PAPA TURNS 700 (Followers that is) - A BETTER PERSPECTIVE : CRYPTOCURRENCY AS AN INVESTMENT - The 5000th Post From @papa-pepper

Apparently at least 709 steemians enjoy following my random, encouraging, interesting posts, and for that, I am so grateful. For me, all of you have allowed me the opportunity to have an outlet for my creativity and a chance to document some of the life adventure that our family is on.

Additionally, having so many followers means that if I ever did try to jump ship, I'd have a "boatload" of you holding me back, and I know that you have my back!

My time here has been relatively short at about three months total, but I've happened to accomplish a lot in that time period. The following is provided just to gain some understanding about exactly where @papa-pepper is currently sitting in the steemit community overall. This is just to provide data, and I am in no way trying to brag.

According to ...

* 6th for most posts (4972 according to data)

* 54th highest reputation score (68.1)

* 66th for followers (701 according to data)

* 177th for Posting Rewards (8,610,367)

* 405th for Curation Rewards (50,940)

* 805th for Steem Power (5327)

* 856th for Estimated Value ($2362)

Obviously, I have done very well with the number of posts and followers that I have, plus I have a very high reputation. That may be even more impressive when my low Steem Power and Estimated Value is considered, though some withdrawals have certainly decreased my value.

Data is constantly changing, but at the moment that I prepared this, it was accurate.

My goal on this 5000th post commemorating @papa-pepper reaching 700 followers is not to give you another lengthy, in-depth evaluation of some specific angle of steemit, but is instead to help those who lack a cryptocurrency background to understand STEEM from another point of view, which may be some additional encouragement to many out there.

Many of us came to steemit because we heard that there was a way to make money blogging. I am one of those people. I had no real background in either social media or cryptocurrency, but steemit was able to draw me in.

As I have been lovingly known to say...

Steemit is the spider that finally got me caught in the world-wide web.

Yeah, it has drawn me in and got me caught, and I'm glad for it. As my family is attempting to build a homestead, it has even provided some financial resources for us.

Yes, I am one of those people who has cashed in some of their SBD and spent it. In fact, in the cover photo I am holding about $3000 USD, and that is about what I have withdrawn so far.

Steemit has not only helped me to put food on my plate and gas in my truck, it has also helped us make other not-so-common purchases...

Like this pig.

And this rabbit.

Make no mistake about it, just because I have taken something out of steemit does not mean that I am only here to attempt to make some money. I too have a sincere desire to see steemit succeed, and I am committed to doing what I can to make sure that happens. From posting quality content on a regular basis, to encouraging others, to building up this community, to upvoting the posts of others; I'll be here, doing my part to the best of my capabilities.

So then, on to the main event!

I share this to help others understand the potential of the cryptocurrency known as STEEM.

We've all seen the potential payouts rise and fall, and the overall value of our wallets too. What gives?

Basically, currencies are a lot like stocks, so cryptocurrencies are as well. For those in America, you can purchase certain stocks with your USD just like you can purchase other currencies, like the Yen. If you buy $1000 worth of a certain stock and the value of that stock goes up, you now have the equivalent of more than $1000. However, if the value of the stock drops, then you have essentially lost money.

Hopefully we all have some sort of frame of reference for how the stock market works.

Currencies also fluctuate in the world-wide market place. Depending upon a number of variables, the value of a currency can either increase or decrease. The same is true for cryptocurrencies. Like stocks or currencies, you have the option to invest in cryptocurrencies. You can turn some of your own currency from your own country into STEEM right now, and many people have.

However, with steemit, there is no need to purchase STEEM. You can join for free and have a small amount given to you just for opening an account. Then, if you post and get some worthwhile upvotes, you can get some blogging rewards in the form of STEEM, Steem Power, and SBD. Though you will have invested some time and effort, basically, it's free because it has cost you nothing to earn it. This is good.

I know that a post payout of 0.200 STEEM may seem lame, but what is the potential?


Let's use bitcoin as an example. Bitcoin (BTC) is perhaps the most well-known cryptocurrency in the world today. There was a time not too long ago when it was worthless, but now, it is valued at over $600 USD.

