STEEM MONSTERS cartography challenge - A WORLD within a GIGANTIC CRATER

Woah! Its been a long time since I posted Steemies! BUT IM BACK, and this time, my inspiration is the fantastic STEEM MONSTERS card game which @aggroed and @yabapmatt are putting together..... Its having a HUGE impact already having raised $10,000 worth of steem in as many days and Its only JUST getting started! I reckon its set to pull a LOT of people in to the steemisphere. If you haven't checked it out yet do it here:

I love games and the best thing about Steem Monsters is that the community gets to wade in and shape the game with our creativity so I felt FINALLY that it was time to get creative and make my first steempost for about 3 months! Thankyou steem monsters :D

SO, the challenge was to create a map for this new fantasy world to be set in. Im not super great at using digital art programs but I gave it a go. Im using speedypainter and a wacom pen tablet, but to be honest, the program leaves a LOT to be desired! Anyway.....enough is the map I drew:

Steem Monsters Map_1 cropped.jpg

I realise its a bit small.....I guess I should have drawn it bigger. But you get the idea. Now let me explain it.


Far, far away in the hidden depths of space there was a gray planet called MoneyRock. It was ALWAYS gray. There was no night and no day, only Gray, Gray and more Gray. This planet was only populated by bankers, lawyers and insurance firms and life was unimaginably dull. UNTIL ONE FATEFUL DAY a magical shooting star plummeted on to its surface and caused a catastrophicly gargantuan crater to erupt from the hopeless monotony. It released a vast quantity of water that had lain dormant beneath the surface and an ocean of colour was born. Right in the middle of it, the star still burned with epic ferocity and cast glorious golden light all across the crater. Its magical alien qualities infused with the many elements that had erupted in to this collosal bowl and strange lifeforms began to emerge. The Steem Monsters were born! This was the year 0.0000001 (that fraction is always getting smaller) and shall forever be known as the Birth of Colours.

Now for some annotation:
Steem Monsters Map_1 ANNOTATED.jpg.png

  1. The Rainbow Star - The Bringer of Colours that gives the Crater is plethora of lifeforms. It has a core of molten gold that issues forth golden dragons from its swirling furnace

  2. The Frothing Sea - Where the waters meet the Rainbow Star they are constantly boiling. None but the hardiest of the water beasts can swim there. And In amongst the boiling waters are the Islands Of Fire where volcanic magma erupts out of the sea from the searing heat of the Rainbow star on the rock below. Islands form and strange vegetation thrive although this is predominently the territory of multifarious fire beasts.

  3. The Weeping Mountains - Huge, looming faces of craggy rock forced high in to the atmosphere by the force of the Rainbow stars impact. The tops of these peaks are beset by almost constant precipitation forming glacial snow drifts. Futher down the rains feed great rivers that pour down the cliffs and feed back to the oceans.

  4. Dark Cities - Deep in the cavernous mountain passes lay the ruins of the once sprawling cities of the GrayFolk. These dreadful complexes of crumbling insurance companies and impenetrable iron vaults are now inhabited by the purveyors of darkness who's twisted necromancers believe that the planet yearns to reject the Rainbow Star.

  5. The black beaches - Beneath the Weeping Mountains lay endless stretches of volcanic sand and ash, washed up by the frothing tides. Thousands of rivers snake their way from the mountains to the oceans edge where dark monsters can be found collecting corpses on the beaches to ferry home to their masters.

  6. The Undersea - Perhaps the most populous of all the regions is the undersea where the Waterfolk dwell in all manner of coral cities. Many have dealings and trade and ferocious battles with the folk above the water, but certainly there are unknown monstrosities deep in the ocean bed who are yet to introduce themselves....

  7. The Fairlands - A rich and diverse ecosystem covers the green sloping hills of the fairlands. Forests, plains and dense, wild shrublands make this a fertile landscape where many land dwelling Monsters make their homes. Though it can sometimes appear as a paradise, tensions can quickly mount and dissolve into tribal warfare.

  8. The Golden City - The imperial home of the golden dragons who chose a most idyllic hilltop location to build their grandiose fortresses and their vast libraries of ancient knowledge. Though their power is great, they must keep journeying back to the Rainbow Star to revitalise their lifeforce.

  9. The SteemVeil - Where the boiling frothing sea meets the Rainbow Star, huge clouds are Steem are emitted which pour upwards in to the air and act as a veil between the Star and the rest of the crater, to stop everything from roasting in the heat. The Steem rises up in to a dense layer above the crater and speads outwards towards the edges where it finally cools and becomes rain.

  10. The cloud city - Races of astral monsters have built the most beautiful far-seeing palaces atop the SteemVeil where they presume to know best for the populations below. Many regard them as the great protectors of the crater, while others fear their authority and some declare them as an oppressive force.

