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RE: Thank you for the generosity! I'm paying it forward.

in #steemmonsters6 years ago

I don't exactly qualify as my Steem age is higher, but I only started to use the account regularly for the SteemMonsters game. You can probably tell by my reputation and activity though.. Anyhow, good to see that the community is so friendly and generous! We should keep going in the exact same direction to attract even more like-minded people! :)


@nolem, hmm, yes, I see that you created your SteemIt account back in November last year, and it lay dormant until yesterday. I think that technically counts as you still being a n00b like me, haha. Which one of my double-ups would you like?

Sorry for the delayed reply @trisquelwhare, I thought I'd get some kind of a notification if someone replies to my comment :)
As I don't have any of those cards in my collection, you can go ahead and choose whichever! Thanks in advance :)

@nolem, no problems, I'm new to SteemIt as well, and still finding my way around. I have sent you a Skeleton Assassin from my collection of double-ups. Enjoy!

Also, to share a tip with a fellow n00bie, I received a notification about your reply above, as I'm using a third-party site called SteemWorld. If you browse to, you'll be able to access all sorts of stats about your interactions on the Steem blockchain. It is a handy tool. There are lots of others to discover as well. I hope that helps.

I just saw that you already had a Skeleton Assassin in your collection, sorry. My bad! I went for the card that I had the most of, and since I last spoke to you, and posted that set of my double-ups above, I've received quite a few more generous donations from other people, so now the Skeleton Assassin is my most common double-up card. Maybe we can trade/swap some? You can use @blervin's great tool to see my #SteemMonsters collection here.

Thank you for the card and also for the helpful tips! Actually I did not have Skeleton Assassin before, as right now I only have 1 of it so it must be the one you sent me :)

Ah, my bad, I was getting confused between the Skeleton Assassin and the Animated Corpse, which you have three of currently. I see that you have two summoners too, nice! 😋

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