1 BTC > $600 USD

On May 22nd, 2010 "laszlo" purchased two pizzas in Florida for 10,000 BTC.

Around the same time, "SmokeTooMuch" attempted to auction off 10,000 BTC for $50 USD total, but no one bit.

A few months later, the value of BTC crept up from $0.008 USD to $0.08 USD, and in the spring of 2011, 1 BTC was equal to 1 USD.

By July of 2011 the value hit $31 USD, and then in December 2011 it was only worth $2 USD.

A full year later (Dec. 2012), 1 BTC was worth $13 USD, but it jumped up to $266 USD by April of 2013.

By June of 2013 it fell to $100 USD, but was worth more than $1000 USD in November 2013.

The value has bounced around a bit since then, and it currently at over $600 USD.

Not bad for a cryptocurrency created in 2008!

Source : History of Bitcoin - Wikipedia

Obviously, when the history of the cryptocurrency Bitcoin is evaluated, one can see how the value can fluctuate, much like a stock. No one in their right mind would pay 10,000 BTC for two pizzas these days, but there was a time when no one could be found who was willing to purchase that many bitcoin for $50 USD.

Right now, that 10,000 BTC would be worth $6,390,000 USD.

Yeah, almost 6.5 Million Dollars.


Bitcoin is not STEEM and STEEM is not Bitcoin. However, both are cryptocurrencies. Also, Bitcoin has already paved the way for other cryptocurrencies. At the second that I type this (I'm preparing it ahead of time) STEEM is worth just under $0.25 USD. If your post paid out 0.200 STEEM (for example) that would be the equivalent of about a Nickel ($0.05 USD).

Not exactly too much to be excited about.

But what if (I'm not saying that it will, just "what if") STEEM became worth half as much as BTC some day?

Suddenly your 0.200 STEEM payout would be worth over $60 USD! That's not to mention the SBD and Steem Power payouts. Think about that for a minute.

Now, it may not be worth very much.

Later, it could be.

Even if you grow tired of steemit and get too frustrated to continue, please remember this. Just walk away for a bit and keep your username and password. Later, it may be much more valuable to you.

Once, a certain user left the community and dumped everything that they had into my account because they said that I was their favorite person here. Having no way to get a hold of them, I had no choice but to accept. If I returned it to their account and they never came back, it would be wasted. Plus, since they wanted me to have it, I granted their wishes.

Like any currency, stock, or cryptocurrency, there is no guarantee that STEEM will increase in value, just like there is no guarantee that your post will receive a payout. However, there is the potential.

Once, one share of Coca-Cola stock worth $40. In 2012, that same stock, with dividends reinvested, would have been worth almost 10 Million USD.



Steemit never made any promises to anyone that I am aware of. However, it does offer an opportunity to all who are willing to join. You do not have to "buy your way in." Though the current value of STEEM may be low, and the payouts on steemit harder to come by, there is still a great potential for anyone willing to try. Many have already made a lot on steemit and already cashed it out, and maybe, just maybe, they will one day be kicking themselves in the rear end for not hanging on to what they had longer, just like when "laszlo" paid the equivalent of over 6 Million USD for two pizzas.

Personally, I like what steemit has to offer, and when I consider that it may be just like if a new company was giving away free stocks, the long-term potential is incredible.

Also, many investors look for opportunities like this when the value is low. Then they can purchase a greater amount for the the same investment and have a greater potential to increase their assets.

I'm not saying that STEEM is comparable to Bitcoin or Coca-Cola stock, just that like other cryptocurrencies and like stocks, the price can rise and fall, and understanding this, and the long-term potential of it, can lead to a more optimistic view of steemit, and a more enjoyable time here on the platform.

DISCLAIMER: I am not a financial expert or adviser, I have no history in cryptocurrency and all of this is very new to me.

For some excellent ways to get a little more STEEM from your time here, check out this amazing post from @contentjunkie :

Steemit Accounts That Pay You For Your Vote! You Need to be Following These.

As, always, I'm @papa-pepper, and if you follow me, I will follow you!

Awesome Handcrafted @papa-pepper logo kindly donated by @vlad - Thank you!!