So there you go, thats one idea for the Steem Monster world. Please let me know what you immediate thought is that the whole crater could be ALOT bigger in scale. I imagine the WHOLE Steem Monster world to be contained within this hole, so that what look like islands could in fact be continents and we could zoom right in to find whole new territories in isolated areas, and all sort of strange and exuberant lore. Outside of the crater, the GrayFolk may still be thriving though they will never cross in to the crater because they cant STAND the light. Rarely do the monsters make their way out of the crater because they immediately get lumped with huge quantities of paperwork and almost inevitably get sued and end up with insurmountable debt.

Any ideas and amendments appreciated, I am sure that whatever direction the Steem Monsters World goes in, it will be open to all sorts of interpretation and will evolve like a beautiful 10 dimensional multiheaded slug.

Loads of love to you ALL
It feels great to be back posting again :)


Welcome back!!! :)

Looks like you got everything figured out. I honestly like it. The Cloud City and The Undersea reminds me of One Piece and I love OP. From the looks of it I see 5 potential big cities relative to their respective elements and all is very well thought. Well Done! :)

My only concern is this:

This was the year 0.0000001 (that fraction is always getting smaller) and shall forever be known as the Birth of Colours.

Not really sure if it would be a good idea to use upto 7decimal places for the year. Although I guess it has something to do with satoshis? Either way, awesome idea :)

haha. It was actually just an ill-thought out joke relating to crypto but I realise now it doesnt make ANY sense at all! haha. Glad you like the city concepts..... I guess there would be some sort of capital fire-settlement on one of the islands of fire and some sort of extensive jungle encampment in the fairlands which would see all of the elements have their own capital city. Thanks so much for coming and checking it out and giving some feedback, I really appreciate it :)

Basil I love your idea!!!! I don't know if the crater was something that was original discussed for the monster world, but if is yours, then bravo! I think it's genius! and you have my endorsement!

Glad to have you back, you enter with style and pezaz :D

thaaaanks anka! It was indeeed my idea to put it in a crater! haha, not sure if it'll fly with the devs but its a nice would be awesome to have any sort of impact on the game as it develops! Good to be back in the steemisphere ;) x

wow, i am thinking too small, you are creating a new world and I'm still in eastern europe. if i corresponded, id say pangor is from the fairlands tho i feel that is a misnomer as part of the fairlands needs a dark, misty black and ancient forest with strange creatures and supernatural beings.

YES! Then it shall be done.....I guess there should be pockets where the elemental types collide, your tragic pangor to be life and darkness? Or earth and darkness? There shall be a Dark Forest grown in his honour :) Mind you....I feel he would fit perfectly stalking the coastline of the black beaches collecting the skin off of washed up corpses. Perhaps his forest origins lie deep in the weeping mountains?

I considered that. He is earth, and neutral. not dark or light, but he gravitates towards the isolation of misty cold mountains where he can hide himself and live in peace. place the forest where you will.

A forest will be grown in his honour! I think you're right....and I guess that there would be pockets all over where the elemental types would collide. Your tragic Pangor being Life and Darkness? Or Earth and Darkness? The fairlands certainly need a bit of darkness injected.....perhaps a coastal cave network as well. I could also see Pangor on the other side of the crater, stalking the black beaches, collecting the skins of washed up corpses, so his dark forest origins could even lay deep in the weeping mountains!?

There he is! Getting in there with some Steemy monster chit-chat. Welcome back Bas me ol' fruit!

hahaay! Adam! Good tridings me ol' mucka. Hows the goodlife treating you over in the latin quarter?

Great thanks Bazzy, hope you're rockin' it in Norfolk!

I'm happy that you're back, Basil :D

good to be back ferg :) its been a long DARK absence, floating lost in space time, waiting for the signal.... hope you're well my friend, and the cards are carving a sympathetic destiny for you :)

I LOVE your description. You are so talented. Not just acting and music, but you would be a great writer too with your flip-flop energy (and I mean that in the greatest way!).

awww thankyou missV. What lovely compliments :D I will continue to flip-flop as best I can.......its just when the inspiration strikes!

Sending inspirational energy your way right NOW 😊

Nice to see you’re back posting Basil!

thanks brian. I had to take some time out, but something definitely feels missing without steemit! I hope you're well my friend :) I mean to go back through your blog and catch up on all your film making shenanigans!

Interesting concept! And thanks for dropping by my post. I am excited about this project as well and definitely looking forward to it. Like what you are doing and gave you a follow!

thanks culgin :) glad you liked it! I definitely see this game growing in popularity BIG TIME!! :D :D It could be great news for steemit and steem!

hahaha. Nice story homez..

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