🎁 [30 SM-CARD GIVEAWAY] Serious Steemmonsters Doubts! I Feel Like A Fool 😕

Season 6 will come to an end in a couple of hours and I'm giving away 30 Steemmonsters cards to celebrate. Season 6 has been so different from every previous season, and IMO, not in such a good way...

last pack of the steemmonsters season 6.jpg

At the end of this season, I have way more questions and way more doubts than after any of the other seasons before... You could make me very happy by telling me I'm just being stupid, paranoid or that I'm acting like a typical woman. I would be equally happy if you would be able to give me some answers, too...
Anyway, here are some things that are really bothering me...

First, The Reward Cards...

I just opened the set of reward cards I received for completing my last daily quest of Steemmonsters' Season 6.
This pack is by far the best one I got this season. First legendary of the season...and 150th Vampire.

I was once told that the distribution of the reward cards was done completely random. At the time, it was something one could consider as a possible truth.

If someone would tell me this now, I would have a harder time believing it.

It seems like I have been receiving the same common and rare reward cards over and over again. Vampires, archers, sea genies, Androids,... they have been piling up in my account this season.



At first, I thought I just had bad luck. It wouldn't be the first time that I ran out of luck.
But when I started talking to others about it, it appeared it had little to do with me being lucky or not.
It seems the odds that you get a good reward card have changed.

Did they not only limit the number of cards we receive for completing a DQ, but did they also shuffle the deck so that the value of the reward cards you receive is way lower than during last season?

Maybe I'm just being paranoid, but I've spoken to far too many people who have had the same experience for it to be a coincidence.

I realize that the extra 20 reward cards that were introduced make the odds of getting a legendary smaller, and are supposed to add variety to the sets of cards you get. I get that there are more common and rare reward cards than legendary and epic reward cards are in play, but I'm looking at my deck and see 150 Androids and Vampires and 250 Sea Genies, and only 3 Ruler of the Seas (which I got last season) and 4 Imp Bowmans. It feels like it's a little out of balance...

I would really like you to tell me I'm being paranoid indeed, and that the distribution of reward cards is still random.
While you're at it, let me know how many and which valuable reward cards you received this season.

And if you have any ideas on what to do with all those Vampires and Archers and Sea Genies, I beg you to fill me in.
I almost maxed them, but I still have loads left. I've put them on the market, but since everybody has plenty of them, no one is interested in buying them.

Heck, I even tried to give away level 2-cards... AND NOBODY WANTED THEM!


Second, Ranking Up Got Harder

Whereas I got my account to Champion 3 last season without too much of a struggle, it seems like I will get no further than Diamond 2 this time.

My other account, that reached Diamond 1 with ease, is now stuck in Diamond 3.

It's not just me. Once again, it is something more people are experiencing.

I really wonder what the reason for this could be. For the main fact because after playing 5 seasons without having a clue about how the sneak and snipe rules worked, I finally learned. I knów I have improved my skills.

Shouldn't that allow me to rank my account higher this time?

I'm the first to admit that I don't follow up on every single post @steemmonsters publishes, and that I just may have missed that they have made some more changes - for whatever reason.

If so, it would really make me happy if you could tell me what is or could be causing this.

I really need some clarity in order to stay motivated.

Especially after this:

Click to enlarge

I'm not one of the top players, and I never will be. I simply don't want to go that extra mile and invest another couple of thousands to max my deck.

I don't own truckloads of money. Still, I have invested a lot in this game. I did not keep track of what I've spent - I don't even want to know, I think I would get sick seeing the numbers.

But to be honest: every day, I feel more of a fool for investing.

Because no matter how much money you have spent, as long as you're not a top player, you'll never be important enough to be encouraged, to be rewarded. The screenshot above is one in a line of many since the game started.

I have thought about selling everything more than once. It's obvious I won't be missed. They'll probably be glad to see me leave, since I'm not prepared to spend that extra couple of thousands of Dollars to take my level 6 deck and max it...

It would be such a shame, because I really like playing the game...

Sigh... maybe I should get out of the monster business and get into the drug business. After all, the monsters of that world might need a mother too...

If you want to join me in the brand new DrugWars game, I would appreciate it if you wouldn't mind using my affiliate link to sign up. We can learn how to become good thieves and dealers together, if you want...
This Is My Signup Link


The Giveaway

At the beginning of this post, I announced a big giveaway. Here it is.

I'll be giving away 30 cards. To be eligible to win, leave a comment on this post in which you tell me how you have experienced this season. There's no need to write a novel, just let me know whether you are satisfied and could accomplish your goals, or have as many doubts and questions as I do.

Let me know in your comment which cards you would prefer (max. 3 pp)

Please don't hate me for what comes next....


These Are The Cards You Can Win


In case you are interested in receiving 3 of these beauties, all you need to do is leave a comment on this post, telling me:

  • how you have experienced season 6 (see more detailed instructions above)

  • which 3 cards you'd prefer (this could be 3 different cards, or 3 of the same, just tell me which ones you want.