OPERATION TRANSLATION logo provided by @oecp85.

(click link above for more info on Operation Translation.)


Congrats!!!! Wish I could read and comment more but I'm hiding in the bathroom at work haha! Will give this a read later.
Best, Guy

Oh man, so I guess I'm not the only one who does this! I have to keep a better eye on the time, yesterday my boss asked "did you get lost on the way to the toilet or something"?

Just don't tell him how much money you made while you were in the bathroom unless you are going to explain how...

He might get the wrong idea otherwise.

Hah, now that would be an awkward conversation! ;-)

Oh yeah, But it would make a great post!


Just trying to help your retirement fund grow @ibringawareness!

Very encouraging conclusion @papa-pepper. Thank you. We do need to always let time do the calculations and wait as when we see the rise we see positivity else but the fall gets us to think negative and gives us anxieties.

Yeah, I try to be optimistic, and honestly, the sky is the limit...

unless we go


Wow, ! Congratulations papa-pepper! Thats awesome! And gteat post by the way, you make it so much easier to understand, i get it now! Lol! It seems the older i get , the harder things seem to understand! Thanks! Keeping on Steeming On! ♨😉👍✌♨

Thank you, I was hoping that I could help someone "get it" and that I was presenting it in a way that would make sense.

And you did a great job of it! So many times i tried to understand from oter peoples blogs, on many steemit topics, but their just too hard to understand! Especially for us that are new to cryptocurancies, lts like they puposely make it hard to understand! Lol! Its like Blah,Blah,Blah! Anyways thanks again! ♨👍♨

Cool, glad it helped!

And unlike bitcoin (unless you are a blockchain developer) you have the opportunity to influence the price of steem yourself. Telling friends about cool articles, posting the best content you can, getting involved in selling items, promoting other users, interacting through comments and collaborating on ideas.

Steem will be as valuable as we make it as a collective group. If steemit becomes as big as facebook and people strive to make really innovative posts, money will flow wherever the attention of the masses are. So instead of people giving up or dropping out because the price isn't high, if they believe in the platform (myself included) they should bust their ass and work now to give people the perception of steemit that they want it to be by showing the very things they talk about (hopefully that wordy sentence makes sense).

You inspire me @papa-pepper and I am glad you have a large influence and following. It's funny how well we have both done so far with about 1,000 followers between us. I know plenty of people that are incredibly happy with (essentially worthless) instagram and facebook likes in the thousands. That amount would equate to decent money if they moved on to a platform that cares about those who post.

I'm excited to see how steemit changes since it is such a new idea and player in the social media world. Hope to continue seeing great posts from you! You rock

Yeah. We have a lot of potential, and I got one am willing to do my part.

Steemit is so new, and by bringing crypto to the social and social to the crypto, the potential is incredible.

By those powers combined....

Congrats on your 700 followers. I am very impressed by your growth rate. It amazes me some people on here who are so good at that. I am really only just now learning. Kudos, I salute you for that.

I really do not get it or understand, but often I'll get 100 new followers in a week.

Amazing and much appreciated, but hard to grasp too.

Thanks, and keep up your hard work!

All hail Papa! He's 700 years old! Lol
Nice going - 5000 posts is insane, and you've added a great deal to the network. Thanks for doing it! Papa bless.

Thanks for saying so @kevinwong!

I try to help, and apparently people like it!

Oh yeah.

Full steem ahead 'cause it's time to knock over milestones.

Thanks again @future24!

Yeah, full steem ahead!

Hi friend @ papa-pepper want to congratulate you on your followers, got well marecidos congratulations, thanks for sharing this achievement with the community

Thanks for being part of the community @jlufer and allowing me to be as well!

You Rock! I told you that you were a super @papa-pepper. Hope to be on here more to enjoy your posts and others I have been missing. STEEMON!

I'm trying to stir up some more pepper competition for you guys too.

"It's burning my ear canal!!!"

You're a super-pepper eater man!

Thanks for all of your support!

Congratulations... from one of the 700.

Thanks for your support @kyusho.

I appreciate it!

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.19
TRX 0.13
JST 0.030
BTC 63476.83
ETH 3413.43
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.50