Ten Things I Love About Steemit

In between getting sick this week, getting shat by the Grumpy Cat and the overall negativity of the platform lately has made me slow down a bit in the engagement department. Yet I have not left as I still read albeit not commenting much and look over some of the Discord communities.


From Unsplash - Anthony DELANOIX

Even with all the drama and flaws that Steemit has, it still has a lot of great things in it and so here is some of the Ten Things I Love about Steemit.

  1. Steemit has made me be the truest version of myself as I have been able to remove the mask of needing to look strong and living a successful life. It is a place where I am able to freely admit that I am not doing okay and my depression does not define me.

  2. It gave me the freedom to explore and start writing again. I am able to write fiction pieces and enjoy writing my thoughts and share my experiences. I have found the platform to be engaging and supportive for a largely untalented guy like me.

  3. It gave me a purpose of building communities and helping people. It stemmed from my own natural desire to help people and Steemit gave me an avenue to do that.

  4. I am able to mentor and guide people. This is a very fulfilling experience for me as I am motivated by seeing people succeed and become the best versions of themselves.

  5. Meeting new people. No other platform has been able to provide me to me a lot of interesting people that I grew to respect and love engaging with. A very diverse set of people from all over the world,

  6. It inspires me as I get to know people and read their stories. I marvel at their creativity and so I want to be able to do more.

  7. Support charities and advocacy that normally I would not have seen or heard off.

  8. Giving me the opportunity to travel and experience life in the safety of my chair. It is as if authors bring me to their country and showcase their country.

  9. To have love, lost and found again. Nuff said.

10, Deep human connections. It is a social media platform after all and so it is okay to develop feelings and look forward on connecting with them.

I made this in about 10 minutes. Started 11:10 AM while watching a series and ended 11:20 AM.

So that is my list if you are interested in doing this.


It's the ten things I love about the steemit platform challenge.
Not steem but steemit.
There is no time limit and your target goal is ten likes.
I do ask that you time how long it takes you to list ten things you love.
Tag your post #steemlove and make sure to add your time to the post.

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I love the ten things you love about Steemit and agree 100% with all of them! The ones that I can most relate to are - allowing to be myself, a person with flaws, bad days as well as good days! ; freedom to write and be creative ; engagement through people's posts and comments - that's how I met you and other amazing people! ; support other people's posts, inspire and get inspired by them.

Maybe I'll do my list, but it will probably be similar to your on some points hehe The only point I don't agree is about you being 'untalented' haha NO! You're very talented.

I can't believe you wrote that in 10 minutes! You keep amazing me with your time management haha 😁

The ones that I can most relate to are - allowing to be myself, a person with flaws, bad days as well as good days! ; freedom to write and be creative ; engagement through people's posts and comments - that's how I met you and other amazing people! ; support other people's posts, inspire and get inspired by them.

I think this is one of the reasons why I resonate with you and your writing. Are you really sure you are not me? Maybe you are the future me or an alternate dimension me and through the power of the internet we are talking hahaha

Lol you and Glen might rain down fire and brimstone on me as I say that I feel untalented. I think engagement is a talent of mine.

When you love something it is easy to say it unless you are a shy type and can't tell someone you love the person hahahaha. In our local language we call that "Torpe"

Nice ten things I love about Steemit list. I might take you up on the challenge.

However, I need to admit something here. I got distracted by this:

largely untalented guy like me

This better be you being humble, or I might have to channel all my frustration about plagiarism and steer it in your general direction. :)

All I'm going to say is, I enjoy reading your posts. They are always of interest to me, and they always make me want to comment. Contrary to popular belief, that doesn't happen a whole lot. Not to the extent that it does with your stuff. So, if that's being 'untalented,' you sure are talented at it.

Keep on keeping on. :)

Ooohh I would love to read yours Glen!!! Go on and do it!

I might have to channel all my frustration about plagiarism and steer it in your general direction. :)

Hahahaha you got me shaking in my boots there as I don't want that. Well, I have low self-esteem issues and I am not really one to think that I am good. I do however have a lot of grit and passion so whatever I lack with talent I make up with these two.

I consider myself more of an intuitive writer and not very technical nor journalistic. Maybe it stems from me being assignmed more lifestyle and features pieces when I wrote for our college paper and how I like stories and anecdotes and have a more conversational style of writing.

Thanks Glen and I always appreciate when you leave me your novels (comments) hhahahhaa

Don't worry I will keep writing as it is a drug that I can't get enough of. I was able to minimize my gaming hours just because I want to be in Steemit.

Yeah, I know. I instill fear in all that cross my path. :)

We probably all have something that we would consider a weakness, but we are generally also given strengths to overcome them, so as long as we're always trying to move forward, I think that's all that really matters.

At the same time, all of us can improve in anything we do. The battle is to make ourselves better, though, not compete or compare with someone else. The more we improve, the better we'll be, and in the process, we might find ourselves surpassing others as a result.

Maybe I should start handing out bookmarks for my comments, too. :)

Wonderful list and a solid platform to rebuild from. I think if we can get people focusing on ten positives per day we can reshape this place into a thriving platform. The whales have had two years to figure this out but continue to do the same old thing. Hard fork's for mass profits will only keep the place a float for so long.

Thank you Eroded for doing such a challenge as it was really fun to think of the reasons why we love steemit with all its flaws and dramas. We are still able to see the good in people.

Indeed if people would just care more about the people and being able to change things rather than the bottom line then Steem can be used to better the lives of a lot of people not just through monetary rewards but also spiritual and emotional.

A lot of people are using it as a cash cow when they can do more.

Steemit is indeed a very wonderful platform and there so many reasons why I love it. I am glad to know yours. :) This is a fun challenge :)

Do the challenge! Make your list as we all need the positivity in the platform!

hi buddy - great one, i also posted about this positivity vs criticism thing.

Thanks and I read it and it was great that you have such an outlook. No wonder you are excited about it because you clearly show that you care.

We all could use some positivity in the platform.

Most of your "the ten things that you like about Steemit" are the same as mine. I'd like to make my ten things as well. Hehehe

My comment is late as I already saw your 10 things hahahhaa great list btw!

What you list here are the same reasons I stay on this platform. I make little on my posts, although it has started kicking up and doing good lately, it is not the reason why I come here and actually, its not the bonus part like I use to think. The bonus part is the replies, the engagement with the people. I get more excited to see someone commenting on my post than I do on how much people upvote. The interaction is what is most important to me. It is what makes me feel good :)

The interaction is what is most important to me. It is what makes me feel good :)

Indeed FS that is what's important I like to see the engagement, of people talking and commenting about a thought or idea that i have.

It is a great feeling to people engaged.

Your journey on steemit is indeed a great venture. We owe steemit a lot for bringing out the better person in us. The writing; many of us started blogging because of steemit and our writing gets better by the day as we engage more in various activities on steemit.

I agree that steemit is a wonderful were we are able to unleash our creativity.

I do want to think that I am a better person as well and hopefully my writing has improved but at least I am having fun, I am reading so much stuff and learning. Best thing of all I am connecting with people.

We feel very well here. Express your feelings very easily. I earn with that. How good is the system

Thank you is was easy to express because I do love it.

I couldn't agree more with the 10 things you like about it! I would have responded the same as you, especially about meeting people. Now I just wish I could meet everyone in person one day =)

You should do the challenge as well Eve! Let us spread some positivity.

Haha I would be glad to see FT if he does decide to do that haha.

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