Happy Father's Day! What do Dad's want? Monsters!

So, Today is Father's day. I'm not gonna do much on Steem today. I'm gonna hang out with my 2 kiddos. We're going to an amusement park. My first baby is old enough now to ride roller coasters with me. I'm really looking forward to it! Though I think she's even more excited than I am.

It's been fun to open some packs with my kiddos. I like their faces as they open cards and see new monsters and I can't wait until families all over are playing this game. Selfishly I want to see that for other people. So I think I have to give away some packs today to Dads.

I grew up playing some Magic and a ton of D&D. I love fantasy writing. I used to dream up worlds and I always loved making treasure hordes my brother could find if he would just fight these monsters. One of my favorite moments of this journey and game so far is seeing Dads opening decks with their kids and seeing their kids so excited!!!

Please write a quick story about being a dad and playing fantasy games with your kids. Or tell the story of your husband inspiring fantasy creativity in kids. Submit some kid artwork. IDK. Put some family and fantasy in the comments below and I'll toss some packs out today. If the account would be new to the game please mention that too in the comment you leave below.

If you're really looking for bonus packs write a Steem Monsters themed story with your kids and leave a link in the comments below. I'll try to award card packs around 5pm EST today give or take an hour or two.

Happy Father's Day fam!

<3 Aggroed


Haha, how fitting. I'm a fictional writer and my 8yr old son seems to be catching onto that. He's started writing the first chapter of Troll Hunters ;)
Although it's not completely Original content it's a great way to start down the creative path.

I'll be keeping an eye out relating to writing some background stories for Steem Monsters so hopefully I catch something that I can work with :)

Btw, the account would be new to the game, should this comment justify a Monster reward.

Great initiative!

I love you @aggroed and this post makes me really happy. Happiest of Father's Day to you, the lady and the munchkins.

One of the fondest dad game memories was right after my 11th birthday and his 50th (2 weeks later). I had received Hero Quest for my birthday (which I still have and treasure) and he had just opened his gifts after breakfast.

We gave him a copy of The Lost Vikings for his Gateway 386. As we sat there that Sunday morning in the living room I was assembling all the small furniture for Hero Quest while he was installing the Lost Vikings, both of us chomping at the bit to grab the keyboard.

We talked about each of the hero types and rules of Hero Quest, and after mentioning something about how much it sucked that the wizard couldn't wear armor or use many weapons, he pointed out that the wizard also had really crazy powers no one else did. If the someone played a wizard with a group of people protecting it, that person would make or break the game. After that he told me Hero Quest looked a lot like a cross between a board game and Dungeons & Dragons. I had heard of D&D the year before, but back then the only kid I knew who liked it was a jerk and a bully so I had no interest in learning. When I asked my dad what it was he said it was really popular in the 70's, and was like making up a story as a group of people playing as heroes... Perhaps one day I might want to check it out when I got older, along with his constant suggestions of reading The Hobbit and Lord of the Rings.

The Lost Vikings installed successfully, and we spent the next several hours into the mid afternoon at the keyboard, trying to solve all the puzzles of each level, using the unique skills of Erik the Swift, Baelog the Fierce, and Olaf the Stout.

I didn't start playing D&D until 10 years later (a year after he died) after my sophomore year of college ended, and v3.5 had just arrived on the bookshelves. v3.5 got me hooked. To this day I always respect my casters, prefer playing them in games, and will always heal, aide or defend them as best as I can.

It's quite likely were he still on the mortal plane as a man in his 70's that we would be rolling dice, sipping beer, telling tale tales with terrible jokes, and frequently laughing together at the table. He'd probably enjoy the casting, absent mindedness, silliness, and powers of wizards, marvel at the earthiness, nature, and survival magic of druids and rangers, and laugh at the poetic charm, utility, and lewdness of quick witted bards.

Me and my daughter were hardcore Dungeons and Dragons players when she was 4 to 5. Just once I would have loved to be Dungeon master but I mean, it was her fantasy world and if the Dragons were teddy bears that wanted tea, then we roll our dice and drink our air tea. Oh yeah, D&D games were sitting at a table too tiny for me with stuffed animals around me and we played tea (and she didn't know in my mind I was calling it D&D the whole time).

Happy Father's Day :)
My goal is to make a rising phoenix tattoo on my forearm as mark of a rebirth, I always find the rising phoenix to be the most meaningful mythological creature of all and now that I saw that the Steem Monsters have it I gotta own it lol. This is my monster themed story, btw I don't have kids, but I can make few of them for some bonus packs :D

Happy father's yesterday-Day :-) at least in my time zone haha I just joined Steem monsters, it's gonna be legendary :D Your post reminded me that I spent some time showing my daughter how to draw on an iPad with the apple pencil the other day, just felt like sharing as it's on topic. She's 8 years old and showed her the basics and boom suddenly this image appeared. Proud daddy moment :D


Have a nice day at the amusement park with your family, @aggroed! My son is still a bit too young to be opening card packs with me, but maybe he'll be ready y next year's Father's Day ;)

Growing up in the early nineties my dad and I used to play a game called Alex the kid on sega master system. I remember on countless Saturdays getting up early with him and playing all day until dinner was ready, it was some amazing quality time that I’ll never forget. And now I have 2 girls ( 2 and 5years old ) and a boy (3 years old) whilst they are pretty young still the game we love to play together is super Mario , well it’s basically them playing and me watching ...occasionally I’ll get a turn. I’ve shown them my Steem Monsters and they are fascinated by the character designs, as am I. I’m still yet to open a fresh deck with them and see their reaction but reading your post has inspired me to do so with my next few packs that I buy.

I sent a few packs. Enjoy them with your family!

Oh mate! Your too kind. I’ll open them in the morning when the kids are up. Thanks heaps! 😀

Dude! Alex the Kidd and the Enchanted Castle! Playing Rock Paper Scissors with the masters! hahaha! LOVED THAT GAME!

Oh yeah it was a true classic,and the fact you couldn’t save the game made it really hard to finish , me and my dad only managed to finish it twice.

I went back years later with an emulator and a save function just to beat it :D

You got a 100.00% upvote from @votefun courtesy of @rishi556!

It was a taboo for a boy of my age to impregnate a girl. Atleast i was too young to father a child. But the did has been done, what was left was how to fix things a make things better.
The days of that pressure of the taboo is over,that was almost 2 years the birth of my first child.
I named him #tressure. Friend was like, his a boy that i should use even more manly names.Even my best friend suggest i named him Victor.
But i tried to convince the mother to give him that name, his my tressure.
Even if i have little or no access to him. I still remmeberd the day i acomplied him and her mother to the hospital for those child check up and others.
It was out of her parents notice, the fight between both families is a big one Over ownership.
But the little time i get to see him is a memorable one, i wish i could buy toys and play with my son, always.

Ok that day, after the check-ups i hang out with my son and her mom in a catern near the hospital. It was a miracle, because all the while i was carrying him i felt no pain or any sigh that i was tired of carrying him. But i could barely babysit my neigbours' child for an hour.

It kind of feels magical that am a father,so i can not celebrity fathers day.

Anyway happy fathers day to me..

First timer.Noted

Thank you for sharing your very personal story. @ironshield

Dad's want Golden cards.

Dad's want to party

Dad's want to party with golden cards.

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