I must warn you: these cards breed like rabbits. Before you know it, you have enough to fill a room with them. But if you want to, they can be yours.


Once this post reached payout, I will use a random name picker to select 10 winners, who will each receive 3 cards.
(Payout will be on Thursday, February 21st - 9 pm GMT)

Oh, and by the way, please feel free to let me know how you experienced this last Steemmonsters season, even if you don't want any of the cards because you have piles of them yourself. 😉

See you in my next post!




Season six quick review, click, click,clickety click some more, no battles to watch they were all a bore. The season ends, the reds are almost gone, blue will be next, and then one more. keep the summoners, hope for sense to return, until that time, steem monsters is not fun.

I'll take the steem and hope and one day, The game will return from this sick sick grave.

I have a level 7 Vampire, so no more needed, I can not afford to buy more summoners to use it.
I have a level 7 Highland Archer, so same as the Vamp, no one to use it.
My Wood Nymph sits at level 5, with six more cards besides.

So in conclusion, for the giveaway, make someone else have a happy day.

Thanks for your reply, @bashadow. I've read your conversation with @anouk.nox in TP Discord.

I have had it with their greedy approach.
Just talked to someone who was trying to play without investing. We agreed on the fact that this is not only an unfair, but also an unsustainable model, and if they don't make any changes soon, it will be game over.

I followed your example and started selling all my spare cards. I think tomorrow, the gold deck will follow. Then the lower level account....

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Well this season was awesome for me and I have completed my daily quest but not able to win a single tournament ,😃😃😃😃 well no problem( try try but don't cry )🤣🤣🤣.
Well if I got a chance to get a chance to win 10 wood nymph that will be awesome for me to get them.
Thank you and a lot of love @monstermother for a cool give away.

You won't be able to win 10 wood nymphs. Limited to 3 per person.
But thanks for joining. Nice to hear at least someone had a great season :0)

Started to play SM less than week ago and managed to get to Gold II which is good enough not investing too much :)
Obviously still most of the teams are weak, so would be cool to get Wood Nympth x 3 to get Earth stronger

That's quite an achievement, to get to gold 2 after a week. Congrats!
I've taken note.

Very novice here just three days and Silver II for season end
Would love Wood Nymph x 3. She is real cutie

this season is kinds hard i have buy more card to lvl my green deck up but i still only dimon 2 last sesmon i dont spend so much money but i was dimon 2. so they make it hard every seasonor what. and old ppl who join game 1 they got good card. this sesaon i spend alot of money but i dont move up hmm.
i will like to have wood nymph

The game has been annoying since reward cards came into picture. I would have liked it better if they kept giving regular cards but in very limited quantity.

P. S. Dont need any more vampires or archers :). Got loads of them myself.

Lol, sorry @mightypanda, I assumed most people would.

They should have sticked with the XP, but of course, there is no money to be made when people can level their cards by playing them. I get that they had to do something to get the booster packs sales back up. Giving packs for DQs and season rewards wasn't sustainable either.

It's so sad to see them destroy all the potential the game had to become a success...

I have not played steem monster nor will I. I just don't have the time , money or understanding of the game. I did win a pack last week and received this card

Now what do I do

I’ll buy that card from you for 20 steem😁

Posted using Partiko iOS

what a deal LOL
I still a little in awe about that card

Lol it’s a cool looking card. You should let me sell it for you and we can split the profits 😉😅😀

Posted using Partiko iOS

no problem send me $219.00 or $214.oo and you keep the rest. I am sure you could use it or make a good profit from it

That’ll probably be all I can get for it lol

Posted using Partiko iOS

Well I might drop down some but not much. It’s hard to say with only speculations.

Good luck man 🤞🏾 I hope you get a decent amount for it.

Posted using Partiko iOS

You don’t have to send me any cards. My fire to play the game has burnt out. I’m selling every card I own and have been doing so since last week. I still like the game and enjoy playing from time to time but it’s to hard now to see a decent return on my investment. I even bought 500 packs last week as a test to see what I’d pull and if I could at least make my money back. Long story short, I’ve decided to sell all my cards. I think the steem and sbd would do me better sitting in my steemit account. I’ve been champion 1 plenty of times and also champion 2 and 3. I also had a maxed out death splinter deck as well. Still, personally, I don’t feel like I came out on top after everything. I actually lost a few hundred. It hasn’t taken me long to sell most of my cards though. I’ve sold almost $1000 worth and still have a few hundred to go. If you are thinking about selling, I’d do so sooner than later. The cards may drop in value the longer you wait. It’s still one of the best card games I’ve played but all the recent changes make it too hard for me to earn additional income from the game.

Posted using Partiko iOS

Hi @artbyclark
thanks for your reply. You confirm what I had already noticed - lots of people are selling.
I listed my spare cards today, will start selling everything but my main account (for now) tomorrow.

I simply don't get that they refuse to understand that with every change they have made these last couple of months, they have made the game less attractive. They had the world in their hands - everything was there for the game to become a huge success, and still they keep making the wrong decisions ... out of greed, I'm afraid...

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