Thank you for the generosity! I'm paying it forward.

Besides having only recently joined the #SteemIt community as a new Steemian, I have also recently started playing #SteemMonsters (, a new card collecting game based on the Steem blockchain. The buy-in for starting out in this game, with the "Starter Set" of playing cards is just $5.00 (at current conversion rates, that's 3.866 STEEM or 4.499 SBD), and they also accept other cryptocurrencies.

Even at these low levels, there is no way that I can afford a starter set of my own so far using my earnings here on SteemIt. Not only have I only just started on SteemIt, but I've made some bad financial decisions based on advice I received early on, and have inadvertently wasted all of my earnings thus far by "Powering Up" my Steem into Steem Power, which I have since learned (thanks to @bengy) is a great thing for more established accounts here to do, but at my level, having only just started out, it has meant that the 0.249 Steem which I have earned so far over the last three weeks since I joined SteemIt, and which I have invested diligently in Steem Power, is now wasted, locked up in a slowly declining "bonus" of delegated funds. My short-term goal of buying the SteemMonsters starter pack is thus even further away from me.

However, through the wonderful generosity of the community here, I have already started collecting SteemMonsters cards. Just today, I received three rare water creatures, thanks to @erodedthoughts. Prior to that I had received a booster pack of 5 random cards from the @steemmonsters team (and more specifically, from @reseller, on the official Twitter channel for SteemMonsters). My first two booster packs came from @guiltyparties, who introduced me to the game. Below is my entire collection so far.

I am truly grateful to everyone who has donated SteemMonsters cards or card packs to me so far. As you can see, I do have double-ups of a few of these cards already. The idea of the game (so far) is to level-up your monsters by combining cards of the same type. I haven't done that yet. Instead, I'd like to repay the generosity that I've been shown, by giving away my double-ups to other new Steemians who are interested in getting started with SteemMonsters. To encourage other new Steemians, I'll be giving away my double-ups for a while to Steemians who have equal or less reputation than I have, and who have been active here on SteemIt for equal or less time than myself. I'm making this offer as a way to "pay it forward", thanking those who have been generous to me, by being generous to others.

If you would like one of my double-up SteemMonster cards, and if you meet the criteria I mentioned above of being ≤ my Steem age and reputation (check here), then do leave me a reply below. I'll make a decision about who to give them to from the replies, of my own free will.

cc-by-sa license The textual content of this post is licensed as a Free Cultural Work using a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0) license, which grants all the four freedoms listed in the definition of free cultural works, including: ① The freedom to use and perform the work; ② The freedom to study the work and apply the information; ③ The freedom to redistribute copies; and ④ The freedom to distribute derivative works. This license places three key restrictions on those freedoms: ⑤ 𝐍𝐨 𝐃𝐑𝐌 𝐨𝐫 𝐓𝐏𝐌: You must not restrict access to the work using technical measures, or otherwise attempt to impose limitations on the freedoms above; ⑥ 𝐀𝐭𝐭𝐫𝐢𝐛𝐮𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧: You must give proper attribution to the author (𝓣𝓻𝓲𝓼𝓺𝓾𝓮𝓵𝓦𝓱𝓪𝓻𝓮) and retain the license notice; and ⑦ 𝐂𝐨𝐩𝐲𝐥𝐞𝐟𝐭: You must release derivative works under an identical or similar license. The most recent copy of the text of this license notice (with markdown) can be found on Hackmd.
The image used for the horizontal rule separators throughout this post is a 𝒕𝒂𝒊𝒂𝒉𝒂, a traditional weapon of the Māori, the indigenous Polynesian people of New Zealand. This particular image is a remix (by 𝓣𝓻𝓲𝓼𝓺𝓾𝓮𝓵𝓦𝓱𝓪𝓻𝓮) of the one shown in the NZ Coat of Arms, as drawn by user Sodacan and released under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported, 2.5 Generic, 2.0 Generic and 1.0 Generic license, as published on Wikimedia Commons.

Well, in the end it is only a couple of cents! I have a starter pack of Steem monsters, but I don't think I'm going to play the game. I will send it to you later (from @msearles) if I can figure out how...

Thanks @bengy and @msearles, I will certainly put any donated #SteemMonsters cards to good use! It looks like it is going to be quite a fun game. I haven't really played this type of card collection game much in the past, but it looks fascinating. I'm normally more into games like Steve Jackson's Munchkins, or Looney Labs' Fluxx. But I'll certainly give SteemMonsters a go, and it is great to be getting in right at the start, before it is even officially launched.

I don't exactly qualify as my Steem age is higher, but I only started to use the account regularly for the SteemMonsters game. You can probably tell by my reputation and activity though.. Anyhow, good to see that the community is so friendly and generous! We should keep going in the exact same direction to attract even more like-minded people! :)

@nolem, hmm, yes, I see that you created your SteemIt account back in November last year, and it lay dormant until yesterday. I think that technically counts as you still being a n00b like me, haha. Which one of my double-ups would you like?

Sorry for the delayed reply @trisquelwhare, I thought I'd get some kind of a notification if someone replies to my comment :)
As I don't have any of those cards in my collection, you can go ahead and choose whichever! Thanks in advance :)

@nolem, no problems, I'm new to SteemIt as well, and still finding my way around. I have sent you a Skeleton Assassin from my collection of double-ups. Enjoy!

Also, to share a tip with a fellow n00bie, I received a notification about your reply above, as I'm using a third-party site called SteemWorld. If you browse to, you'll be able to access all sorts of stats about your interactions on the Steem blockchain. It is a handy tool. There are lots of others to discover as well. I hope that helps.

I just saw that you already had a Skeleton Assassin in your collection, sorry. My bad! I went for the card that I had the most of, and since I last spoke to you, and posted that set of my double-ups above, I've received quite a few more generous donations from other people, so now the Skeleton Assassin is my most common double-up card. Maybe we can trade/swap some? You can use @blervin's great tool to see my #SteemMonsters collection here.

Thank you for the card and also for the helpful tips! Actually I did not have Skeleton Assassin before, as right now I only have 1 of it so it must be the one you sent me :)

Ah, my bad, I was getting confused between the Skeleton Assassin and the Animated Corpse, which you have three of currently. I see that you have two summoners too, nice! 😋

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