Pennsif's Progress #603 - Am I prepared for this crazy world?

in #steempress6 years ago (edited)
Today's headlines were quite an eyeful for any aspiring prepper.
"Wildfires in Greece kill 74 people", "Many feared dead as Laos dam collapses", "Japan heatwave declared natural disaster as death toll mounts".

Is the world going crazy? Is the earth fighting back? Is Gaia seeking instant karma?

How much these tragedies are freaks of nature, and how much they have been brought about by human action, may be difficult to judge.

Are such disasters becoming more commonplace, or do they just catch my eye more often as I get older and I get more concerned.

As a prepper I will always have a heightened sense of concern, but as a father and as a citizen of earth it gives me ever more anxiety about how my family, my children and everyone I know will cope with this changing world.

Sometimes that anxiety spills over into outright despair.

I am for sure not yet a 5 star prepper, but I am considerably more prepped up than the average Jo on the block.

Yet when I mindport into the horrific settings of at least the first two of these headlines today I suspect in reality all my prepping would most likely not have saved me, my family or our possessions.

Could we have outrun the wild flames of Greece? And even if we had our homestead would have been burnt to the ground.

Could we have escaped the torrents of water from the collapsed dam in Laos? The same answer I fear.

And the 40+ Celsius temperatures in Japan? We have struggled with the effects of the mid twenties here in Wales.

But these things will never happen to us...

Why not? The world is changing. Mother Earth seems to be fighting back.

And as technology grows, we think we are getting smarter.

In fact all the time we are getting weaker and unhealthier, dumber and more dependent, lazier and more reliant.

Our society is becoming ever more fragile.

Our resilience is evaporating in the white heat of technology.

Our chances of survival are diminishing.

But there is a way. I hope.

While you are here check out these to see what else I do :

[ image from ]


And as technology grows, we think we are getting smarter.
In fact, all the time we are getting weaker and unhealthier, dumber and more dependent, lazier and more reliant.

You are so right. I see it all around me. People who are ill-prepared for disaster whether it be man-made or natural, waiting for their government or whomever to save them catastrophe. It happens quickly and it is unforgiving. It won't wait for you to become prepared. We had enough for my family of five for three months. But with many more people depending on us, the supplies dwindled to only one month. I have learned that a supply of a year to two years is more appropriate. But that does not help in a situation where you are forced to leave the homestead. here are no easy answers. All as you can do is be informed and be as prepared as you can be given the circumstances.

No amount of preparation is ever likely to be quite enough.

I hope the weather shows signs of brightening up for you.

Any many, many thanks for the donation to @adollaraday.

Host of The Alternative Lifestyle Show on MSP Waves Radio.

Editor of the Weekly Schedule of Steem Radio Shows.

Founder of the A Dollar A Day charitable giving project.

You are welcome @pennsif! I know every little bit helps. The weather remains hot. Don't know when it will break. There was an interesting interview about the weather conditions over on Fox News the other night. I think the guy in the interview is a little bit off center.

We don't have any TV now. I will see if I can find it on YouTube.

I don't either. You can find it on the internet at 100%Noicias or BBC international ha a burb.

Danger is around us at all times. Our frailty and lack of regard for it is often forgotten until it's too late. I always go back to 'Threat Evaluation' of your location.... These days we've got to keep our wits about us, not only to have a set of 'Preps' for those austere/disastrous times, but to get out quickly should we need to.
Good post P.

Wise words. Plan for the expected AND plan for the unexpected.

It is so devastating and a slap on humanity's face, despite the level of technology and science across the globe. Greece and Laos can still be wiped by fire and water? What a shame to advancement in technology then.

Well, maybe I should not be in a haste to judge. Sometimes, last month, a terrible ghastly incidence that claimed about tens of lives happened in Lagos, Nigeria. It is an avoidable scenario but the lawlessness and recklessness of the driver caused so many their lives.

What is happening to humanity?
What is happening on earth?

These are difficult times. We must do our best to prepare.

Hmm, well I think the coming of the Lord is at hand. Let's be watchful

Hmm, well I think the
Coming of the Lord is at
Hand. Let's be watchful

                 - mediahousent

I'm a bot. I detect haiku.

I'm so thankful for you, being one of the main people who got me to take my first few baby steps into being more prepared.
I don't watch the news. I don't have that filter most people have, so when I hear of something like these things you brought up it haunts me. Words seep into my thoughts, pictures haunt my dreams. I get sad and afraid and it makes me incapable of action.
While you might not have been able to outrun the fires or withstand the torrents, you are much more prepared for most of the disasters that come our way. I bet you have enough water to see you through a heat wave even if you had no access to more water for weeks.
With over 31C here today I feel you in the heat. That's 7-10C more than Danes are 'made' to thrive in.

I hope all is going well with you and your family in Denmark.

We gave up our TV about 5 years ago so my news mainly comes through the net. I try to access as many sources as possible. What I find can be worrying.

The heat is strange for us in northern Europe. But in Britain we always complain about the weather whatever happens!

Thank you. We are very well and I'm trying to get back into steemit as part of my daily routine.

We have a TV but it's not plugged in. We don't pay for any channels or streaming services. We do use it for some youtube and my husband plays on his xbox every now and then.
I get my news filtered through my husband who gets his from the internet much like you I imagine. He only tells me things on a need-to-know basis. That's one good thing that came out of his stint in the army ;)

It is strange. Danes tend to be the same, or rather we always talk about the weather, we don't always complain about it. We hit 32C yesterday, it's been years since it was that hot here.

The fires are horrific. We have been lucky in the UK so far, although I believe there are wildfires in wales at the moment? We also had some in Lancashire a few weeks back. The worrying thing is that people still say global warming isn't real! But they fail to recognise the changing weather patterns we experience year on year. I think we all need to adapt and learn how to be more self sufficient in case of disaster. Also we need to know how to help each other because if our food supply is cut off from other countries, we will all have to work together to provide as communities else we will have starvation to add to the disasters too!

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