Steemit Art, Food, & Photo Gallery in a virtual world Idea - Are you interested?

in #steemland8 years ago (edited)

Virtual gallery where steemit users could see / show art and photos of many users and potentially be rewarded for visiting the gallery.

1. Would you be interested in displaying your work in a virtual world Steemit Gallery?

2. Would you be interested in visiting a virtual world Steemit Gallery?

3. Would you be interested in earning steem for being involved with this idea?

There is some interest in something of a Steemland in a virtual world. Also the possibility of a virtual Steemfest. Maybe some events of some sort held in a virtual world with some interested groups. Not everyone will be interested in a virtual world. But for those that are. Thought is to create a place where users could share their creations.

Some users submitted their art to be displayed. Some also came to play some games such as poker. Other came to check it out. Appears there needs to be more of a reason for people to visit and explore such a place. Of course this would make sense.

What if a place is built that would show off a mixture art work, picture of food linked to recipes, and photography of steemit users. There may or may not be a fee for this service depending on the costs and the revenue earned from posts about this project.

Optionally if there is interest some users could have more of something like a booth set up with with numerous pictures. This could possibly serve as an easier way to essentially view a bunch steemit content. By way of seeing many pictures in a virtual world that can be viewed with an avatar more like in real life. Anyone could go visit and walk around and look at the many pictures of steemit user creations.

Part of my reason for exploring some idea of a possible SteemLand is that virtual worlds and steemit have an idea in common that users can create and share their own content. Users would not have to create in the virtual world or even go there. Steemland can offer to share their work as a service. And this service would extend to showing the art to interested users.

Visitors could be rewarded for visiting the virtual world museum. This could be a mixture of ideas such as random givers that give out bits of bitcoin as that is the base currency of YrGrid which is the virtual world I am considering for this idea. Users could then withdraw the bitcoin on their own potentially. Although these amounts may be too small to consider such because of transaction fees. But we could offer a service to accept the bitcoin there and give users STEEM and/or Steem Dollars for the tokens they collected from visiting Steemland and viewing steemit users works.

This could serve as a way to reward users with lower levels of Steem Power. There would be no cost. Just having a computer that is able to run the viewer for the virtual world of YrGrid. Which some have trouble with because of the higher graphic (card demand for the resources of the virtual world. There is also a lighter client that uses less resources. Will go further in detail in other posts. Or you may see other #steemland posts to find more information.

Example of an avatar viewing art in a virtual world


Please feel free to express ideas / thoughts!

Addition / Edit: Re: how can we help?

  • How can you help? - Please feel free to leave a comment how you may help.
  • Where? - SecondLife and/or YrGrid - There are advantages and disadvantages to both.
  • Land in Second Life - Would you like to be a host of part of this Steemland idea?
  • Builders - Could use some help building structure and scenery
  • Scripters - Could use help scripting some basic objects.
  • Community - How may we find people interested?, Who do you know that may be interested?
  • Content - What users creations would you like to share or see?
  • Visitor Traffic - How will we get (new) users interested enough to visit this idea?

As an added note to think about, Second Life, like others, has been against idea of bitcoin / cryptocurrencies. So not exactly sure how they may react. Might be fine to just use links to send people to pages just like any other website and minimally mention the idea of 'cryptocurrency'. This is part of my reason of thinking about YrGrid which uses bitcoin where presenting another crypto would not pose as a problem.

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#steemland #art #food #photography #beyondbitcoin


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