Steem Monsters – Some tips to get you into the Silver League

in #steemmonsters6 years ago (edited)

I have been playing this ridiculously addictive game for only a few days now despite telling myself, ‘it’s a bad idea’ and ‘you will get addicted’.


When someone like @steevc who is not a gamer starts playing and is clearly getting something out of it, then it must be good.

@steevc is struggling to get out of the Bronze league but I have managed to get into the lower echelons of the Silver league where I’m happy to stay for the moment.


There are good reasons to be in ‘Silver’, the first being that the new daily reward is 5 cards, and not 1 in the Bronze, and the second is more cards at the end of season.

My first ever daily reward was a Beta pack, but since then it’s been one card which frankly is a bit crap. So what do we do? Get into Silver which gives essentially what I was getting before.

I don’t see too many strategy articles about Steem Monsters, perhaps everyone wants to keep the info to themselves? I don’t have much to share, but what I can tell you may be enough to get you into Silver thus making the daily quests worthwhile again.

Play the Death Splinter

Getting into Silver was the result of a ridiculous winning streak that I had when it dawned on me that this Splinter is overpowered, mostly due to the Haunted Spirit tank. A two-point Self-Heal every turn as well as hitting for two is madness.


If you don’t have a Twisted Jester then buy one from the marketplace, they are currently 13c each. It makes a difference having him in your team.

Watch the matches that you lose.

This is important for your learning development. The game is no Magic the Gathering when it comes to strategy but the placement of your monsters makes the difference between winning and losing.

Don’t skip watching the games; make a mental note of why you lost and how the enemy places his monsters.

Play the Water Splinter (for quests)

I noticed that when playing against Water Splinter decks, some enemies were placing the Water Elemental in the last slot. This is because he soaks up the Sneak monsters and then heals himself.

Water Elemental is a must have card if using the Water Splinter. He hits for 2 and Self-Heals.

Healing is key in Steem Monsters and don’t forget to use Crustacean King if you are allocated a lot of mana for your game (greater than 22).

Avoid placing ‘King’ in the last slot as he will get sniped out quickly.

If you have a Daria Dragonscale use her when playing the Water Splinter.

Alric Stormbringer is OK but many starter decks don’t have creatures with Magic Attacks. For one extra mana, Daria will give your tank an edge with that 1 Melee to power.

Play the Fire Splinter (for quests)

Which tank for Fire? I used to use Pit Ogre. He’s mean looking, packs a bigger punch and has more health than Giant Roc, yet I have noticed many decks using the Roc as the tank and for good reason; Flying.

Flying means evasion. If your enemies keep missing, then the tank will stick around longer and absorb the damage or miss in this case.

The Roc is also faster at '4' than the slow Ogre. Hitting first can make all the difference between life and death.

Get hold of a Fire Demon; he’s a great ranged fighter, not expensive in terms of mana and has some health.

He does costs a little more at 67c from the marketplace.


Cerberus is also a decent tank as he has the Self-Heal just like Haunted Spirit but is a rare card and only 13c on the marketplace. I have lost against Fire decks with a Cerberus tank so I can attest to his usability.

Make full use of the Conditions

So many players quit the game if they don’t like the conditions placed.

‘You can’t use neutral cards’
‘All melee cards can attack from any position’

Adapt to the conditions, don’t bail. So many players use the same old decks and lose because they don’t do this. Use the conditions to your advantage.

Sometimes use a Backup tank.

Sometimes I play Grumpy Dwarf in slot TWO but only if it‘s a high mana game (22 or over). He’s redundant until the main tank dies, but if your slot two card is a ranged one then you may as well skip to the end as you're likely to lose.

Make use of the Neutral cards.

I use Grumpy Dwarf, Centaur and Cocatrice all the time, the latter in the last slot as it has Flying (Evasion).


Spend a little but not a lot.

It’s cheaper to get the cards you want from the marketplace. Make sure you have some STEEM in your wallet. I did buy 5 BETA boosters but probably shouldn’t have.

If you want to get into the big leagues, then you will need to buy them.

I hope this has been some use to you. I’m still a novice player, but am very experienced in playing other similar games such as Magic the Gathering.

There are some similarities and I can see that @aggroed and @yabapmatt have gained at least some ideas from the granddaddy of trading card games. I applaud them both for creating this fantastic product for the STEEM blockchain.

