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RE: Thank you for the generosity! I'm paying it forward.

@nolem, hmm, yes, I see that you created your SteemIt account back in November last year, and it lay dormant until yesterday. I think that technically counts as you still being a n00b like me, haha. Which one of my double-ups would you like?


Sorry for the delayed reply @trisquelwhare, I thought I'd get some kind of a notification if someone replies to my comment :)
As I don't have any of those cards in my collection, you can go ahead and choose whichever! Thanks in advance :)

@nolem, no problems, I'm new to SteemIt as well, and still finding my way around. I have sent you a Skeleton Assassin from my collection of double-ups. Enjoy!

Also, to share a tip with a fellow n00bie, I received a notification about your reply above, as I'm using a third-party site called SteemWorld. If you browse to, you'll be able to access all sorts of stats about your interactions on the Steem blockchain. It is a handy tool. There are lots of others to discover as well. I hope that helps.

I just saw that you already had a Skeleton Assassin in your collection, sorry. My bad! I went for the card that I had the most of, and since I last spoke to you, and posted that set of my double-ups above, I've received quite a few more generous donations from other people, so now the Skeleton Assassin is my most common double-up card. Maybe we can trade/swap some? You can use @blervin's great tool to see my #SteemMonsters collection here.

Thank you for the card and also for the helpful tips! Actually I did not have Skeleton Assassin before, as right now I only have 1 of it so it must be the one you sent me :)

Ah, my bad, I was getting confused between the Skeleton Assassin and the Animated Corpse, which you have three of currently. I see that you have two summoners too, nice! 😋

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