Announcement! First Steemprentice Q and A Hangout Session! This Sunday at 2pm CST! Anybody is Welcome to Join.

in #steemprentice8 years ago

[NOTE: This is a repost from a few days back as a reminder of this event.]

It's time to take Steemprentice to the next level! But first I have to give a huge shout out to @officialfuzzy for making our group a channel in the Beyond Bitcoin mumble server! Steemprentice Mentor/Help Initiative launched two months ago and has been a place for new and/or struggling users to come and ask for help, suggestions or just questions they have in general.

The mentoring is crowdsourced by many veteran users to donate their time helping others get used to the site, deal with formatting issues, getting better exposure through marketing (usually headline and thumbnail photo suggestions) and networking. Mentors do this for free just as a way to help out the community as a whole while assisting with user retention.

This hangout on the Beyond Bitcoin server will have multiple veteran users there just to answer any questions people may have (you don't even have to be a current Steemit user to participate.) I have no doubt there are many questions out there that people would love to get answers for, so feel free to join us and ask away. The hangout will be recorded and reposted for those that couldn't attend.

What Questions do you Have?

This Sunday, November 6th from 2pm - 4 pm CST I'll be in the Steemprentice channel on the Beyond Bitcoin mumble server to answer any questions people may have about any facet of Steemit or crypto in general. Ideally other mentors and experts can join in for this to help share their knowledge with other users or even those outside of Steemit.

Anything can be brought up, this is all about spreading knowledge. To name a few topic people may have questions on:

  • How to make use of the Steemprentice Mumble Channel for Content Creation (podcast, poetry reading, interviews, etc.)
  • Specifics about Steemit, Steem or Cryptocurrency in general
  • Marketing and/or trending analysis
  • How to discuss topics with others you talk about Steemit with
  • Areas other mentors are a part of like poker, gaming, science, technology, fiction and non-fiction writing, poetry, projects like SteemitCity, or really whatever comes to mind.

While I don't expect every mentor or expert can attend, I'll try my best to answer what falls into my areas and pass on questions to others who are better suited (I don't know everything.)

This really is just a chill hangout for anyone to join, ask questions, give answers, or just a discussion. We're starting it as informal as possible.

This will all be done through voice chat, ideally making it a nice, easier to digest way to interact and answer questions. I will record and repost the Hangout Session with the hope others find it helpful asking things we don't want to put on in a post.

Future Steemprentice hangouts can be done at a different day/time if needed, but for now if you have something to mention or a question to post, feel free to post it in the comments below and we'll go through them while recording. I'm sure there are a ton of users out there with something they would like to have a better understanding of.

Click Here to Instructions to Get into Beyond Bitcoin Mumble.

[NOTE: The Steemprentice channel in Mumble is open to anybody should they want to have an audio project like a podcast, interview, hangout session, poetry reading, or anything you can think of. With a click of a button you record everything and it saves the file to your desktop.]


I'm looking forward to this... if I forget to show, slap me. I already have a reminder to pop up on my computer.

Who is going to be the host. My guess is that it's not Fuzzy?

Hehe, np. Can try to ping you if youre in mumble.

I actually had planned on being the host, but I'm really not picky on that. :)

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May or may not make it tomorrow.
Everyone have fun!

No worries! We'll make sure to give you a proper shout out. :)

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