You can give support to both @aggroed and @yabapmatt in the form of your witness vote at



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Interesting descriptions but you’ve really neglected magic. Especially with Water splinter it is very powerful at low levels before cards get magic reflect. It punches straight through armor and never misses. A couple of 2 attack (3 with buff) magic users in a Water team can take out many armoured tanks in first round.

Posted using Partiko iOS

Thanks for your input, I'm always looking for new strategies. Mermaid or Medusa or both? I don't have either, that's why I cant comment about them.

The Sea Genie is very cheap 2 magic attack water card. Mermaid is great if you can afford it and Medusa is great as it gets stun at level 3. I have all of them.

Posted using Partiko iOS

Great post with some awesome info. I have been rattling around the diamond tier with my main account and the silver tier with @mrsbozz's account. My biggest issue right now is that I need to boost my summoner's, but I don't really feel like spending the money. I don't do the best job at strategizing. Even when I think I did, I still lose. I'm glad you started playing later, because I think you wouldn't have been as impressed if you had played during the first season. They have made some great changes to the gameplay.

Those summoners are expensive... well comparatively against creatures. This is what is holding me back, I'm spending too much already.

That is what you were afraid of in the first place :) It might not be so bad if the price of Steem were a little higher. It is costing a lot to pick them up right now.

The Cerberus is a bit of a gamble. Sometimes he just goes down too quickly with the 5 HP. I have been trying out the Self Healing Green tank, and the new green Healer (I forgot the names...), but it does leave you open to a attacks from the back!

I wish I had started earlier now, my intention was to keep away forever but it does have something.

Lol... just one more game...

your right it is truly addictive and great tips you gave, I have been fumbling along at random but have been doing some of your tips for the last week and slowly improving, and I will take on board your other tips

I'm ranked Diamond 1 and I'm about to be ranked Champion if I have anything to say about it.

There are definitely a lot of different and interesting techniques to learn if you want to rise up.

Yes, I'm coming up.. and will maybe meet you on the battlefield one day ;)

@steemmonsters is fantastic for the blockchain, although I still have no idea what I am doing with it really. Dogged persistence seems to pay off, and also realising if you loose a few time - leave it a few hours and come back. Don't ask me how it works - but sometimes you hit a loose streak and will just keep loosing even when faced with much lower cards then your own. But when you hit the winning streak - keep playing.

I have managed to reach Diamond 3, although mostly I try to play the daily challenges for the reward cards. It's good for the blockchain as well, bringing in new people to play the game - as long as they are also introduced to everything else the Steem Blockchain has to offer - this I feel could be improved.

#thealliance #witness

I'm sure this is helping the price of STEEM, we just need around 100 other things like it and we can then all retire ;)

Interesting. How long does a game or quest take to play?

A game takes around 1-2 minutes @shanibeer. With you going to SF3, you will have a free starter pack in your goodies. I used mine to start playing just a few days ago.

I've no intention of starting 😎, I was just interested in how long each game lasted. I gave my free starter pack to @gillianpearce: I believe you and @bingbabe were witnesses in case any great fortune materialised 😂. But it is interesting to hear about the strategy and how different players are approaching it, and as phenomenon it is interesting to watch.

I was trying my best to keep away from monsters at SF3 knowing full well that I would be drawn into the game at rapid speed. That has now happened and I need to contain my enthusiasm. I will probably end up getting my arse kicked now from others who may read this!

I know exactly what you mean. Good luck!

I may well be changing my strategy to no longer paying @shanibeer.
This season has not been fun as there have been hundreds of bot rings farming cards.
When you are constantly matched against bots with higher level cards than yours it gets frustrating very fast and is no longer fun.
Add to that the fact they are drastically cutting the rewards for the lower league players and I doubt I'll play next season.
I'm still open to a great fortune materialising though but so far, the value of your cards in the free pack have gone down since Steemfest. 😂

Oh well, it's a long term investment 😎
I'd be happy with enough for an ice cream when we stroll along the prom!

I'll be more than happy to buy you an ice cream anytime @shanibeer. Just say the word. 😍

I've been using the #monsterstrategy tag for strat posts, hoping it will catch on.

Awesome tips especially for new members! upped and resteemed!👌✌🙋

Thanks @karenmckersie, there's a lot missing from my post, this is just my initial observations.

Congratulations @slobberchops ! Your post received a small upvote from @ongame as incentive for sharing gaming content.
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