Still stuck in GOLD I and how I plan to progress. My end of season reward cards.


I enjoy playing #steemmonsters and I love the strategy side of the game. Its the little abilities that can make all the difference in the big matches.

Ive been working hard on saving up my DEC in order to buy summoners so that I can progress up the leagues and hopefully break back into the DIAMOND leagues, where I haven't been for a very many many many season!!

I put this down to a 2 major factors;

The first being player base - more players doesn't just mean more targets to smash, but sometimes great players come a long that understand the game and thus make it hard to win matches. We've all worked out which accounts are "bot" run and the easiest and fastest way to continually beat them. The human element gives it another dimension and having to second guess human nature is always difficult to play against.

Secondly, as I progress and re-invest my DEC in to better cards, so are other players.... This means that even though my cards become stronger, so do other players cards. You can tell by the price of the summoners which are the more popular "splinters" and I'm hoping to be able to come up with some new strategies to combat the increase in card power.


So for now, although I know my deck is better prepared, I still find myself competing to get out of the gold leagues. Not to worry, that still gives me 30 cards to show off at the end of every season -


A solid, mixed bag of usable cards. I'm very happy with my 2 GF cards. This is my second GF Naga windmaster and my first GF Naga fire wizard.

Like every previous season, il HODL these cards untill I feel the market is right. I still feel that SM has a very bright future and playing now gives me a better opportunity to profit further down the line.

Got to shoot.... I need to start my daily quest very soon.




Awesome article, and a great end and rewards for the season! Good luck on future battles and tournaments, @welshstacker and take care 🥰🌺🤙

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Thanks SS. Working hard on getting better, hoping to make Diamond leagues soon

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What a great Splinterlands post! Nice to see you got some golds there! I am glad to see you are still here playing, you have been playing this game a long time!

Cheers @clove71. I tried to walk away, but the games got me!! I didn't take it serious at first and it actually took @mattclarke a long time to convince me. I sometimes wonder where I would be if I had gotten in to the game when steem was at its ATH and listened to Matt.

Ohh well..... I won't miss out next time 😉

My favourite bit was the bit about me. Matthew.

  • Matthew.

Shock!! Surprise!!! #ego

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