Pennsif’s Progress #574 – The apples are coming & my dog loves blackberries

in #steempress6 years ago (edited)

The apples are coming, the apples are coming...

Finally our pruning work in the old orchard is paying off. This year's apple crop looks like it is going to be a bumper one.

Our old orchard has suffered badly over recent years through goat attack, a domineering holly tree, too much chicken attention and a good dose of plain neglect.

Two years ago we started on a much needed programme of restorative pruning and clearance of competing and heavily shading competing trees.

We opened up the trees, brought down the height and generally got them in better shape.

This year the frosts stayed away at blossom time, and the sun and the rain came in the right amount at the right time.

It looks like we are going to be gifted with our biggest apple crop ever. And the plums and greengauges are making a good showing as well.

Not only is the old orchard going strong, the new fruit trees that we have been planting over the last 3 years have started coming online this summer as well. We have even had a few figs and peaches - not bad for a usually wild, wet and windy west Wales.

Just in time for a good old apple and blackberry pie, the blackberries are plumping up nicely with the recent rain.

And there comes the dog. I have discovered she loves blackberries. When I am picking blackberries she follows me along and will sit patiently at my side waiting for her share.

She does try to bite them off the bushes herself but the prickles make it difficult.

Anyone else got a blackberry loving dog?


[ photographs by @pennsif ]


It looks delicious

Looks like the Summer turned out to be a bumper time for British Fruits! I didn't know we could even have the potential to grow figs in Britain... Good Grow!
I have also seen that if you store apples correctly, they will last months if not years.... A good crop for longevity and even post SHTF barter.

ooooh so much yummeh fruit!

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