the download material. at the moment the steem blockchain does not offer this as a solution.

The biggest difference is that on steem, instructors like me have the opportunity to earn from votes while also giving votes and rewarding learners. Where as with a more traditional model, instructors like me charge $$ for people to take our courses and give nothing in return. As I said this is experimental and I need to see if it is viable to distribute course material on steemit and also make a living at the same time.

It would be so awesome if I did not have to charge people for my courses but I could still make a living from them. And hay, if a learner is going to pay $10, or even $100 for a course but could earn a little crypto instead, then why not?


if you are looking for interactive course training environments there is already a solution for that though it does not involve blockchains udemy courses provide feedback by the course creators/students in a community environment that can be as interactive as the creator wants it to be.
again im not saying the concept isnt a nice idea but its not a long term solution for those that are looking to make something for their efforts after they spend the time putting it all together
and there is very little chance that learners will earn anything by simply replying to the posts via questions or otherwise.

i guess all i'm saying is if you only intended on giving away the course for free with no strings attached then yes this would be a viable way to make something purely on the exposure it may generate in a short brand new way of distribution/interaction with learners(and maybe make some money upfront).
but if you want it to be anything beyond that it probably will disappoint.

as a best selling udemy instructor, I get $2.5 per course sale a best. Blockchain also add the ability to remove the middle man and steemit can be as interactive as you like.

There is already a Youtube- so why does Dtube stand a chance? There is already twitch but Dlive is taking over. Udemy is a centralized platform where instructors pay a lot of money in terms of course takings to host their courses on that platform.

And yes there are no string attached with this course, you don't even need to have a steemit account to view the material, however if you want to interact with me as an instructor, ask questions and get help, then you need to have a steemit account. With Udemy, you can not view even a free course without parting with personal information and your email address.

You only get two and a half bucks per course? Wow, that is pathetic. No wonder so many of the courses there are so bad—paying rock bottom prices like that, they don't do much to attract good teachers. Steemit holds much more promise than that udemy model.

I think steem hold so many possibilities for instructors and other businesses. Yep $2.5, courses never sell for full value, there is always a $10 deal on then udemy takes a cut and thats what I am left with. Hence having premium courses on my own site. This is an experiment, lets see how it goes :-) thank you for your support

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